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Student Name Professor Name English Day Month Year Tribute Speech Attention statement: They say that a load of books does not equal one good teacher. Thesis statement: Today I would like to tell you about people who have influenced my life to the great extend, and these people are my teachers. Point preview: I feel really lucky because during my studies I was taught and inspired by such outstanding people, who not only gave me knowledge, but also performed other, sometimes even more important than education, functions. Significance of Subject: It is because of the example they showed to us we became not only more educated, but also received the preparation for our grown-up lives and had the extraordinary role-models to follow. Main point one: Today is a very special day. Today we recognize the impact our teachers have made on us. Today we honor our teachers, who have shaped our personalities and helped us to become more confident and prepared for the real life. Also today we want to say thank you for the knowledge they gave us. This knowledge will be the foundation for our future growth and development. Main point two: Still, the functions that our teachers have performed are much more diverse and important. In different situations were as smart as parents, as supporting as real friends and as inspiring as mentors for us. They gave us confidence that we are strong enough to be successful and achieve new horizons all the time. Summary statement: This is why I would like to say a thousands thanks to these remarkable people and wish them energy and inspiration to treat the next generations of students in the way they have treated us.

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