'Peace' of The Dead: The Truth Behind The Nuclear Disarmers (Brief EXTRACTS With Supporting Data For Teaching Purposes)

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Paul Mercer Foreword by Lord Chalfont, OBE, MC, PC (1986 book by Paul Mercer, a Mole sent into the CND's head office in London by Dr Julian Lewis of Policy Research) “I personally need no lessons on how to combat ‘anti-Sovietism’ in the peace movement from armchair peace campaigners. The consistent stand of CND for unilateral nuclear disarmament and withdrawal from NATO has been won by working as Com- munists in a principled non-sectarian way.”—CND Vice- President, John Cox' “We speak for the better instincts of the British people and have a stronger legitimacy than the electoral arithmetic ..."—CND Vice-Chairman, Dan Smith? “The CND of today is predominantly a broad-left front.”— Guardian commentator, Peter Jenkins' “The stark facts are that CND .... have always been soft on the USSR. Within the CND’s files there are paper resolutions oppos- ing Soviet weaponry but little with any subsequent concrete action.”—Green CND Spokesman, John Marjoram* “| believe that our work in destroying the ‘big lie’ about the Soviet threat is one of the most important things we do...”"— CND Vice-President, John Cox* “We owe a debt of gratitude to the Morning Star newspaper, which has given steady, honest and generous coverage of the whole disarmament case ... We are partners in the cause for peace in this world."—CND General Secretary, Bruce Kent* “MAN OF PEACE DIES’—Morning Star, (Headline on the death of Soviet President and ex-KGB chief, Yuri Andropow)’ “The USSR is not Britain's enemy and CND must show this by exposing myths about its system and intentions instead of per- petuating them through emphasising human rights questions.”— CND Council Member. Vic Allen* “We need to put effort into attacking Britain's propensity for war. Britain is the most warring state of the last two centuries. Build- ing peace education is one important way of doing this ..."— CND Vice-Chairman, Dan Smith” “NATO. .. is an aggressive and anti-democratic alliance for put- ting down workers!"—CND Council Member, Judith Bonner" “I don't condemn the IRA bombings in public—| explain that they are a direct response to British policy—in some situations it's not useful to preach pacifism."—CND Council Member, Pat Arrowsmith'"" “If we cannot win now, there must be something wrong with us."—CND Chairman (1977), Bruce Kent" “For many [CND] campaigners the issue is simple. Without actually saying so, our intervention [in the 1983 General Elec- tion] should be designed to boost the Labour Candidate."—CND Projects Committee Chairman, James Hinton" Sources of quotations on back cover Morning Star, 8 January 1985 Confidential Memorandum, June 1983 The Guardian, 23 July 1980 The Guardian, 22 January 1985 Communist Focus, No. 14, December 1983 Morning Star, 14 November 1983 Morning Star, 11 February 1984 Election Booklet, CND Annual Conference, 1983 9 Confidential Memorandum, June 1983 10 Class Fighter, June/July 1983 11 Socialist Challenge, 4 June 1982 12 The Times, 28 November 1977 13 General Election Policy, Confidential Memorandum, April 1983 ahwn— OND Paul Mercer, who graduated from Nottingham University in 1982, isa political research consultant and author of several specialist books on military aviation. 4 The author (/eft) with one of his ‘sources’, Mgr Bruce Kent—former General Secretary of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.

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