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February 04,2006 Name (Address) Appointment Dear (first name), We have pleasure in appointing you as (designation-department) in our organization, effe tive (joining date) on the follo!ing ter"s and onditions# 1. P a!ement " #ompensation $ou !ill be pla ed in the appropriate band % responsibility level of the &o"pany, and !ill be entitled to o"pensation (salary and other appli able benefits) as detailed in Annexure A. &o"pensation !ill be governed by the rules of the &o"pany on the sub'e t, as appli able and%or a"ended hereafter( $. %a ar& re'ision $our salary !ill be revie!ed on April )st of ea h year, or at su h other ti"e as the *anage"ent "ay de ide( +alary revisions are dis retionary and !ill be sub'e t to, and on the basis of, effe tive perfor"an e and results( (. Posting " Transfer $our initial posting !ill be at ))*. ,o!ever, your servi es are liable to be transferred, at the sole dis retion of *anage"ent, in su h other apa ity as the o"pany "ay deter"ine, to any depart"ent % se tion, lo ation, asso iate, sister on ern or subsidiary, at any pla e in -ndia or abroad, !hether e.isting today or !hi h "ay o"e up in future( -n su h a ase, you !ill be governed by the ter"s and onditions of the servi e appli able at the ne! pla e"ent lo ation( +. Pro,ation/hat you !ill be on probation for a period of si. mont/s( /he period of probation an be e.tended at the dis retion of the *anage"ent and you !ill ontinue to be on probation till an order of onfir"ation has been issued in !riting( 0. 12 time emp o&ment $our position is a !hole ti"e e"ploy"ent !ith the &o"pany and you shall devote yourself e. lusively to the business and interests of the o"pany( $ou !ill not ta0e up any other !or0 for re"uneration (part ti"e or other!ise) or !or0 in an advisory apa ity, or be interested dire tly or indire tly (e. ept as shareholder % debenture holder), in any other trade or business during your e"ploy"ent !ith the o"pany, !ithout per"ission in !riting of the 1oard of Dire tors of the &o"pany( $ou !ill also not see0 "e"bership of any lo al or publi bodies !ithout first obtaining spe ifi per"ission fro" the *anage"ent(

3. #onfidentia it& $ou !ill not, at any ti"e, during the e"ploy"ent or after, !ithout the onsent of the 1oard of Dire tors dis lose or divulge or "a0e publi , e. ept on legal obligations, any infor"ation regarding the &o"pany2s affairs or ad"inistration or resear h arried out, !hether the sa"e is onfided to you or be o"es 0no!n to you in the ourse of your servi e or other!ise( 4. Inte e!t2a Propert& -f you on eive any ne! or advan ed "ethod of i"proving designs% pro esses% for"ulae% syste"s, et ( in relation to the business% operations of the &o"pany, su h develop"ents !ill be fully o""uni ated to the o"pany and !ill be, and re"ain, the sole right% property of the &o"pany( 5. Responsi,i ities " 62ties $our !or0 in the organization !ill be sub'e t to the rules and regulations of the organization as laid do!n in relation to ondu t, dis ipline and other "atters( $ou !ill al!ays be alive to responsibilities and duties atta hed to your offi e and ondu t yourself a ordingly( $ou "ust effe tively perfor" to ensure results( 7. Past Re!ords -f any de laration given, or infor"ation furnished by you, to the o"pany proves to be false, or if you are found to have !illfully suppressed any "aterial infor"ation, in su h ases, you !ill be liable to re"oval fro" servi es !ithout any noti e( 18. Retirement /he retire"ent age is 05 &ears. $ou !ill retire fro" the e"ploy"ent of the &o"pany at the end of the "onth in !hi h you attain 34 years of age( 11. Termination of emp o&ment During the probationary period and any e.tension thereof, your servi es "ay be ter"inated on either side by giving one "onth2s noti e or salary in lieu thereof( ,o!ever, on onfir"ation the servi es an be ter"inated fro" either side by giving t9o mont/s (60 days) noti e or salary in lieu thereof( 5pon ter"ination of e"ploy"ent, you !ill i""ediately hand over to the &o"pany all orresponden e, spe ifi ations, for"ulae, boo0s, do u"ents, "ar0et data, ost data, dra!ings, affe ts or re ords belonging to the &o"pany or relating to its business and shall not retain or "a0e opies of these ite"s( 5pon ter"ination of e"ploy"ent, you !ill also return all o"pany property, !hi h "ay be in your possession( 1$. Medi!a 1itness /his appoint"ent is sub'e t to your being, and re"aining, "edi ally fit( 6lease onfir" your a eptan e of the appoint"ent on the above ter"s and onditions by signing and returning this letter for our re ords( $ours faithfully, For

