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By: shobha kumari| 03 Jan 2012 8:48 am | 66384 times viewed | 10 Comments 1000 SAP ABAP Interview Questions

and Answers SAP R/3 ARCHITECTURE 1. W at !uarantees t e inte!ration o" a## a$$#i%ation &odu#es' The R/3 basis system guarantees the integration of all application modules. The R/3 basis s/w provides the run time environment for the R/3 applications ensures optimal integration, defines a stable architectural frame for system enhancements, and contains the administration tools for the entire system. One of the main tasks of the basis system is to guarantee the portability of the complete system. (. W at are t e %entra# inter"a%es o" t e R/3 s)ste&' Presentation nterface. !atabase nterface. Operating system nterface. 3. W i% inter"a%e %ontro#s w at is s own on t e $.%.' Presentation nterface. *. W i% inter"a%e %onverts SQ+ re,uire&ents in t e SAP deve#o$&ent s)ste& to t ose o" t e data-ase' !atabase nterface. .. W at is SAP dis$at% er' "#P dispatcher is the control agent that manages the resources for the R/3 applications. /. W at are t e "un%tions o" dis$at% er' $%ual distribution of transaction load to the work processes. &anagement of buffer areas in main memory. ntegration of the presentation levels. Organi'ation of communication activities. 0. W at is a wor1 $ro%ess' # work process is where individual dialog steps are actually processed and the work is done. $ach work process handles one type of re%uest. 2. 3a&e various wor1 $ro%esses o" R/3 s)ste&' !ialog or Online (processes only one re%uest at a time). *ackground ("tarted at a specific time) +pdate (primary or secondary) $n%ue (,ock mechanism). "pool (generated online or during back ground processing for printing). 4. E5$#ain a-out t e two servi%es t at are used to dea# wit %o&&uni%ation. &essage "ervice- +sed by the application servers to e.change short internal messages, all system communications. /ateway "ervice- $nables communication between R/3 and e.ternal applications using 0P 10 protocol. 10. W i% wor1 $ro%ess tri!!ers data-ase % an!es' +pdate work process. 11. 6e"ine servi%e 7wit in R/38' # service is a process or group of processes that perform a specific system function and often provide an application1programming interface for other processes to call. 1(. W at are t e ro## and $a!e areas' Roll and page areas are "#P R/3 buffers used to store user conte.ts (process re%uests). The "#P dispatcher assigns process re%uests to work processes as they are %ueued in the roll and page areas. Paging area holds data from the application programs. Roll area holds data from previous dialog steps and data that characteri'e the user. 13. W at are t e di""erent #a)ers in R/3 s)ste&' Presentation ,ayer. #pplication ,ayer. !atabase ,ayer. 1*. W at are t e $ ases o" -a%1!round $ro%essin!' 2ob "cheduling. 2ob Processing. 2ob Overview. 1.. W at %o&$onents o" t e R/e s)ste& initiate t e start o" -a%1!round 9o-s at t e s$e%i"ied ti&e' The batch scheduler initiates the start of background 3ob. The dispatcher then sends this re%uest to an available background work process for processing. 1/. 6e"ine Instan%e. #n instance is an administrative unit in which components of an R/3 systems providing one or more services are grouped together. The services offered by an instance are started and stopped at random. #ll components are parameteri'ed using a 3oint instance profile. # central R/3 system consists of a single instance in which all1necessary "#P services are offered. $ach instance uses separate buffer areas. 10. :ro& ardware $ers$e%tive; ever) in"or&ation s)ste& %an -e divided into t ree tas1 areas Presentation; A$$#i%ation +o!i% and 6ata Stora!e. The R/3 *asis software is highly suitable for use in multi1level client/server architectures. 12. W at are R/3 Basis %on"i!urations' # central system with centrally installed presentation software. Two1level client/server system with rolled out presentation software. Two1level client/server system. Presentation and #pplication run on the same computer. Three1level client/server system. Presentation, #pplication and database each run on separate computers. 14. W at is a Servi%e in SAP ter&ino#o!)' # service refers to something offered by a s/w component. (0. W at is Server in SAP ter&ino#o!)' # component can consist of one process or a group and is then called the server for the respective service. (1. W at is a %#ient in SAP ter&ino#o!)' # "/4 component that uses the service (offered by a s/w component) is called a 0lient. #t the same time these clients may also be servers for other services. ((.W at is a SAP s)ste&' The union of all s/w components that are assigned to the same databases is called as a "#P system. (3. W at is t e &eans o" %o&&uni%ations -etween R/3 and e5terna# a$$#i%ations' The means of communication between R/5,R/3 and e.ternal applications is via the 0P 10 handler or "#P /ateway, using the 0P 10 Protocol. (*. W at is t e $roto%o# used -) SAP <atewa) $ro%ess' The "#P /ateway process communicates with the clients based on the T0P/ P Protocol. (.. E5$and CPI=C.

0ommon Program nterface 0ommunication. (/. W at is a S$oo# re,uest' "pool re%uests are generated during dialog or background processing and placed in the spool database with information about the printer and print format. The actual data is places in the Tem "e (Temporary "e%uential ob3ects). (0. W at are di""erent t)$es o" +o! re%ords' 67 and 65. 67 must be processed before 65. *ut, we can have more than one 65 logs. (2. W at are t e t)$es o" U$date re,uests' #n update re%uest can be divided into one primary (67) and several "econdary update components (65). Time1critical operations are placed in 67 component and those whose timing is less critical are placed in 65 components. f a 67 update fails, 65 components will not be processed. (4. 6ia#o! wor1 $ro%esses $er"or& on#) one dia#o! ste$ and t en avai#a-#e "or t e ne5t re,uest. 30. E5$#ain w at is a transa%tion in SAP ter&ino#o!). n "#P terminology, a transaction is series of logically connected dialog steps. 31. E5$#ain ow SAP <UI and#es out$ut s%reen "or t e user. The "#P front1end s/w can either run on the same computer or on different computers provided for that purpose. +ser terminal input is accepted by the "#P terminal program "#P /+ , converted to "#P proprietary format and sent to the "#P dispatcher. The dispatcher coordinates the information e.change between the "#P /+ s and the work processes. The dispatcher first places the processing re%uest in re%uest %ueues, which it then processes. The dispatcher dispatches the re%uests one after another, to the available work process. The actual processing takes place in the work process. 4hen processing is complete, the result of a work process is returned via the dispatcher to the "#P /+ . The "#P /+ interprets the received data and generates the output screen for the user. 6ATA 6ICTI>3AR? 1. W at are t e #a)ers o" data des%ri$tion in R/3' 8 The e.ternal layer. 8 The #*#P/9 layer. 8 The database layer. (. 6e"ine e5terna# #a)er' The e.ternal layer is the plane at which the user sees and interacts with the data, that is, the data format in the user interface. This data format is independent of the database system used. 3. 6e"ine ABAP/* #a)er' The #*#P/9 layer describes the data formats used by the #*#P/9 processor. *. 6e"ine 6ata-ase #a)er' The database layer describes the data formats used in the database. .. W at is a 6ata C#ass' The !ata class determines in which table space the table is stored when it is created in the database. /. W at is a Si@e Cate!or)' The "i'e category describes the probable space re%uirement of the table in the database. 0. How &an) t)$es o" si@e %ate!ories and data %#asses are t ere' There are five si'e categories (:19) and 77 data classes only three of which are appropriate for application tables8 #PP,:1 &aster data (data fre%uently accessed but rarely updated). 8 #PP,71 Transaction data (data that is changed fre%uently). 8 #PP,51 Organi'ational data (customi'ing data that is entered when system is configured and then rarely changed). The other two types are8 +"R 8 +"R7 ; ntended for customer<s own developments. 2. W at are %ontro# ta-#es' The values specified for the si'e category and data class are mapped to database1specific values via control tables. 4. W at is t e "un%tion o" t e trans$ort s)ste& and wor1-en% or!ani@er' The function of the transport system and the 4orkbench Organi'er is to manage any changes made to ob3ects of the #*#P/9 !evelopment 4orkbench and to transport these changes between different "#P systems. 10. W at is a ta-#e $oo#' # table pool (or pool) is used to combine several logical tables in the #*#P/9 !ictionary. The definition of a pool consists of at least two key fields and a long argument field (6#R!#T#). 11. W at are $oo#ed ta-#es' These are logical tables, which must be assigned to a table pool when they are defined. Pooled tables can be used to store control data (such as screen se%uences or program parameters). 1(. W at is a ta-#e %#uster' # table cluster combines several logical tables in the #*#P/9 !ictionary. "everal logical rows from different cluster tables are brought together in a single physical record. The records from the cluster tables assigned to a cluster are thus stored in a single common table in the database. 13. How %an we a%%ess t e %orre%tion and trans$ort s)ste&' $ach time you create a new ob3ect or change an e.isting ob3ect in the #*#P/9 !ictionary, you branch automatically to the 4orkbench Organi'er or correction and transport system. 1*. W i% o-9e%ts are inde$endent trans$ort o-9e%ts' !omains, !ata elements, Tables, Technical settings for tables, "econdary for transparent tables, "tructures, 6iews, &atchcode ob3ects, &atchcode ds, ,ock ob3ects. 1.. How is %onversion o" data t)$es done -etween ABAP/* A 6B #a)er' 0onversion between #*#P/9 data types and the database layer is done within the database interface. 1/. How is %onversion o" data t)$es done -etween ABAP/* A e5terna# #eve#' 0onversion between the e.ternal layer and the #*#P/9 layer is done in the "#P dialog manager !=>P. 10. W at are t e 6ata t)$es o" t e e5terna# #a)er' #00P, 0har, 0,>T, 0+?=, 0+RR, !#T", !$"0, @,TP, >T7, >T5, >T9, ,#>/, ,0AR, ,R#4, >+&0, PR$0, B+#>, R#4, T &", +> T,6#R0. 12. W at are t e 6ata t)$es o" t e ABAP/* #a)er' Possible #*#P/9 data types0- 0haracter. !- !ate, format ====&&!!. @- @loating1point number in !O+*,$ PR$0 " O> (C bytes). - nteger. >- >umerical character string of arbitrary length. P- #mount of counter field (packedD implementation depends on h/w platform). "- Time "tamp ====&&!!AA&&"". 6- 0haracter string of variable length, length is given in the first two bytes.

