Lesson Plan Monday

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Family Heritage

Social Studies On Grade Level

Monday Lesson 1- Identifying country(s) of origin, America, Connecticut, and Groton on maps

Goal 1- Students will identify their country(s) of origin, America, Connecticut, and Groton on the world, National and State maps, respectively. Cognitive Objectives: 1.1 Given the World, National and State maps, students will identify and label their countries of origin, America, Connecticut, and Groton using the checklist all of the time. Affective Objectives: 1.2 Students will respectfully discuss in groups the location of their countries of origin, America, Connecticut, and Groton using the rubric scale with a 3 or higher. Resources/ Materials: World Map America Map Connecticut Map Colored pencils Erasers

Teaching Strategies/ Methods: 9:00-9:10 Students will be welcomed into the classroom and asked to put away their coats and backpacks. Their desks set up in U shape to start. Then explain the weeks lesson of family heritage and countries of origin. Also there will be the statement that everyone has a different background and that it is good to learn from other peoples experience. It is important to remember that we are all people and all deserve respect and

understanding. To better understand ourselves we need to learn about others. To begin our study of each others past as well as our own we must start with a bit of geography. 9:10-9:30 We are going to have a pre assessment. There will be three maps, on the first one please color on and label your country of origin and America. On the second map please color in and label Connecticut. On the third map please color in and label Groton. Each map will have directions to remind you of your task. I will give out each map one at a time, please raise your hand when you are done with one map and I will give you the next one. If you do not know where a place is please write the name of the place in the margins with a star next to it. This is only to get a starting point, do not worry if you have trouble. Collect assessment at 9:30 9:30-9:40 Now we will work in two groups of five. The tables will be set up like: will discuss the location of their countries of origin are as well as the location of America, Connecticut and Groton.


9:40-10:00 Then after explaining what is expected we will reposition the desks and then begin working in groups, switching groups at 9:47 to help students see different perspectives of the other students. 10:00-10:30 Students will be asked to put their desks back into the U shape. We will discuss the activity and how they felt about it. Then we will discuss the homework on line and require them to make a map using the website and chart where their family is from, where they moved to, to America then to Groton. It will be necessary to either print it out or email it to me for tomorrows class. Homework/Connection with Home: Given on Monday, due Tuesday Create a map using: http://education.nationalgeographic.com/education/mapping/interactive-map?ar_a=1

The final product can be emailed to me or printed out on the world map view, America map view, and the Connecticut map view. If possible the print version would be preferred. Parents may help by offering suggestions of markers and arrows or if they have trouble locating a country or place. However, this homework assignment is the students responsibility and should be done by them. Please help only if your child requests and guide them to the answer instead of giving them the answer, this will help cultivate their critical thinking skills. Directions: Start with the world map view Starting point is their country/countries of origin Use markers to identify each country lived in Then move to the America map view Place a marker in each state the student had lived in The last marker should be in Connecticut Then move to the Connecticut map view Students should mark the town they currently live in and where their school is locates, general area. All markers should be connected by arrows or lines showing the direction of movement, from countries of origin to Groton.

Assessment Assessment Checklist Worksheet Rubric Prezi Blog

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