- have read the ter"s and onditions of this letter of appoint"ent and onfir" "y a eptan e of the sa"e( (%ignat2re and 6ate)

ANNE:;RE <A= - #OMPEN%ATION 6ETAIL% (%a ar& " app i!a, e ,enefits) Name 6esignation 6ate of joining Lo!ation a) Rem2neration 1asi +alary ,ouse 7ent Allo!an e +pe ial Allo!an e &onveyan e Allo!an e *edi al rei"burse"ent 9i"it ,) Retira s i( $ou !ill parti ipate in the &o"pany 6rovident Fund + he"e as appli able to your ategory of e"ployees( ii( $ou !ill be entitled to gratuity in a ordan e !ith the rules governing su h pay"ent( !) Lea'e $ou !ill be entitled to privilege, si 0 and asual leave as appli able to your ategory of e"ployees( # # # # # 7s( 7s( 7s( 7s( 7s( %8 per "onth %8 per "onth %8 per "onth %8 per "onth %8 per annu" -

888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888888 Note-

-t is ted that individual o"pensation pa 0age !ould not be shared !ith other e"ployees( /he above o"pensation stru ture is sub'e t to hange !ithout affe ting e"olu"ents adversely( Appli able ta. !oDATE


Dear NAME:
I am pleased to offer you tenure-tra ! fa ulty employment at t"e ran! of Asso #ate Professor #n t"e Department of DEPARTMENT #n t"e Colle$e of C%&&E'E (#t" a salary of ))))* You (#ll +e pa#d #n annual#,ed, e-ual mont"ly #nstallments e. ept for t"e #n#t#al payment re e#/ed #n Au$ust, ("# " (#ll +e 0120t"s of t"e annual salary* 3or #nformat#on re$ard#n$ t"e #n#t#al payment see: "ttp:11(((*n su*edu1pol# #es1employment1epa1RE'425*66*0*p"p* T"#s offer #s for employment t"at arr#es a 2*66 3TE ser/# e o+l#$at#on on an academic-year +as#s (#t" t"e #n#t#al appo#ntment len$t" of f#/e 758 years effe t#/e Au$ust 29, 0666 t"rou$" May 15, 2005* Your performan e, salary, and respons#+#l#t#es (#ll +e re/#e(ed annually a ord#n$ to esta+l#s"ed un#/ers#ty re-u#rements and departmental1 olle$e e/aluat#on r#ter#a* T"#s appo#ntment #s ont#n$ent upon /er#f# at#on of de$ree redent#als* A opy of departmental reappo#ntment, promot#on and tenure r#ter#a #s en losed* INSERT SPECI3IC DEPARTMENTA&1C%&&E'E EMP&%YMENT RESP%NSI:I&ITIES ;ERE

Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Review

Re$ular fa ulty appo#ntments are t"ose to ("# " ons#derat#on for tenure appl#es and for ("# " t"ere #s an esta+l#s"ed t#me frame dur#n$ ("# " a de #s#on to reappo#nt or promote and onfer tenure must +e made* Your tenure de #s#on (#ll +e made dur#n$ #nsert re/#e( per#od, ("# " #s +efore t"e end of t"e ne.t-to-last year of t"#s appo#ntment* 3or #nformat#on re$ard#n$ re/#e( t#mel#nes see: "ttp:11(((*n su*edu1pro/ost1RPT1Re/#e(T#mel#ne1#nde.*"tml*

Informat#on a+out ret#rement pro$ram opt#ons, "ealt" #nsuran e, employment +enef#ts and all ot"er #nformat#on on ern#n$ +enef#ts (#ll +e addressed #n Ne( Employee %r#entat#on ("# " you are re-u#red to attend (#t"#n <6 days of your employment* 3or #nformat#on re$ard#n$ +enef#ts see: "ttp:11(((4*a s*n su*edu1+enef#ts1"omepa$e*asp*

You are also #n/#ted to attend a ne( fa ulty or#entat#on t"at #s sponsored +y t"e Pro/ost=s %ff# e and s "eduled dur#n$ t"e (ee! +efore fall semester lasses* You (#ll re e#/e a personal #n/#tat#on (#t" t"e spe #f# date and t#me* 3or #nformat#on re$ard#n$ t"#s see: "ttp:11(((*n su*edu1pro/ost1a adem# >affa#rs1fd1nfo1*

Employment Eligi ility

T"e un#/ers#ty #s re-u#red +y federal la( to /er#fy t"e #dent#ty and (or! aut"or#,at#on of all ne( employees* A ord#n$ly, t"#s offer of employment #s ont#n$ent upon su " /er#f# at#on* You (#ll +e as!ed +y a representat#/e of your department to omplete t"e 3orm I-? 7Employment El#$#+#l#ty @er#f# at#on8 no later t"an your t"#rd day of (or!* If you are not a A*S* #t#,en, or A*S* Permanent Res#dent, t"e department (#ll (or! (#t" ;uman Resour es Internat#onal Employment %ff# e "ere at NC State to pet#t#on for non#mm#$rant /#sa status on your +e"alf ("# " (#ll aut"or#,e you for employment at NC State An#/ers#ty* Internat#onal Employment an +e rea "ed at 7?2?8 52<-4505* Employment Policies

You (#ll re e#/e an off# #al appo#ntment letter from t"e Pro/ost as t"#s offer #s su+Be t to Pro/ost appro/al*
Appo#ntment to t"#s pos#t#on #s su+Be t to t"e Const#tut#on and la(s of t"e State of Nort" Carol#na and t"e pol# #es, re$ulat#ons and rules of t"e ANC :oard of 'o/ernors and t"e NC State An#/ers#ty :oard of Trustees* NCSA pol# #es, re$ulat#ons and rules may +e found on t"e An#/ers#ty=s (e+ pa$e at: "ttp:11(((*n su*edu1pol# #es1"omepa$e*p"p* T"#s letter onst#tutes t"e full terms of our employment offer and supersedes all ot"er offers, e#t"er (r#tten or /er+al, t"at may "a/e +een made to you* To a ept t"#s employment offer, please s#$n and date a opy of t"#s letter and return #t to me as soon as poss#+le, +ut not later t"an DATE* My ollea$ues and I s#n erely "ope you (#ll +e Bo#n#n$ t"e NC State An#/ers#ty ommun#ty* S#n erely, >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> S#$nature, Department ;ead : Dean NAME

I a ept t"e offer of employment des r#+ed #n t"e a+o/e letter, and I a !no(led$e t"at my appo#ntment #s not effe t#/e unt#l appro/ed +y t"e Pro/ost* >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> S#$nature


!En losed #s ne( "#re do umentat#on t"at #s re-u#red for EPA employment at NC State An#/ers#ty* Please omplete t"e re-u#red do umentat#on and su+m#t to DEPARTMENT C%NTACT NAME AND ADDRESS (#t" t"e a eptan e letter*