E- Ae.adecimal (binary) storage. 14. How %an we set t e ta-#e s$a%es and e5tent si@es' =ou can specify the e.tent si'es and the table space (physical storage area in the database) in which a transparent table is to be stored by setting the si'e category and data class. (0. W at is t e "un%tion o" t e %orre%tion s)ste&' The correction system manages changes to internal system components. "uch as ob3ects of the #*#P/9 !ictionary. (1. W at are #o%a# o-9e%ts' ,ocal ob3ects (!ev classFT&P) are independent of correction and transport system. ((. W at is a 6eve#o$&ent %#ass' Related ob3ects from the #*#P/9 repository are assigned to the same development class. This enables you to correct and transport related ob3ects as a unit. (3. W at is a data di%tionar)' !ata !ictionary is a central source of data in a data management system. ts main function is to support the creation and management of data definitions. t has details about 8 4hat data is containedG 8 4hat are the attributes of the dataG 8 4hat is the relationship e.isting between the various data elementsG (*. W at "un%tions does a data di%tionar) $er"or&' n a data management system, the principal functions performed by the data dictionary are 8 &anagement of data definitions. 8 Provision of information for evaluation. 8 "upport for s/w development. 8 "upport form documentation. 8 $nsuring that the data definitions are fle.ible and up1to1date. (.. W at are t e "eatures o" ABAP/* 6i%tionar)' The most important features are8 ntegrated to a#*#P/9 !evelopment 4orkbench. 8 #ctive in the runtime environment. (/. W at are t e uses o" t e in"or&ation in t e 6ata di%tionar)' The following information is directly taken from the !ata dictionary8 nformation on fields displayed with @7 help. 8 Possible entries for fields displayed with @9 help. 8 &atchcode and help views search utilities. (0. W at are t e -asi% o-9e%ts o" t e data di%tionar)' 8 Tables 8 !omains 8 !ata elements 8 "tructures 8 @oreign ?eys (2. W at are t e a!!re!ate o-9e%ts in t e data di%tionar)' 8 6iews 8 &atch codes 8 ,ock ob3ects. (4. In t e ABAP/* 6i%tionar) Ta-#es %an -e de"ined inde$endent o" t e under#)in! data-ase 7T/:8. True. 30. ABAP/* 6i%tionar) %ontains t e +o!i%a# de"inition o" t e ta-#e. 31. A "ie#d %ontainin! %urren%) a&ounts 7data t)$e CURR8 &ust -e assi!ned to a re"eren%e ta-#e and a re"eren%e "ie#d. E5$#ain. #s a reference table, a system containing all the valid currencies is assigned or any other table, which contains a field with the currency key format. This field is called as reference field. The assignment of the field containing currency amounts to the reference field is made at runtime. The value in the reference field determines the currency of the amount. 3(. A "ie#d %ontainin! ,uantit) a&ounts 7data t)$e QUA38 &ust -e assi!ned to a re"eren%e ta-#e and a re"eren%e "ie#d. E5$#ain' #s a reference table, a system table containing all the valid %uantity units is assigned or any other table, which contains a field with the format or %uantity units (data type +> T). This field is called as reference field. The assignment of the field containing %uantity amounts to the reference field is made at runtime. The value in the reference field determines the %uantity unit of the amount. 33. W at is t e si!ni"i%an%e o" Te% ni%a# settin!s 7s$e%i"ied w i#e %reatin! a ta-#e in t e data di%tionar)8' *y specifying technical settings we can control how database tables are created in the database. The technical settings allows us to 8 Optimi'e storage space re%uirements. 8 Table access behavior. 8 *uffering re%uired. 8 0hanges to entries logged. 3*. W at is a Ta-#e attri-ute' The table<s attributes determine who is responsible for maintaining a table and which types of access are allowed for the table. The most important table attributes are8 !elivery class. 8 Table maintenance allowed. 8 #ctivation type. 3.. W at is t e si!ni"i%an%e o" 6e#iver) C#ass' 8 The delivery class controls the degree to which the "#P or the customer is responsible for table maintenance. 8 4hether "#P provides the table with or without contents. 8 !etermines the table type. 8 !etermines how the table behaves when it is first installed, at upgrade, when it is transported, and when a client copy is performed. 3/. W at is t e &a5. no. >" stru%tures t at %an -e in%#uded in a ta-#e or stru%ture. >ine. 30. W at are two &et ods o" &odi")in! SAP standard ta-#es' 8 #ppend "tructures and 8 0ustomi'ing ncludes. 32. W at is t e di""eren%e -etween a Su-stru%ture and an A$$end Stru%ture' 8 n case of a substructure, the reference originates in the table itself, in the form of a statement includeH. 8 n case of an append structure, the table itself remains unchanged and the reference originates in the append structure. 34. To ow &an) ta-#es %an an a$$end stru%ture -e assi!ned. One. *0. I" a ta-#e t at is to -e e5tended %ontains a #on! "ie#d; we %annot use a$$end stru%tures w )' ,ong fields in a table must always be located in the end, as the last field of the table. f a table has an append structure the append line must also be on the last field of the table.

