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Katrina N.

Ph: 281-653-6037 E: Objective Embarking on o ortuniti!s that romot! th! communication" organi#ational an$ l!a$!rshi skills whil! utili#ing l!arn!$ ro%ici!nci!s in th! English languag!" t!aching" custom!r& ublic r!lations" an$ multi l! %i!l$s o% t!chnolog'. Profile ( am a moti)at!$" !rsonabl! an$ cr!ati)! ro%!ssional with han$s on !* !ri!nc! in multi l! %i!l$s. ( also hol$ th! abilit' to +uickl' mast!r an$ com l!t! an' gi)!n task" ro,!ct or instruction. -i lomatic an$ tact%ul with ro%!ssionals at all l!)!ls. .ccustom!$ to working in %ast ac!$ !n)ironm!nts with th! %l!*ibilit' to a$a t to most situations. Skills Summary English /anguag! 0kills Public&1ustom!r 2!lations 1lass&Pro,!ct 3anag!m!nt 2! ort Pr! aration

1om ut!r 0a))' Pro%!ssional Pr!s!ntations 4iling & 2!cor$s 3anag!m!nt

Professional Employment History 5armon' 0chool o% .$)anc!m!nt" 5armon' Public 0chools" 67 8th&&8th&10th 9ra$! /anguag! .rts 6!ach!r 08&11-Pr!s!nt .l ha .ca$!m' Public 1hart!r 0chool :1 3i$$l!s 9ra$!s /anguag! .rts 6!ach!r 08&10- 06&11 1umb!rlan$ 1ount' 0chools" :1 ; <!sto)!r 5igh 0chool 8th 9ra$! English 6!ach!r 1&10 ; 06&10 Pro%ici!nt in 3icroso%t& a lications to inclu$!: E*c!l" .$ob!" Pow!rPoint" <or$ an$ oth!rs. 5!l$ %ull r!s onsibilit' o% class!s" inclu$ing submitting $ata %or t!st scor!s an$ oth!r gra$!s in r! orts or s r!a$sh!!t %ormats. 2!s onsibl! %or th! gui$anc!& instruction o% 8th gra$! English ( stu$!nts an$ th!ir r! aration %or :orth 1arolina=s stan$ar$i#!$ En$ o% 1ours! !*ams 1oncor$ia 0u ort 0!r)ic!s- >outh 5om! .ssistant 12&08-11&08 Pr! ar!$ r! orts o% nightl' acti)it' to inclu$! th! sa%!t'" sl!! an$ b!ha)ior r!cor$s o% cli!nts. 6h!s! r! orts w!r! submitt!$ ro%!ssionall' in writt!n $ocum!nts at th! !n$ o% !ach shi%t %or -ir!ctor=s a ro)al. Pre- Professional Employment History Pin! %or!st 5igh 0chool - 6!aching (nt!rn 8th 9ra$! English 0 !0"-#$!0" E%ucation 4a'!tt!)ill! 0tat! ?ni)!rsit' 2005-2008 &ac'elor of Science (En)lis' *an)ua)e an% *iterature E%ucation+

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Katrina N. Williams
Ph: 281-653-6037 E:

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