Fa ilities and &a"pus +ervi es


It is a p eas2re to rene9 &o2r emp o&ment as des!ri,ed ,e o9. T/is etter of appointment
notifies you of so"e i"portant onditions of your e"ploy"ent( -f signifi ant hanges to your individual situation o ur, you !ill be notified in !riting( /his appoint"ent and other onditions of e"ploy"ent are sub'e t to the ter"s of the &olle tive 1argaining Agree"ent (&1A) bet!een 5niversity of Alas0a and the Alas0a ,igher :du ation &rafts ; /rade :"ployees (A,:&/:), A6:A%AF/ (AF98&-<) dated =anuary ), 2004, and appli able 1oard of 7egents2 6oli ies and 5niversity 7ules and 7egulations, as a"ended fro" ti"e to ti"e( As a 5niversity e"ployee, you are sub'e t to the Drug Free Wor0pla e A t and the +tate of Alas0a &ode of :thi s( $ou "ust be eligible for e"ploy"ent under the -""igration 7efor" and &ontrol A t of )>46( Duties# +upervisor# =ob /itle ; &lass# :"ploy"ent +tatus# Wage +tep# 1eginning Assign"ent# :nd Assign"ent# (Brief description of job, e.g., carpenter, plumber) Term CT1 !tep A ("1#.#$ %our) (&nsert Begin 'ate) (&nsert (nd 'ate)

$pecial %onditions of Employment

)( $ou are entitled to all provisions of the olle tive bargaining agree"ent e. ept in ases of layoff or e.piration of appoint"ent (Arti le )(2(1)(


$our seniority date is the sa"e as the date you begin a ruing leave (Arti le 3(?(A)(


/his appoint"ent is for the spe ifi period identified above, and your e"ploy"ent "ay on lude on or before that date !ith no advan e noti e (Arti le )(2)(

6lease indi ate your a eptan e by signing and returning this letter to (designated indi)idual) !ith an original signature( $ou "ay !ish to retain a opy for your re ords(

+in erely,

(*iring Aut%orit+)

- understand and a ept the above onditions of e"ploy"ent(

:"ployee +ignature


uld be borne by the e"ployee(

30th August, 2005

xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Chennai xxxxxxxxx Dear xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Re: Letter of Appointment Further to our discussions, we ha e p!easure in gi ing "ou this !etter of appointment, setting out the detai!s of "our emp!o"ment with our !ife insurance compan"# $ou are %eing appointed to the position of xxxxxxxxxxxxx &his appointment ta'es effect from "our date of (oining which sha!! not %e !ater than xxxxxxxxxxxxxx $our Cost to the Compan" )C&C* is Rs.xxxxxxxxxx p#a# &his inc!udes +ro ident Fund, ,ratuit", -uperannuation, .edica! etc# &hese a!!owances, %enefits and other terms and conditions of "our emp!o"ment wi!! %e as per Compan" po!icies as app!ica%!e from time to time# An extract of the /R po!icies is attached# $our compensation wi!! %e re iewed in future as per Compan" po!ic"# $ou wi!! %e initia!!" p!aced at Chennai %ut "our ser ices are transfera%!e to an" other offices of the Compan", at the discretion of the compan"# <n 'oining the o"pany you shall be on probation for si. "onths( During probation, the period of noti e re@uired for resignation is 24 hours on either side( Further, unless other!ise o""uni ated to you in !riting, your servi es shall stand onfir"ed at the end of the period of probation(