*1. Can we in%#ude %usto&i@in! in%#ude or an a$$end stru%ture wit Poo#ed or C#uster ta-#es' >o. *(. W at are t e two wa)s "or restri%tin! t e va#ue ran!e "or a do&ain' 8 *y specifying fi.ed values. 8 *y stipulating a value table. *3. Stru%tures %an %ontain data on#) durin! t e runti&e o" a $ro!ra& 7T/:8 True. **. W at are t e a!!re!ate o-9e%ts in t e 6i%tionar)' 8 6iews 8 &atch 0ode. 8 ,ock Ob3ect. *.. W at are -ase ta-#es o" an a!!re!ate o-9e%t' The tables making up an aggregate ob3ect (primary and secondary) are called aggregate ob3ect. */. T e data o" a view is not $ )si%a##) stored; -ut derived "ro& one or &ore ta-#es 7t/"8 True. *0. W at are t e ( ot er t)$es o" Biews; w i% are not a##owed in Re#ease 3.0' 8 "tructure 6iews. 8 $ntity 6iews. *2. W at is a Cat% Code' &atch code is a tool to help us to search for data records in the system. &atch 0odes are an efficient and user1friendly search aid where key of a record is unknown. *4. W at are t e two #eve#s in de"inin! a Cat% Code' 8 &atch 0ode Ob3ect. 8 &atch 0ode d. .0. W at is t e &a5 no o" &at% %ode IdDs t at %an -e de"ined "or one Cat% %ode o-9e%t' # match code d is a one character ! that can be a letter or a number. .1. Can we de"ine our own Cat% Code I6Ds "or SAP Cat% %odes' =es, the number : to I are reserved for us to create our own &atch 0ode ds for a "#P defined &atchcode ob3ect. .(. W at is an U$date t)$e wit re"eren%e to a Cat% %ode I6' f the data in one of the base tables of a matchcode ! changes, the matchcode data has to be updated. The update type stipulates when the matchcode is to be updated and how it is to be done. The update type also specifies which method is to be used for *uilding matchcodes. =ou must specify the update type when you define a matchcode !. .3. Can &at% %ode o-9e%t %ontain Ids wit di""erent u$date t)$es' =es. .*. W at are t e u$date t)$es $ossi-#e' The following update types are possible8 +pdate type #- The matchcode data is updated asynchronously to database changes. 8 +pdate type "- The matchcode data is updated synchronously to database changes. 8 +pdate type P- The matchcode data is updated by the application program. 8 +pdate type - #ccess to the matchcode data is managed using a database view. 8 +pdate type ,- #ccess to the matchcode is achieved by calling a function module. ... W at are t e two di""erent wa)s o" -ui#din! a &at% %ode o-9e%t' # match code can be built in two different ways8 ,ogical structure- The matchcode data is set up temporarily at the moment when the match code is accessed. (+pdate type , k). 8 Physical "tructure- The match code data is physically stored in a separate table in the database. (+pdate type #, ", P). ./. W at are t e di""eren%es -etween a 6ata-ase inde5 and a &at% %ode' 8 &atch code can contain fields from several tables whereas an inde. can contain fields from only one table. 8 &atch code ob3ects can be built on transparent tables and pooled and cluster tables. .0. W at is t e "un%tion o" a 6o&ain' 8 # domain describes the technical settings of a table field. 8 # domain defines a value range, which sets the permissible data values for the fields, which refers to this domain. 8 # single domain can be used as basis for any number of fields that are identical in structure. .2. Can )ou de#ete a do&ain; w i% is -ein! used -) data e#e&ents' >o. .4. W at are %onversion routines' 8 >on1standard conversions from display format to sap internal format and vice1versa are implemented with so called conversion routines. /0. W at is t e "un%tion o" a data e#e&ent' # data element describes the role played by a domain in a technical conte.t. # data element contains semantic information. /1. Can a do&ain; assi!ned to a data e#e&ent -e % an!ed' =es. 4e can do so by 3ust overwriting the entry in the field domain. /(. Can )ou de#ete data e#e&ent; w i% is -ein! used -) ta-#e "ie#ds. >o. /3. Can )ou de"ine a "ie#d wit out a data e#e&ent' =es. f you want to specify no data element and therefore no domain for a field, you can enter data type and field length and a short te.t directly in the table maintenance. /*. W at are nu## va#ues' f the value of a field in a table is undefined or unknown, it is called a null value. /.. W at is t e di""eren%e -etween a stru%ture and a ta-#e' "tructures are constructed the almost the same way as tables, the only difference using that no database table is generated from them. //. W at is a view' # view is a logical view on one or more tables. # view on one or more tables i.e., the data from a view is not actually physically stored instead being derived from one or more tables. /0. How &an) t)$es o" Biews are t ere' 8 !atabase 6iew 8 Aelp 6iew 8 Pro3ection 6iew 8 &aintenance 6iew

/2. W at is +o%1in!' 4hen two users simultaneously attempt to access the same data record, this is synchroni'ed by a lock mechanism. /4. W at is data-ase uti#it)' !atabase utility is the interface between the #*#P/9 !ictionary and the underlying the "#P system. 00. W at are t e -asi% "un%tions o" 6ata-ase uti#it)' The basic functions of database utility are8 0reate database ob3ects. 8 !elete database ob3ects. 8 #d3ust database ob3ects to changed #*#P/9 dictionary definition. 01. W at is Re$ositor) In"o. S)ste&s' t is a tool with which you can make data stored in the #*#P/9 !ictionary available. C>6U+ARIEATI>3 1. 6oes ever) ABAP/* ave a &odu#ar stru%ture' =es. (. W at is Codu#ari@ation and its -ene"its' f the program contains the same or similar blocks of statements or it is re%uired to process the same function several times, we can avoid redundancy by using modulari'ation techni%ues. *y modulari'ing the #*#P/9 programs we make them easy to read and improve their structure. &odulari'ed programs are also easier to maintain and to update. 3. 3a&e t e ABAP/* Codu#ari@ation te% ni,ues. 8 "ource code module. 8 "ubroutines. 8 @unctions. *. How %an we %reate %a##a-#e &odu#es o" $ro!ra& %ode wit in one ABAP/* $ro!ra&' 8 *y defining &acros. 8 *y creating include programs in the library. .. C is t e attri-ute t)$e o" t e &odu#e $ro!ra&. /. Is it $ossi-#e to $ass data to and "ro& in%#ude $ro!ra&s e5$#i%it#)' >o. f it is re%uired to pass data to and from modules it is re%uired to use subroutines or function modules. 0. W at are su-routines' "ubroutines are program modules, which can be called from other #*#P/9 programs or within the same program. 2. W at are t e t)$es o" Su-routines' 8 nternal "ubroutines- The source code of the internal subroutines will be in the same #*#P/9 program as the calling procedure (internal call). 8 $.ternal "ubroutines- The source code of the e.ternal subroutines will be in an #*#P/9 program other than the calling procedure. 4. It is not $ossi-#e to %reate an ABAP/* $ro!ra&; w i% %ontains on#) Su-routines 7T/:8. @alse. 10. A su-routine %an %ontain nested "or& and end"or& -#o%1s. 7T/:8 @alse. 11. 6ata %an -e $assed -etween %a##in! $ro!ra&s and t e su-routines usin! Para&eters. 1(. W at are t e di""erent t)$es o" $ara&eters' @ormal Parameters- Parameters, which are defined during the definition of subroutine with the @OR& statement. #ctual Parameters- Parameters which are specified during the call of a subroutine with the P$R@OR& statement. 13. How %an one distin!uis -etween di""erent 1inds o" $ara&eters' 8 nput parameters are used to pass data to subroutines. 8 Output parameters are used to pass data from subroutines. 1*. W at are t e di""erent &et ods o" $assin! data' 8 0alling by reference- !uring a subroutine call, only the address of the actual parameter is transferred to the formal parameters. The formal parameter has no memory of its own, and we work with the field of the calling program within the subroutine. f we change the formal parameter, the field contents in the calling program also changes. 8 0alling by value- !uring a subroutine call, the formal parameters are created as copies of the actual parameters. The formal parameters have memory of their own. 0hanges to the formal parameters have no effect on the actual parameters. 8 0alling by value and result- !uring a subroutine call, the formal parameters are created as copies of the actual parameters. The formal parameters have their own memory space. 0hanges to the formal parameters are copied to the actual parameters at the end of the subroutine. 1.. T e &et od -) w i% interna# ta-#es are $assed is B) Re"eren%e. 1/. How %an an interna# ta-#e wit Header #ine and one wit out eader #ine -e distin!uis ed w en $assed to a su-routine' tabJK is used in the form and endform if the internal table is passed with a header line. 10. W at s ou#d -e de%#ared e5$#i%it#) in t e %orres$ondin! ABAP/* State&ents to a%%ess interna# ta-#es wit out eader #ines A w )' 4ork #rea. This is re%uired as the 4ork #rea is the interface for transferring data to and from the table. 12. A su-routine %an -e ter&inated un%onditiona##) usin! EFIT. 7T/:8 True. 14. A su-routine %an -e ter&inated u$on a %ondition usin! CHECG State&ent. (0. :un%tion Codu#es are a#so e5terna# Su-routines. 7T/:8. True. (1. W at is t e di""eren%e -etween t e "un%tion &odu#e and a nor&a# ABAP/* su-routine' n contrast to normal subroutines function modules have uni%uely defined interface. !eclaring data as common parts is not possible for function modules. @unction modules are stored in a central library. ((. W at is a "un%tion !rou$' # function group is a collection of logically related modules that share global data with each other. #ll the modules in the group are included in the same main program. 4hen an #*#P/9 program contains a 0#,, @+>0T O> statement, the system loads the entire function group in with the program code at runtime. $very function module belongs to a function group. (3. W at is t e disadvanta!e o" a %a## -) re"eren%e' !uring a call by reference damage or loss of data is not restricted to the subroutine, but will instantly lead to changes to the original data ob3ects. (*. A "un%tion &odu#e %an -e %a##ed "ro& a transa%tion s%reen outside an ABAP/* $ro!ra&. 7T/:8. True. (.. W at is an u$date tas1' t is an "#P provided procedure for updating a database.

