Lesson Plan Thurdsay

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Family Heritage

Social Studies On Grade Level

Thursday Lesson 4- Review: Heritage, Countries of Origin, America, Connecticut, and Groton.

Goal 4- Students will share their illustrated family trees with the class then review all the objectives from Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday in order to prepare for the post assessment. Cognitive Objectives: 1.1 Given the World, National and State maps, students will identify and label their countries of origin, America, Connecticut, and Groton using the checklist all of the time. 2.1 Using the links provided students will create a project showing their heritage and country of origin using a checklist. 2.2 The students will present their projects using visual and spoken methods, with score of 3 or better on the rubric scale. 3.1 Using a self-made questionnaire by the teacher, students will compare and contrast their countries of origin and heritage with a score of three or better on the rubric scale. 4.1 Students will use objectives 1.1, 2.1, and 3.1 to take the post-assessment with a three or higher on the rubric scale. Affective Objectives: 4.2 Students will use their family tree map to explain their family heritage. This will need a 3 or higher using the rubric scale.

Resources/ Materials:

Review worksheet Test Pencils Pens

Teaching Strategies/ Methods: 9:00-9:10 Welcome students in and ask them to put their backpacks and coats away. The desks will be set up in a U. Outline the class by explaining they will first share their family tree that were completed for homework, then after that there will be a review and then an assessment. Assure them there is nothing to worry over because they all participated throughout the week and everyone did well with the weeks activities. Then begin class with the presentations. 9:10-9:30 Students will stand at their desks and will explain their family tree such as the people, where they lived, what the symbols mean. Each student will have 2 minutes to present. When the students are done presenting they will turn their projects in for review and to hang up. Each student will be congratulated at the conclusion of their presentation. 9:30-9:50 Review countries, states, and regions on the map, review the countries figures. Look at American statistics for compare/contrast. Students will be allowed to jot down information but will not be allowed to use it on the test. 9:50-10:25 All papers are put away and only a pen, pencil and eraser are on the desks. Students are given Part A in portions, 1 map will be given at a time, first asked to identify country of origin and America by shading and labeling the location, when they are finished they will raise their hand the first map will be collected and will then give them the map of America asking them to identify Connecticut by shading and labeling the location. When they are finished they will raise their hand and the second map will be collected and then the third map, of Connecticut, will be given and they will be asked to identify the location of Groton. When they are finished the last map will be collected and Part B and Part C will be given. In Part B students will be given lined paper and asked to write one paragraph each

on their country of origin and one their assigned Connecticut figure. Part C will be a true false check list with explanation space for students to compare their country of origin with America. When finished all parts will be collected and stapled together. 10:25-10:30 Congratulate all students on their tests and remind them about the fieldtrip tomorrow. Remind them to arrive by 7:00am for the field trip and to bring souvenir money and snacks if they want, although some will be provided. Please no backpacks and do not be late!

Family Tree Rubric

Review Maps Review Worksheet

Maps Test Maps Rubric

Writing Prompt Test Writing Prompt Rubric

Compare and Contrast Test Compare and Contrast Rubric

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