$ou wi!! a%ide %" the ru!es and regu!ations of the Compan" as ma" %e in force from time to time# $our appointment is su%(ect to satisfactor" reference chec's and c!earance from an" secrec" 0 ser ice agreements that "ou ma" ha e executed, which cou!d ha e a %earing on "our wor'ing with us# $ou are re1uired to sign and su%mit a cop" of this !etter of appointment as a to'en of "our acceptance of our terms and conditions, a!ong with the fo!!owing documents within 2 da"s from the date of this !etter, fai!ing which this !etter of appointment wi!! %e treated as withdrawn# +roof of age3 +roof of educationa! 1ua!ification3 +roof of wor' experience 4 -er ice certificate 0 appointment !etter3 Cop" of !ast drawn pa" s!ip3 +roof of incenti es drawn ) if an" *3 2 stamp si5e and 2 passport si5e photographs3 .edica! examination report 4 Refer Annexure

$our appointment is su%(ect to "our %eing found medica!!" fit for emp!o"ment# &he re!ie ing 0 resignation acceptance !etter from "our pre ious organi5ation has to %e su%mitted on "our (oining the compan"# An" extension of the same wi!! re1uire a forma! appro a! from "our reporting authorit" which in case shou!d happen %efore dis%ursement of "our first month!" sa!ar"# &his !etter of appointment is %ased on the information furnished in "our app!ication for emp!o"ment and during the inter iews "ou had with us# 6f, at an" time in future, it comes to !ight that an" of this information is incorrect or an" re!e ant information has %een withhe!d, then "our emp!o"ment is !ia%!e to %e terminated without notice# A!! matters pertaining to "our appointment and compensation are strict!" confidentia! and it shou!d %e treated as such# An" tax !ia%i!it" arising out of "our compensation shou!d %e %orne %" "ou and it wi!! %e as per 6ncome &ax ru!es# 7e we!come "ou to our organisation and !oo' forward to "our contri%ution to the growth of the organisation and "ourse!f# $ours faithfu!!", For xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 8nc!: Compensation detai!s An extract of /R po!icies

Name Adress, City Dear Mr. Name. Sub: Letter of Appointment Further to our discussions and the subsequent offer letter dated ......... !!", #e are pleased to $i%e you this letter of appointment, settin$ out the details of your employment #ith our company. &ou are bein$ appointed to the position of .......... 'his appointment ta(es effect from ....... !!". &our monthly compensation is )s ......... Salary brea( *up 'he rules and re$ulations and $eneral information of the terms of appointment are as follo#s: &our monthly carry home salary #ill be directly credited to your ban( account. 'he +ayroll Administrator #ill pro%ide the details to you. 'he allo#ances, benefits and other terms and conditions of your employment #ill be as per Company policies as applicable from time to time. &our compensation #ill be re%ie#ed e%ery year in the month of April as per Company policy. &ou #ill be initially placed at Mumbai but your ser%ices are transferable to any other offices of the Company, in ,ndia and abroad at the discretion of the company-s mana$ement. &ou should note that the first si. months of your employment constitute a probationary period durin$ #hich #e can fully assess your suitability for this role and you can decide if you ha%e made the ri$ht decision /oinin$ us. &ou #ill abide by the rules and re$ulations of the Company as may be in force from time to time. &our appointment is sub/ect to satisfactory reference chec(s and clearance from any secrecy 0 ser%ice a$reements that you may ha%e e.ecuted, #hich could ha%e a bearin$ on your #or(in$ #ith us. &ou are required to si$n and submit a copy of this letter of appointment and 1mployee a$reement as a to(en of your acceptance of our terms and conditions. &our appointment is sub/ect to your bein$ found medically fit for employment. 'he relie%in$0resi$nation acceptance letter from your pre%ious or$ani2ation has to be submitted on your /oinin$ the company. Any e.tension of the same #ill require a formal

appro%al from your reportin$ authority, #hich in case should happen before disbursement of your first monthly salary. 'his letter of appointment is based on the information furnished in your application for employment and durin$ the inter%ie#s you had #ith us. ,f, at any time in future, it comes to li$ht that any of this information is incorrect or any rele%ant information has been #ithheld, then your employment is liable to be terminated #ithout notice. All matters pertainin$ to your appointment and compensation are strictly confidential and it should be treated as such. Any ta. liability arisin$ out of your compensation should be borne by you and it #ill be as per ,ncome 'a. rules. 3e #elcome you to our or$ani2ation and loo( for#ard to your contribution to the $ro#th of the or$ani2ation and yourself. Sincerely, 1uclid ,nfo'ech +%t Ltd. Mr. +radeep 4umar C15 6!7, Dimple Arcade 'ha(ur Comple. 4andi%li 81ast9 Mumbai : 6!! 7!7.