(/. W at a$$ens i" a "un%tion &odu#e runs in an u$date tas1' The system performs the module processing asynchronously. nstead of carrying out the call immediately, the system waits until the ne.t database update is triggered with the <0O&& T 4OR?< command. (0. T e "un%tion &odu#es are %reated and stored in t e :un%tion +i-rar). (2. W en a "un%tion &odu#e is a%tivated s)nta5 % e%1in! is $er"or&ed auto&ati%a##). 7?/38 True. (4. W at is t e use o" t e RAISI3< e5%e$tion' The raising e.ception determines whether the calling program will handle the e.ception itself or leave the e.ception to the system. 30. W at is t e di""eren%e -etween interna# ta-#es and e5tra%t datasets' 8 The lines of an internal table always have the same structure. *y using e.tract datasets, you can handle groups of data with different structure and get statistical figures from the grouped data. 8 =ou have to define the structure of the internal table at the beginning. =ou need not define the structure of the e.tract dataset. 8 n contrast to internal tables, the system partly compresses e.act datasets when storing them. This reduces the storage space re%uired. 8 nternal tables re%uire special work area for interface whereas e.tract datasets do not need a special work area for interface. 31. It is $ossi-#e to assi!n a #o%a# data o-9e%t de"ined in a su-routine or "un%tion &odu#e to a "ie#d !rou$. 7T/:8. @alse. 3(. W at is t e di""eren%e -etween "ie#d=!rou$ eader and ot er "ie#d !rou$s' The header field group is a special field group for the sort criteria. The system automatically any other field groups with the header field group. 33. Can a "i#ed o%%ur in severa# "ie#d !rou$s. =es. *ut it leads to unnecessary data redundancy. 3*. W en sortin! t e e5tra%t dataset t e "ie#ds used as de"au#t sort 1e) #ie in t e Header "ie#d !rou$. 3.. W at does t e insert state&ent in e5tra%t datasets do' t defines the fields of a field group. 3/. W at does t e e5tra%t state&ent do in e5tra%t datasets' The data is written to virtual memory by e.tract commands. 30. A "ie#d=!rou$s state&ent or an insert state&ent reverses stora!e s$a%e and trans"ers va#ues. 7T/:8. @alse. 32. W i#e usin! e5tra%t datasets it is re,uired to ave a s$e%ia# wor1area "or inter"a%e 7T/:8 @alse. 34. T e +>>P=E36+>>P on e5tra%t datasets %an -e used wit out an) 1ind o" errors 7T/:8 @alse. t causes runtime errors. *0. T e Ca5i&u& no o" 1e) "ie#ds t at %an -e used in a eader is .0. *1. W i#e sortin! "ie#d !rou$s we %annot use &ore t an one 1e) "ie#d 7T/:8. @alse. *(. W i#e sortin!; i" t e &ain stora!e avai#a-#e is not enou! ; t e s)ste& writes data to an e5terna# e#$ "i#e. The "#P profile parameter, which determines this help file, is ! RL"ORTT&P. *3. T e e5tra%t state&ents in "ie#d !rou$s %an -e used -e"ore or a"ter $ro%essin! t e sort state&ents. 7T/:8 @#,"$. +><ICA+ 6ATABASE 1. Pre$aration o" t e data re%ords -) t e +.6.B and readin! o" t e data re%ords in t e a%tua# re$ort are a%%o&$#is ed wit t e %o&&and $air Put and <et. (. T e t ree &ain e#e&ents o" +6B are Stru%ture; Se#e%tions; and 6ata-ase Pro!ra&. 3. In +6B w at deter&ines ierar% ) o" t e ta-#es' "tructure. *. In !enera# w at are t e two wa)s in w i% one %an retrieve data "ro& ta-#es' +sing "elect statements, !atabase Program. .. Wit +6B one %an &odi") t e $re=!enerated se#e%tion s%reen to t eir needs 7T/:8. =es. /. +o!i%a# data-ases are $ro!ra&s t at read data "ro& 6ata-ase ta-#es 76i%tionar) Stru%tures8. 0. T e event <et +ATE $ro%ess a## ta-#es t at are ierar% i%a##) su$erior to t e

. 7True/:a#se8 :a#se. It $ro%esses a## ta-#es t at are ierar% i%a##) in"erior to t e

. 2. T e 6ata-ase Pro!ra& o" +6B is a %o##e%tion o" SUBR>UTI3ES; w i% se#e%ts data and $asses it to t e re$ort. 4. T e #a)out o" t e 6ata-ase $ro!ra& is deter&ined -) -ot Stru%ture and Se#e%tions. 10. T e order in w i% data is &ade avai#a-#e to t e re$ort de$ends on Stru%ture o" t e +6B. 11. A$art "ro& t e stru%ture and se#e%tions o" t e +6B t e <ET state&ents in t e re$ort deter&ines t e -e avior o" t e data-ase at runti&e. 1(. 3ode at t e i! est #eve# in t e stru%ture is 1nown as Root. 13. T ere %an -e &ore t an one node at t e i! est #eve# in t e stru%ture. 7T/:8 :a#se. >ne %an de"ine on#) one node at t e i! est #eve# in t e stru%ture on +6B. 1*. A## nodes in t e stru%ture o" +6B need not -e de"ined in t e ABAP/* 6i%tionar) 7T/:8. :a#se. >ne as to de"ine a## nodes in t e 6i%tionar) or one as to se#e%t a## nodes t at are de"ined in t e 6i%tionar). 1.. It is not $ossi-#e to use ABAP/* 6i%tionar) Stru%tures wit out an under#)in! data-ase usin! +6B. 7T/:8 True. >ne %an use additiona##) re#ated ta-#es; a#on! wit t e ta-#es de"ined in t e stru%ture o" +6B. 1/. 6)na&i% se#e%tions a##ow t e user to de"ine "urt er se#e%tions "or data-ase a%%ess in addition to t e se#e%tion %riteria a#read) de"ined in t e +6B se#e%tions.

