Proposal 2nd Draft Final

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To: Rebecca Agosta From: Vernica Vargas Guadalupe Date: February 21, 2014 Subject of Inquiry: The change

of identity that Hispanic immigrants go through when they come to the United States. Initial Inquiry Subject: I was thinking of doing a research on the way people change when they move from their country and come to the United States. Most of them have to leave their families behind, learn a new culture and make new friends. I also wanted to investigate the identities of the children pf those immigrants because there are a lot of immigrants who have kids after they come to the United States. I think that is really interesting because I know some people that come to the United States and forget the values they have learned and they just adapt to the new way, or better said, the American way. Unlike others, who always have their country and their culture in their thoughts and heart. It would be really interesting to learn about the people who were born here but were taught a different culture and how the coped with it. I am an immigrant and I actually still value my culture but I also like to learn about the culture here. I would like to try and figure out if a persons identity is completely changed when they immigrate to the United States or if they just hide it away in order to make space for the new one they have to create in order to fit in. Methods: I could interview immigrants, or kids who were born here but their parents or grandparents are immigrants, and ask them about their experiences here in the United States and see their point of view in the subject. Then, I could interview their friends to see if they think the same way because sometimes people do not want to admit or they are not aware of that they have grown apart from their native culture. I could also observe how they act and interact with people from their same country and then compare it to how they interact with people from the United States. A good way to find and observe these people would be in the Latin American Student Organization (LASO) weekly meetings, because I am already a part of that organization. Another way I could get some information and personal experiences is to find blogs in which immigrants write their experiences. I could also make some surveys asking questions that culd tell me their Questions: 1. Are you an immigrant or were you born here and your parents are immigrants? 2. What is your (or their) native country? 3. How long have you or your family been in the United States?

4. Do parents play a big role or do a great effort in teaching their kids about their native culture after moving to the United States? 5. Which language do immigrants speak the most? (at home, with friends, etc) 6. What kind of people do immigrants hang out with more often? (Americans or people from their same country or etc) and how does that affect their personality and how they act/think about other immigrants from same country or similar Hispanic countries? 7. Do immigrants still practice any rituals or anything in particular that they used to do when they were still living in their country? If so, what are those? 8. When people ask an immigrant where they are from , Do they feel proud, embarrassed or just how do they feel when they have to answer that question? 9. Do immigrants celebrate American holidays, their native countrys holidays or both? And which ones do they feel are more important? 10. Even if they were not born here, do immigrants consider themselves as an American? And if so, what does that word mean to them? 11. Does being an illegal immigrant make it harder to adapt to the new culture compared to a legal immigrant? 12. Do the opinions or attitudes of Americans towards immigrants have a great effect of the way immigrants feel/think/view themselves? 13. How do immigrants deal with the two cultures they have to endure? Do they mesh them together as one or do they just simply act one way with their families and another way with everyone else making them have two separate identities/personalities? 14. Does having contact or any kind of relationship with other immigrants affect their way of how the feel about themselves? Ex.(Do they feel more Hispanic than American just because of who they spend their time and hang out with?

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