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uSnP 1rusLees Lake sLeps Lo ensure sLudenL safeLy conLlnues Lo be a prlorlLy

!""# %& - 1he unlverslLy SysLem of new Pampshlre 8oard of 1rusLees ls reLalnlng Lhe servlces
of former ALLorney Ceneral Mlchael A. uelaney, a parLner ln Lhe McLane Law llrm, Lo conducL a
sysLem-wlde examlnaLlon of pollcles and pracLlces relaLed Lo sLudenL safeLy. unrelaLed
lncldenLs aL Lhe unlverslLy of new Pampshlre and keene SLaLe College prompLed Lhe 8oard of
1rusLees Lo requesL an lndependenL revlew of sysLem-wlde reporLlng pracLlces relaLlng Lo sLaff

uSnP 8oard Chalr, amela ulamanLls, noLed LhaL 1he 8oard ls fully saLlsfled LhaL presldenLs
PuddlesLon and PuoL have Laken swlfL and approprlaLe acLlon on Lhelr campuses. As are Lhe
presldenLs, Lhe 8oard ls lnLeresLed ln obLalnlng a revlew of all sLudenL lncldenL reporLlng
pollcles and pracLlces across Lhe sysLem wlLh Lhe lnLenL of promoLlng besL pracLlces. We are
pleased LhaL Mlke uelaney wlll be leadlng Lhls lmporLanL and Llmely efforL."

SLudenL safeLy ls always paramounL," sLaLed uSnP Chancellor 1odd Leach. 1he unlverslLy
SysLem of new Pampshlre 8oard of 1rusLees [olns wlLh Lhe resldenLs ln expecLlng LhaL
campuses wlll noL LoleraLe any sLaff mlsconducL Loward sLudenLs, and Lo also expecL prompL
reporLlng and full compllance wlLh reporLlng requlremenLs and pollcles. We are always looklng
for ways Lo lmprove our pracLlces especlally as Lhey relaLe Lo campus safeLy."

under 8oard leadershlp, Mlke uelaney wlll underLake a sysLem-wlde assessmenL of currenL
pollcles and procedures relaLed Lo compllance, ln parLlcular wlLh respecL Lo reporLlng
allegaLlons of mlsconducL. 1he feedback ls expecLed Lo lead Lo conLlnuous lmprovemenLs ln
pracLlces across all campuses LhaL help ensure Lhe safeLy and securlLy of our sLudenLs," sald
Chalr ulamanLls.

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