10. C e%1 state&ent %an -e used a#on! wit t e event <ET in t e re$ort "or % e%1in! t e se#e%tions; w i% are not ta-#e=s$e%i"i% va#ues. 12. In sense o" 6ata-ase Cana!e&ent S)ste& 76BCS8 +><ICA+ 6ATABASE is a data-ase Stru%ture. 7T/:8. :a#se. 14. It is not ne%essar) to &aintain t e Parent=C i#d re#ations i$ -etween t e ta-#es in +o!i%a# 6ata-ase Stru%ture. 7T/:8 :a#se. >ne as to &aintain t e Parent=C i#d re#ations i$. (0. Is it $ossi-#e to e5tra%t data "ro& ta-#es wit out usin! t e event D<ETD in t e re$ort wit an a$$ro$riate +6B. 7T/:8. :a#se. >ne %an e5tra%t data "ro& ta-#es usin! Se#e%t state&ents in a re$ort; t ou! t e re$ort is avin! a +6B attri-ute. (1. W at sorts o" ta-#es one %an se in desi!nin! t e ierar% ) o" a +6B' Ta-#es; w i% are avin! :orei!n Ge) re#ations. ((. A re$ort $ro!ra&; w i% uses on#) SE+ECT state&ents; is %a##ed SQ+ Re$ort. (3. >ne %annot use SE+ECT state&ents in a re$ort $ro!ra& #in1ed to a +o!i%a# 6ata-ase 7T/:8. :a#se. (*. Is it true t at t e +o!i%a# 6ata-ase reads t e data "ro& t e data-ase ta-#es usin! Se#e%t State&ents 7T/:8. ?es. We are %odin! t at in 6ata-ase $art o" +6B. (.. In a re$ort wit an +6B attri-ute; )ou do not ave to de"ine ow t e in"or&ation s ou#d -e retrieved "ro& t e data-ase ta-#es; -ut on#) ow t e data s ou#d -e re$resented on t e s%reen. 7T/:8. True. (/. >ne %an use t e event <ET in a re$ort wit out +6B attri-ute. 7T/:8. :a#se. (0. T e #ast % ara%ter o" t e +6B na&e denotes A$$#i%ation. (2. T e stru%ture o" +o!i%a# 6ata-ases re"#e%ts t e :orei!n Ge) de$enden%ies o" ierar% i%a# ta-#es in t e SAP s)ste&. (4. It is &andator) t at "or ea% ta-#e in t e +6B ierar% ) t ere s ou#d e5ist one <ET state&ent in t e re$ort. 7T/:8. :a#se. It is not ne%essar). 30. W at a$$ens i" a re$ort does not %ontain a <ET state&ent "or a $arti%u#ar node o" a +o!i%a# 6ata-ase. Pro%ess wi## trans"er to t e ne5t event. 31. In a +o!i%a# 6ata-ase; one %an de"ine in$ut "ie#ds on t e se#e%tion s%reen wit Se#e%t=>$tions and Para&eters state&ents. 3(. Su$$ose a #o!i%a# data-ase $ro!ra& %ontains t e "o##owin! #inesH SE+ECT=>PTI>3S C>33I6 :>R SP:+I=C>33I6. PARACETERS CARRI6 +IGE S:+I<HT=CARRI6 :>R TAB+E S:+I<HT. W at wi## -e t e out$ut; "or t e a-ove two state&ents' >n#) se#e%t=o$tions %onnid "or s$"#i=%arrid wi## -e dis$#a)ed on t e s%reen. 33. Consider a re$ort wit :1S attri-ute; w at wi## -e t e out$ut "or t e "o##owin! %ode. W et er )ou wi## !et t e data "ro& s$"#i and s"#i! t or not; wit %orres$ondin! ta-#es state&ent; <ET SP:+I. <ET S:+I<HT. WriteH/ s$"#i=%arrid; s$"#i=%onnid; s"#i! t="#date; s-oo1=-oo1id. ?es; )ou wi## !et t e data "ro& s$"#i and s"#i! t. 3*. Consider a re$ort wit :1S attri-ute; w at wi## -e t e out$ut o" t e "o##owin! %ode. W et er )ou wi## !et t e data "ro& s-oo1 or not; wit %orres$ondin! ta-#es state&ent. <ET SP:+I. <ET S:+I<HT. WriteH/ s$"#i=%arrid; s$"#i=%onnid; s"#i! t="#date; s-oo1=-oo1id. ?ou %annot e5tra%t data "ro& s-oo1. 3.. Identi") an) errors in t e "o##owin! %ode and %orre%t t e sa&e; and w at wi## -e t e out$ut. I" t ere e5ists %orres$ondin! ta-#es state&ent; "or s$"#i; s"#i! t; s-oo1. <ET SP:+I. <ET SB>>G. WriteH/ s$"#i=%arrid; s$"#i=%onnid; s"#i! t="#date; s-oo1=-oo1id; s-oo1=%#ass. 3o s)nta5 errors. ?ou wi## !et data "ro& a## t e t ree ta-#es. 3/. 6oes t e "o##owin! two state&ents do t e sa&e tas1' I" so w i% one ta1es #ess ti&e and w i% one is re%o&&ended. Se#e%t I "ro& s$"#i w ere s$"#i=%arrid J D+HD and s$"#i=%onnid J D*00D. Endse#e%t. Se#e%t I "ro& s$"#i. C e%1H s$"#i=%arrid J D+HD and s$"#id=%onnid J D*00D. Endse#e%t. =?es t e) wi## do t e sa&e tas1. Se%ond Se#e%t state&ent ta1es #ess ti&e and is re%o&&ended. 30. I" )ou want to i&$rove t e res$onse ti&e 7ti&e to a%%ess data8 +o!i%a# 6ata-ases $er&its )ou to a% ieve t is usin! BIEWS. 32. Is t ere an) u$$er #i&it 7&a58 to t e $ossi-#e nu&-er o" nodes in a #o!i%a# data-ase stru%ture' I" so w at is t e #i&it' ?es; t ere is an u$$er #i&it "or de"inin! nu&-er o" nodes in a +o!i%a# 6ata-ase Stru%ture. Ca5i&u& nodes J 1(00 / #en!t w ere #en!t J &a5. +en!t o" na&e in t e stru%ture. 34. In t e stru%ture o" +o!i%a# 6ata-ase nodes at di""erent #eve#s are dis$#a)ed in t e sa&e %o#u&ns. 7T/:8 I" "a#se w at t)$es o" nodes are dis$#a)ed in t e sa&e %o#u&ns. I" true w at t)$e o" nodes are not dis$#a)ed in t e sa&e %o#u&ns. :a#se. 3odes at sa&e #eve#s are dis$#a)ed in t e sa&e %o#u&ns. *0. W at are t e advanta!es o" +o!i%a# 6ata-ases' It o""ers an eas)=to=use se#e%tion s%reens. ?ou %an &odi") t e $re=!enerated se#e%tion s%reen to )our needs. It o""ers % e%1 "un%tions to % e%1 w et er user in$ut is %o&$#ete; %orre%t; and $#ausi-#e. It o""ers reasona-#e data se#e%tions. It %ontains %entra# aut ori@ation % e%1s "or data -ase a%%esses. En an%e&ents su% as i&$roved $er"or&an%e i&&ediate#) a$$#) to a## re$ort $ro!ra&s t at use t e #o!i%a# data-ase. *1. T ou! a## t e ABAP/* 6i%tionar) Stru%tures t at e5ists in t e stru%ture o" t e +6B; -ein! de"ined in 6ata-ase Pro!ra&; we are de"inin! t e 6i%tionar) Stru%tures in t e Re$ort. W at is t e reason "or su% de%#aration' B) de%#arin! so we are $rovidin! wor1 areas "or data $assin! -etween +o!i%a# 6ata-ase and Re$ort. In addition; t e #o!i%a# data-ase %on"i!ures t e se#e%tion s%reen de$endin! on t e se#e%tion o" data-ase ta-#es. *(. Is it &andator) to de%#are a## t e ta-#es in Re$ort -) t e 1e) word ta-#es "or a## t e ta-#es t at e5ist in t e stru%ture o" +6B; and are -ein! de"ined in t e 6ata-ase $art o" +6B. 3o; It is not &andator) to de%#are a## ta-#es in re$ort. *3. I" one wants to a%%ess data usin! +o!i%a# 6ata-ase; t e use o" events is unavoida-#e. 7T/:8. True. REP>RT <E3ERATI>3 K :>RCATTI3< 1. T e a#i!n&ent o" a t)$e D%D "ie#d in a re$ort is #e"t A#i!ned.

