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Palacios1 Bryan Palacios Professor Jacobs ENC 1102 April 16th, 2014 Annotated Bibliography Barth, Melissa E.

The Yellow Wallpaper. Masterplots: Short Story Series, Revised Edition (2004): 1-2. Literary Reference Center Plus. Web. 2 Apr. 2014.

The main points the author displays in this source are themes, meanings, style, and technique. What is useful towards the research project is themes and meanings. Also the source has a passage on the plot of the story in his words, thus strengthens the voice of the story in another persons perspective. The author, Melissa believes the theme to be that Jane is, Advocating womens rights to act and speak for herself. Also the author believes the cure that the husband makes Jane endure, symbolizes a silent madness. She elaborates more on this subject, which will be useful information towards my research project about the theme of the story. This source is very helpful but does not have a lot of material, thus making it one of the weaker sources of the bunch. The source is credible found on a librarys database. The author displays the theme to be about womens rights, but is objective and has no bias towards any feminist acts. The author also elaborates on Gilmans motivation to write the story based on similar situations with a womens role in society. This part will be useful for the biographical criticism part in the research project.

Palacios 2

Booth, Alison and Kelly J. Mays. The Norton Introduction to: Literature. 10th edition. New York: Norton, 2010. Print.

This source only contains the story itself and some background information on the author. It is helpful for the reading the story aspect and is the primary source. Even though it does not display direct theme topics or symbolism, it is a crucial source due to the fact it contains the whole the story. The topic it covers is about a women who goes through a mental breakdown due to maltreatment of her disease (postpartum depression), and in the end becomes completely insane. The source shows no bias. Through some research I found the story is somewhat objective, used to show the mistreatment of a womens disease in the 19th century. Also it is a credible source due to the fact it is a published college book. The main points are the plot, characters, theme, and symbols of the story. The source will contribute quotes that I will use to back up my assertions. Also, I will use examples from this source to provide support for my thesis statement.

Moss Joyce and G. Wilson "Works Vol. 2: Civil Wars to Frontier Societies (1800-1880s). Detroit: Gale, 1997. 422-428. Gale Virtual Reference Library.The Yellow Wallpaper." Literature and Its Times: Profiles of 300 Notable Literary Web. 15 Apr. 2014.

Palacios 3 This source has good material for the research project such as, in depth look at the characters, themes, and historical context revolving around the time the story was published. The topics it covers from history are, first wave feminism, women suffrage, and women in the workforce. She goes in depth with this because it relates to the reasoning behind the wring of the story for example she states, By far, the biggest issue that women fought for in the beginning of the twentieth century was suffrage. These topics will help out for the theme of the story in the project. The source is objective and shows no bias. It is also a credible source found on a college database. This source will be very helpful due to its historical context surrounding the story and the themes it displays in the authors eyes. For example, one of the topics is, womens roles and rights. I can use this to add material for the theme of the story and biographical criticism.

Thomas Ed, J. Schoenberg and Lawrence J. Trudeau "The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman." Twentieth-Century Literary Criticism. Vol. 201. Detroit: Gale, Cengage Learning, 2008. 266-376. Literature Criticism Online. Gale. . 1 April 2014

The main points that are emphasized are, the plot and major themes of the story. The author uses maltreatment of a disease, freedom, and gender roles as the themes of story. The author emphasizes that the severity of the narrators disease is

Palacios 4 worsened by the measure the antagonist uses to treat the narrator. Also the author displays freedom as a theme because the antagonist restricts the narrator to write and is locked up in a room. This source is helpful because of the key points it points out. It is also a credible source. The source goes in depth with the themes while also giving examples to explain the reasoning behind the assumptions. The source is objective with its evidence but is biased with its criticisms. The overall goal of this source is, to provide evidence behind why the author choose to state what the theme is and his criticisms. This source is one of the more helpful ones out of the five because of the main points it goes into.

"The Yellow Wallpaper." Short Stories for Students. Ed. Kathleen Wilson. Vol. 1. Detroit: Gale, 1997. 277-293. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 5 Apr. 2014.

The main points the author goes over in this source are, author biography, plot summary, characters, theme, and criticism. The source gives a better insight on Charlotte Perkins Gilmans life, which will provide much information on why she wrote this story. The topics the source covers under them are, role of women and mental illness. The author emphasizes that the symbols in the story are, the barred windows, nursery, and nailed down bed. As an example she states, The barred windows symbolize the emotional, social, and intellectual prison in which women of that era were kept. This portion will help out with symbolism in the project.

Palacios 5 This is a credible source and will serve as a good source for the research project because; of the main points and topics it covers. The source is objective and shows no bias. I will use this source by using its symbols topic to justify my assertions for my thesis.

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