(. In t e state&ent WriteH/1.7108 >"a#=#i"nr. w at do t e nu&-er 1. and 10 stand "or1. stand "or t e o""set on t e s%reen and 10 stands "or t e "ie#d #en!t dis$#a)ed. 3. S$e%i") t e de"au#t a#i!n&ent "or t e "o##owin! "ie#d t)$esH D6D K +e"t; D:D=Ri! t; D3D=+e"t; DID=Ri! t; DTD=+e"t. *. I" sLti&e as t e va#ue D1(3*./D ow wou#d )ou !et an out$ut o" 1(H3*H./ wit a sin!#e DWriteHD state&ent. WriteHsLti&e usin! edit &as1D==H==H==D. .. In order to su$$ress t e #eadin! @eroes o" a nu&-er "ie#d t e 1e)words used are 3>=EER>. /. T e tota# no o" date "or&ats t at %an -e used to dis$#a) a date durin! out$ut is CC/66/??; 66/CC/??; 66/CC/????; CC/66/????; CC66??; 66CC??; ??CC66. 0. T e U36ER Co&&and a##ows "or verti%a# a#i!n&ent o" "ie#ds one -e#ow t e ot er. 2. In order to %on%atenate strin!s on#) "or out$ut $ur$oses t e %o&&and 3>=<AP %an -e used in %on9un%tion wit t e DWriteD state&ent. 4. T e no o" de%i&a# $#a%es "or out$ut %an -e de"ines wit in a write state&ent. 7T/:8. TRUE. WriteH/ de%i&a#s (. 10. 6ata %an -e &oved "ro& one "ie#d to anot er usin! a DWriteHD State&ent and stored in t e desired "or&at. 7T/:8. TRUE. WriteH 6ateL1 to 6ateL( "or&at 66/CC/??. 11. In t e state&ent WriteH/1.7108 #"a1=#i"nr. T e va#ues 1. and 11 %an a#so -e de"ined -) varia-#es 7T/:8. :a#se. 1(. 6i""erentiate -etween t e "o##owin! two state&ents i" an). U+I3E. WriteH s)=u#ine. 3o=di""eren%e. E5%e$t t at u#ine is used outside t e DWriteD State&ent. 13. In order to s1i$ a sin!#e #ine t e nu&-er o" #ines need not -e !iven as an assi!n&ent 7T/:8 TRUE. 1*. T e MSGIP T> +I3E #ine nu&-erM is de$endent on t e +I3E=C>U3T state&ent in%#uded in t e re$ort state&ent o" t e $ro!ra&. 1.. In order to s1i$ %o#u&ns t e %o&&and used is P>SITI>3 . 1/. In order to ave -o#d"a%ed te5t as out$ut t e %o&&and used is WriteHI3TE3SI:IE6. 10. Ba%1!round and "ore!round %o#ors %an -e inter% an!ed usin! t e %o&&and :or&at Inverse. 12. In order to restore t e s)ste& de"au#ts "or a## % an!es &ade wit t e "or&at state&ent is :or&at Reset. 14. +i1e U+I3E t e state&ent B+I3E is used to insert verti%a# #ines. 7T/:8. :a#se. (0. Su$$ressin! t e nu&-er si!ns 7N/=8 is %arried out usin! t e addition 3>=SI<3S to t e Write state&ent. 7T/:8. :a#se. (1. I" S?=UEEIT as t e va#ue /H3*H*. it %an -e dis$#a)ed as 0/3**. usin! 3o Edit Cas1. ((. I" t e varia-#e MTe5tM as t e va#ue DABC6E:D t e out$ut "or t e state&ent MWriteH/Te5tN(738M wi## -e MC6EM (3. T e "ie#ds s$e%i"ied -) se#e%t=o$tions and $ara&eters state&ent %annot -e !rou$ed to!et er in t e se#e%tion s%reen. 7T/:8. :a#se. (*. W en %a##in! an e5terna# re$ort t e $ara&eters or se#e%t=o$tions s$e%i"ied in t e e5terna# re$ort %annot -e %a##ed. 7T/:8 :A+SE. (.. Se#e%tion Te5ts in t e te5t e#e&ents o" t e $ro!ra& e#$s in % an!in! t e dis$#a)ed na&es o" varia-#es in t e $ara&eters state&ent. (/. T)$e : datat)$e %annot -e used to de"ine $ara&eters. (0. Roundin! o"" o" va#ues %an -e %arried out usin! t e write state&ent. 7T/:8. TRUE (2. How wou#d )ou de"ine t e e5$onents "or a t)$e D"D "ie#d' E5$onent . (4. How wou#d )ou "or&at t e out$ut as #e"t; %entered or ri! t=9usti"ied usin! t e write state&ent. +e"t=9usti"ied; Centered; Ri! t=9usti"ied. 30. I" t e sa&e "or&attin! o$tions were used "or a WRITE state&ent t at "o##ows t e :>RCAT state&ent; w i% settin!s wou#d ta1e $re%eden%e. T e settin!s in t e Write State&ent. 31. :or ea% new event; t e s)ste& resets a## "or&attin! o$tions to t eir de"au#t va#ues 7T/:8 TRUE. 3(. A## "or&attin! o$tions ave t e de"au#t va#ue >::. 7T/:8. TRUE. 33. How wou#d )ou set t e "or&attin! o$tions stati%a##) and d)na&i%a##) wit in a re$ort' Stati%a##)H :>RCAT O>3P>::QR. 6)na&i%a##)H :>RCAT J JR. 3*. T e $a!e "ooter is de"ined usin! t e state&ent E36=>:=PA<E. 3.. T e $ro%essin! -#o%1 "o##owin! E36=>:=PA<E is $ro%essed on#) i" )ou reserve #ines "or t e "ooter in t e +I3E=C>U3T o$tion o" t e REP>RT state&ent. 7T/:8 TRUE. 3/. To e5e%ute a $a!e -rea1 under t e %ondition t at #ess t an a %ertain nu&-er o" #ines is #e"t on a $a!e is a% ieved -) RESERBE n #ines. 30. T e RESERBE state&ent on#) ta1es e""e%t i" out$ut is written to t e su-se,uent $a!e. 3o -#an1 $a!es are %reated and it de"ines a -#o%1 o" #ines t at &ust -e out$ut as a w o#e. 7T/:8. TRUE. 32. To set t e ne5t out$ut #ine to t e "irst #ine o" a -#o%1 o" #ines de"ined wit t e RESERBE state&ent t e state&ent BACG is used. 34. W at is t e #i&it "or t e #en!t o" a $a!e i" t e $a!e #en!t is not s$e%i"ied in t e re$ort state&ent. /0;000 #ines. *0. How wou#d )ou start t e $rintin! $ro%ess "ro& wit in t e $ro!ra& w i#e %reatin! a #ist'

3EW=PA<E PRI3T >3. *1. ?ou %an % an!e t e widt o" $a!es wit in #ist #eve#s tri!!ered -) $a!e -rea1s. 7T/:8. :A+SE. *(. Hots$ots are s$e%ia# areas o" an out$ut #ist used to tri!!er events. 7T/:8. TRUE. *3. To desi!nate "ie#ds as ots$ots at runti&e; use :>RCAT H>TSP>T J . **. Hori@onta# #ines %reated wit U+I3E and -#an1 #ines %reated wit SGIP %an -e "or&atted as ots$ots. 7T/:8. :A+SE. *.. How wou#d )ou su$$ress t e dis$#a) o" a $ara&eter on t e se#e%tion s%reen' Para&eters RRR..3o=6is$#a). */. Can )ou assi!n a &at% %ode o-9e%t to a $ara&eter' I" so ow' ?es. PARACETERS RR..CATCHC>6E >BSECT RR.. *0. :or ea% SE+ECT=>PTI>3S state&ent; t e s)ste& %reates a se#e%tion ta-#e. 7T/:8 TRUE. *2. To $osition a set o" $ara&eters or %o&&ents on a sin!#e #ine on t e se#e%tion s%reen; )ou &ust de%#are t e e#e&ents in a -#o%1 en%#osed -) SE+ECTI>3=SCREE3 BE<I3 >: +I3E. RR.. SE+ECTI>3=SCREE3 E36 >: +I3E. *4. How %an S)&-o#s or R/3 i%ons -e out$ut on t e s%reen' WRITE AS S?CB>+. WRITE AS IC>3. .0. In t e standard settin!; )ou %annot %reate e&$t) #ines wit t e WRITE state&ent a#one. 7T/:8. TRUE. REP>RTI3< K <E3ERA+ 1. T e s)ste& "ie#d; w i% indi%ates su%%ess or "ai#ure o" a SQ+ o$eration; is S?=SUBRC. (. W at is t e s)nta5 "or s$e%i")in! data-ase ta-#e na&e at runti&e in SE+ECT state&ent. 3ACE J DSP:+1D. SE+ECT I :R>C 73ACE8. RRRRRR. RRRRRR. E36SE+ECT. 3. How do )ou read se#e%ted #ines o" data-ase ta-#e into an interna# ta-#e in $a%1a!es o" $rede"ined si@e. SE+ECT I :R>C I3T> TAB+E PACGA<E SIEE. W ere n is varia-#e. *. 3a&e t e WI+6CAR6 % ara%ters w i% are used "or %o&$arisons wit % ara%ter strin!s A nu&eri% strin!s. DTD and D=D. .. In SE+ECT state&ents %an )ou s$e%i") a varia-#e in WHERE %ondition or a $art o" t e %ondition; i" so w at is t e s)nta5. SE+ECT I :R>C

WHERE . 6. Name the ABAP/4 key words, which are used to change the contents of database table. UP A!" or #$ %&'. (. )ow to s*ecify a client for database table *rocessing. !AB+", ,P&+%. ,"+"-! . &/$# ,P&+% -+%"N! ,P"-%&%" 0)"/" #AN ! B"!0""N 12231 AN 55.. "N ,"+"-!.


6. )ow do you write a A!A ob7ect from ABAP/4 *rogram to ABAP/4 memory and restore the same from memory to *rogram. "8P$/! 9&/$# :9&/$# :5. !$ #"#$/' % . !he % , which can be u* to 4; characters long, identifies the data in memory. <. 0hat are A!A -+U,!"/,= 'ou can grou* any com*le> internal data ob7ects of an ABAP/4 *rogram together in data clusters and store them tem*orarily in ABAP/4 memory or for longer *eriods in databases. 'ou can store data clusters in s*ecial databases of the ABAP/4 ictionary. !hese databases are known as ABAP/4 cluster databases and ha?e a *redefined structure. ,toring a data cluster is s*ecific to ABAP/4. Although you can also access cluster databases using ,@+ statements, only ABAP/4 statements are able to decode the structure of the stored data cluster. 32. ,tatements used to delete data ob7ects in ABAP/4 memory &/"" #"#$/' 9% 33. )ow will you create a file on a**lication ser?er. $*en dataset for out*ut. 3;. ABAP/4 statement for o*ening a file on a**lication ser?er for reading $*en dataset for in*ut. 34. )ow will you transfer data into a file in a**lication ser?er= ata fnameA62B ?alue 1m'&%+"1. ata num ty*e i. $*en dataset fname for out*ut. o 32 times. Num C Num D3. !ransfer num to fname. "nddo. 55.etc. 34. Name the function modules to write data from an %nternal !able to the Presentation ,er?er. $0N+$A and 0,E $0N+$A . 3F. Name the function module that can be used to gi?e information about files on Presentation ,er?er and about its $*erating ,ystem. 0,E@U"/'. 36. Name the ABAP/4 key word, which is used to clear the )eaderline of an %nternal !able. :.

-+"A/. 3(. Name the function modules to read data from Presentation ,er?er into an %nternal !able. UP+$A and 0,EUP+$A . 36. Name the ABAP/4 keywords to initialiGe an %nternal !able with and without headerline. /"&/",) . 3<. )ow to determine the attributes of an internal table= ",-/%B" !AB+" 9+%N", : 9$--U/, :. ;2. Name the ABAP/4 key word for searching a string in an %nternal !able. ,"A/-) &$/ . !he different o*tions A B for the search in an internal table areH ABB/"I%A!" ,earches tablefor a word containing the character string s*ecified in , where other characters might se*arate the characters. !he first letter of the word and the string must be the same. ,!A/!%NJ A! ,earches table for , starting at line . Klin3L can be a ?ariable. "N %NJ A! ,earches table for u*to line . can be a ?ariable. AN #A/M %f the search string is found, all the characters in the search string Aand all the characters in between when using ABB/"I%A!" B are con?erted to u**er case. ;3. 0hat are the different attributes that can be assigned to a ?ariant= !he different attributes that can be assigned to a ?ariant are5. escri*tion "nter a short, meaningful descri*tion of the ?ariant. !his may be u*to 42 characters long. Background only ,*ecify whether you want to use the ?ariant in background *rocessing only, or in online en?ironment as well. Protected ?ariant. #ark the field if you want to *rotect your ?ariant against being changed by other users. o not dis*lay ?ariant. #ark this field if you want the ?ariant name to be dis*layed in the catalog only, but not in the &4 ?alue list. &or the selections you co?er in a ?ariant, you can enter the following attributesH !y*e !he system dis*lays whether the field is a *arameter or a select o*tion. Protected #ark this field for each field on the selection screen you want to *rotect from being o?erwritten. Ialues that you mark this way are dis*layed to the users, but they cannot change them, that are they are not ready to acce*t in*ut. %n?isible %f you mark this column, the system will not dis*lay the corres*onding field on the selection screen the user sees when starting the re*ort *rogram. Iariable #ark this column if you want to set the ?alue for this field at runtime. ;;. %s it *ossible to create new dynamic *rograms during runtime of an ABAP/4 *rogram= %f so how= !o create new dynamic *rograms during the runtime of an ABAP/4 *rogram, you must use an internal table. &or this *ur*ose, you should create this internal table with one character ty*e column and a line width of (;. 'ou can use any method you like from &illing %nternal !ables to write the code of your new *rogram into the internal table. "s*ecially, you can use internal fields in which contents are de*endent on the flow of the *rogram that you use to create a new one, to influence the coding of the new *rogram dynamically. !he following e>am*le shows how to *roceed in *rinci*alH A!A -$ " A(;B $--U/, 32. APP"N 1/"P$/! N 'N3.1 !$ -$ ". APP"N 10/%!"/O)ello, % am dynamically createdPO.1 !$ -$ ". !wo lines of a ?ery sim*le *rogram are written into the internal table -$ ". %n the ne>t ste* you ha?e to *ut the new module, in the abo?e e>am*le it is a re*ort, into the library. &or this *ur*ose you can use the following statementH ,ynta> %N,"/! /"P$/! &/$# . !he *rogram is inserted in your *resent de?elo*ment class in the //4 /e*ository. %f a *rogram with this name does not already e>ists, it is newly created with the following attributesH !itleH none, !y*eH 3 A/e*ortingB, A**licationH , ABasisB. 'ou can s*ecify the name of the *rogram e>*licitly within single Quotation marks or you can write the name of a character field, which contains the *rogram name. !he name of the *rogram must not necessarily be the same as gi?en in the coding, but it is recommended to do so. is the internal table containing the source code. &or the abo?e e>am*le you could writeH %N,"/! /"P$/! 1N 'N31 &/$# -$ ". $r A!A /"P A6B. /"P C 1N 'N31 %N,"/! /"P$/! /"P &/$# -$ ". ;4. ata ty*es can be elementary or structured A!/&B. !/U". ;4. !he amount of memory associated with a data ty*e is N"/$. ;F. ata ob7ects are the *hysical units a *rogram uses at runtime. A!/&B. !/U". ;6. !he data ob7ect does not occu*y any s*ace in memory. A!/&B &A+,". ;(. 0hat are the three hierarchical le?els of data ty*es and ob7ects= ProgramRinde*endent data, defined in the ABAP/4 ictionary. %nternal data used globally in one *rogram. ata used locally in a *rocedure Asubroutine, function moduleB ;6. )ow would you find the attributes of a data ty*e or data ob7ect= ",-/%B" &%"+ 9+"NJ!)

t)$e ta-#eview usin! s%reen . .3. 6i""erentiate -etween stati% and d)na&i% ste$ #oo$s. Ste$ #oo$s "a## into two %#assesH Stati% and 6)na&i%. Stati% ste$ #oo$s ave a "i5ed si@e t at %annot -e % an!ed at runti&e. 6)na&i% ste$ #oo$s are varia-#e in si@e. I" t e user re=si@es t e window t e s)ste& auto&ati%a##) in%reases or de%reases t e nu&-er o" ste$ #oo$ -#o%1s dis$#a)ed. In an) !iven s%reen )ou %an de"ine an) nu&-er o" stati% ste$ #oo$s -ut on#) a sin!#e d)na&i% one. .*. W at are t e two wa)s o" $rodu%in! a #ist wit in a transa%tion'

B) su-&ittin! a se$arate re$ort. B) usin! #eave to #ist=$ro%essin!. ... W at is t e use o" t e state&ent +eave to +ist=$ro%essin!' +eave to +ist=$ro%essin! state&ent is used to $rodu%e a #ist "ro& a &odu#e $oo#. +eave to #ist $ro%essin! state&ent a##ows to swit% "ro& dia#o!=&ode to #ist=&ode wit in a dia#o! $ro!ra&. ./. W en wi## t e %urrent s%reen $ro%essin! ter&inates' A %urrent s%reen $ro%essin! ter&inates w en %ontro# rea% es eit er a +eave=s%reen or t e end o" PAI. .0. How is t e %o&&and Su$$ress=6ia#o! use"u#' Su$$ressin! entire s%reens is $ossi-#e usin! t is %o&&and. T is %o&&and a##ows us to $er"or& s%reen $ro%essin! Min t e -a%1!roundM. T e s)ste& %arries out a## PB> and PAI #o!i%; -ut does not dis$#a) t e s%reen to t e user. Su$$ressin! s%reens is use"u# w en we are -ran% in! to #ist=&ode "ro& a transa%tion dia#o! ste$. .2. W at a$$ens i" we use +eave to #ist=$ro%essin! wit out usin! Su$$ress=6ia#o!' I" we donDt use Su$$ress=6ia#o! to ne5t s%reen wi## -e dis$#a)ed -ut as e&$t); w en t e user $resses E3TER; t e standard #ist out$ut is dis$#a)ed. .4. How t e transa%tion t at are $ro!ra&&ed -) t e user %an -e $rote%ted' B) i&$#e&entin! an aut orit) % e%1. /0. W at are t e &odes in w i% an) u$date tas1s wor1' S)n% ronous and As)n% ronous. /1. W at is t e di""eren%e -etween S)n% ronous and As)n% ronous u$dates' A $ro!ra& as1s t e s)ste& to $er"or& a %ertain tas1; and t en eit er waits or doesnDt wait "or t e tas1 to "inis . In s)n% ronous $ro%essin!; t e $ro!ra& waitsH %ontro# returns to t e $ro!ra& on#) w en t e tas1 as -een %o&$#eted. In as)n% ronous $ro%essin!; t e $ro!ra& does not waitH t e s)ste& returns %ontro# a"ter &ere#) #o!!in! t e re,uest "or e5e%ution. /(. SAP s)ste& %on"i!uration in%#uedes 6ia#o! tas1s and U$date tas1s. /3. 6ia#o!=tas1 u$dates are S)n% ronous u$dates. /*. U$date Ktas1 u$dates are As)n% ronous u$dates. /.. W at is t e di""eren%e -etween Co&&it=wor1 and Ro##-a%1=Wor1 tas1s' Co&&it=Wor1 state&ent M$er"or&sM &an) "un%tions re#evant to s)n% roni@ed e5e%ution o" tas1s. Ro##-a%1=wor1 state&ent M%an%e#sH a## reuests re#evant to s)n% roni@ed e5e%ution o" tas1s. //. W at are t e di""erent data-ase inte!rities' U Se&anti% Inte!rit). U Re#ationa# Inte!rit). U Pri&ar) Ge) Inte!rit). U Ba#ue Set Inte!rit). U :orei!n Ge) inte!rit) and U >$erationa# inte!rit). /0. A## SAP 6ata-ases are Re#ationa# 6ata-ases. /2. W at is SAP #o%1in!' It is a &e% anis& "or de"inin! and a$$#)in! #o!i%a# #o%1s to data-ase o-9e%ts. /4. W at does a #o%1 o-9e%t invo#ve' T e ta-#es. T e #o%1 ar!u&ent. 00. W at are t e di""erent 1inds o" #o%1 &odes' S ared #o%1 E5%#usive #o%1. E5tended e5%#usive #ist. 01. How %an a #o%1 o-9e%t -e %a##ed in t e transa%tion' B) %a##in! En,ueue and 6e,ueue in t e transa%tion. 0(. W at are t e events -) w i% we %an $ro!ra& M e#$ te5tsM and dis$#a) M$ossi-#e va#ue #istsM' =PR>CESS >3 HE+P=REQUEST 7P>H8. =PR>CESS >3 BA+UE=REQUEST 7P>B8. 03. W at is a &at% %ode' A &at% %ode is an aid to "indin! re%ords stored in t e s)ste& w enever an o-9e%t 1e) is re,uired in an in$ut "ie#d -ut t e user on#) 1nows ot er 7non=1e)8 in"or&ation a-out t e o-9e%t. 0*. In w at wa)s we %an !et t e %onte5t sensitive :1 e#$ on a "ie#d' = 6ata e#e&ent do%u&entation. = 6ata e#e&ent additiona# te5t in s%reen $ainter. = Usin! t e $ro%ess on e#$ re,uest event. 0.. W at is ro## area' A ro## area %ontains t e $ro!ra&Ds runti&e %onte5t. In addition to t e runti&e sta%1 and ot er stru%tures; a## #o%a# varia-#es and an) data 1nown to t e $ro!ra& are stored ere. 0/. How does t e s)ste& and#e ro## areas "or e5terna# $ro!ra& %o&$onents' = Transa%tions run in t eir own ro## areas. = Re$orts run in t eir own ro## areas. = 6ia#o! &odu#es run in t eir own ro## areas = :un%tion &odu#es run in t e ro## area o" t eir %a##ers. 00. 6oes t e e5terna# $ro!ra& run in t e sa&e SAP +UW as t e %a##er; or in a se$arate one' = Transa%tions run wit a se$arate SAP +UW = Re$orts run wit a se$arate SAP +UW. = 6ia#o! &odu#es run in t e sa&e SAP +UW as t e %a##er = :un%tion &odu#es run in t e sa&e SAP +UW as t e %a##er. T e on#) e5%e$tions to t e a-ove ru#es are "un%tion &odu#es %a##ed wit I3 UP6ATE TASG 7B( "un%tion on#)8 or I3 BACG<R>U36 TASG 7A+E a$$#i%ations8. T ese a#wa)s run in t eir own 7se$arate8 u$date transa%tions. 02. W at are "un%tion &odu#es' :un%tion &odu#es are !enera#=$ur$ose #i-rar) routines t at are avai#a-#e s)ste&=wide. 04. W at are t e t)$es o" $ara&eters in t e "un%tion &odu#es' In !enera#; "un%tion &odu#e %an ave "our t)$es o" $ara&etersH = EFP>RTI3<H "or $assin! data to t e %a##ed "un%tion. = ICP>RTI3<H "or re%eivin! data returned "ro& t e "un%tion &odu#e. = TAB+ESH "or $assin! interna# ta-#es on#); -) re"eren%e 7t at is; -) address8.

= CHA3<I3<H "or $assin! $ara&eters to and "ro& t e "un%tion. 20. W at is t e di""eren%e -etween +eave Transa%tion and Ca## Transa%tion' In %ontrast to +EABE T> TRA3SACTI>3; t e CA++ TRA3SACTI>3 state&ent %auses t e s)ste& to start a new SAP +UW. T is se%ond SAP +UW runs $ara##e# to t e SAP +UW "or t e %a##in! transa%tion. 21. How %an we $ass se#e%tion and $ara&eter data to a re$ort' T ere are t ree o$tions "or $assin! se#e%tion and $ara&eter data to t e re$ort. = Usin! SUBCITRWITH = Usin! a re$ort variant. = Usin! a ran!e ta-#e. 2(. How to send a re$ort to t e $rinter instead o" dis$#a)in! it on t e s%reen' We %an send a re$ort to t e $rinter instead o" di$#a)in! it on t e s%reen. To do t is; use t e 1e)words T> SAP=SP>>+H SUBCIT RS:+:I36RT> SAP=SP>>+ 6ESTI3ATI>3 D+T.0D. 23. How %an we send data to e5terna# $ro!ra&s' Usin! SPA/<PA $ara&eters7SAP &e&or)8. Usin! EFP>RT/ICP>RT data 7ABAP/* &e&or)8 2*. W at are SPA/<PA $ara&eters 7SAP &e&or)8 SPA/<PA $ara&eters are "ie#d va#ues saved !#o-a##) in &e&or). T ere are two wa)s to use SPA/<PA $ar&etersH B) settin! "ie#d attri-utes in t e S%reen Painter. B) usin! t e SET PARACETER or <ET PARACETER state&ents. B6C 1. W at is "u## "or& o" B6C Session' Bat% 6ata Co&&uni%ation Session. (. W at are t e ste$s in a B6C session' T e "irst ste$ in a B6C session is to identi") t e s%reens o" t e transa%tion t at t e $ro!ra& wi## $ro%ess. 3e5t ste$ is to write a $ro!ra& to -ui#d t e B6C ta-#e t at wi## -e used to su-&it t e data to SAP. T e "ina# ste$ is to su-&it t e B6C ta-#e to t e s)ste& in t e -at% &ode or as a sin!#e transa%tion -) t e CA++ TRA3SACTI>3 %o&&and. 3. How do )ou "ind t e in"or&ation on t e %urrent s%reen' T e in"or&ation on t e %urrent s%reen %an -e "ound -) S?STEC V STATUS %o&&and "ro& an) &enu. *. How do )ou save data in B6C ta-#es' T e data in B6C ta-#es is saved -) usin! t e "ie#d na&e DB6CL>GC>6ED and "ie#d va#ue o" D/11D. .. W at is t e #ast entr) in a## B6C ta-#es' In a## B6C ta-#es t e #ast entr) is to save t e data -) usin! t e "ie#d na&e B6CL>GC>6E and a "ie#d va#ue o" D/11D. /. W at is a &u#ti$#e #ine "ie#d' A &u#ti$#e #ine "ie#d is a s$e%ia# 1ind o" "ie#d w i% a##ows t e user to enter &u#ti$#e #ines o" data into it. 0. How do )ou $o$u#ate data into a &u#ti$#e #ine "ie#d' To $o$u#ate data into a &u#ti$#e #ine "ie#d; an inde5 is added to t e "ie#d na&e to indi%ate w i% #ine is to -e $o$u#ated -) t e B6C session 7+ine inde58. 2. Write t e B6C ta-#e stru%ture. B6C ta-#e stru%ture :IE+6 T?PE 6ESCRIPTI>3 Pro!ra& CHAR 728 Pro!ra& na&e o" transa%tion. 6)nPro CHAR 7*8 S%reen nu&-er o" transa%tion. 6)nBe!in CHAR 718 Indi%ator "or new s%reen. :na& CHAR 73.8 3a&e o" data-ase "ie#d "ro& s%reen. :va# CHAR 7208 Ba#ue to su-&it to "ie#d. 4. 6oes t e CA++ TRA3SACTI>3 &et od a##ow &u#ti$#e transa%tions to -e $ro%essed -) SAP' 3o. T e CA++ TRA3SACTI>3 &et od a##ows on#) a sin!#e transa%tion to -e $ro%essed -) SAP. 10. 6oes t e B6C=I3SERT "un%tion a##ow &u#ti$#e transa%tions to -e $ro%essed -) SAP' ?es. 11. W at is t e s)nta5 "or DCA++ TRA3SACTI>3D' CA++ TRA3SACTI>3 trans O usin! -d%ta- C>6E &ode Q. T ree $ossi-#e entries are t ere "or C>6E. A = S ow a## s%reens. E = S ow on#) s%reens wit errors. 3 = S ow no s%reens. - See more at:

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