6rivate ; &onfidential


Dear *r(%*sAAAAAAA With referen e to your appli ation for e"ploy"ent and subse@uent interfa e you had !ith us, !e are pleases to appoint you asAAAAAAAAAon the follo!ing ter"s and onditions, re orded belo! for your onsideration and a eptan e( $our date of 'oining has been re orded as AAAA( )( $ou shall be entitled to a salary of 7s( AAAAA(AAAAAAAAAAA) per annu" as &/& ( ost to the o"pany) and shall be sub'e t to dedu tion as per statutory la!s( 2( $ou shall be on probation for a period of si. "onths fro" the date of 'oining and the said period "ay, at the dis retion of the "anage"ent( 1e e.tended fro" the "anage"ent or as per the provision of +ervi e 7ules or a o"pletion of one year of ontinuous servi e( During the period of probation, your perfor"an e

(#ll +e e/aluated on re$ular +as#s and #f t"e same #s not ted standard, your appo#ntment #s l#a+le to +e term#nated (#t"out any not# e and (#t"out ass#$n#n$ any /ar#ous #nterest*

?( /he o"pany ts you to !or0 in the Depart"ent, in !hi h you are pla ed !ith high standard of effi ien y and e ono"y( 4( $our e"ploy"ent in your o"pany !ill be sub'e t to your found and re"aining physi ally and "entally fit and alert to perfor" your duties( $our servi es !ill be liable to be ter"inated on being found physi ally and "entally unfit by 7*6 no"inated by the o"pany at any ti"e(
5* T"e ompany may transfer you for (or! from one pla e of duty or se t#on1 department1 d#/#s#on to ot"er pla e of duty or se t#on1 department1 d#/#s#on #n t"e esta+l#s"ment* You (#ll also l#a+le to +e transferred to our ot"er esta+l#s"ment, plants, asso #ated ompan#es, +ran " off# es, "ead off# es #n Ind#a or a+road ("# " may +e a -u#red #n future at t"e sole d#s ret#on of t"e mana$ement* %n transfer from one pla e to ot"er, your salary (#ll not +e ad/ersely affe ted +ut all ot"er terms and ond#t#ons s"all rema#n t"e same* 9* T"#s letter of appo#ntment #s +e#n$ #ssued on t"e understand#n$ t"at t"ere #s not"#n$

in your past re ord !hi h should have presented in the o"pany to offer you an e"ploy"ent( -f it is found that your past re ord is ob'e tionable and if any de laration given by you proves to be false and you have suppressed any "aterial infor"ation, in su h ase, the appoint"ent itself shall be dee"ed to be irregular and your servi es !ill be liable to i""ediate ter"ination !ithout any noti e or o"pensation in lieu thereof( B( $ou !ill be in the e. lusive e"ploy"ent of this organization and !ill not engage yourself either alone or in o"pany, in any !or0, profession or e"ploy"ent either honorary and other!ise during the period of e"ploy"ent !ith us( 4( $our servi es shall be governed by the 7ules ; 7egulations of the o"pany, i"plied or notified and also any instru tion that "ay be notified fro" ti"e to ti"e( -n ase of any dispute, the ourt of Delhi%Ce! Delhi shall have the e.e ute 'urisdi tion( >( $ou !ill not in any "anner !hatsoever, any se ret orresponden e, agree"ent and any su h infor"ation pertaining to our organization, !hi h you "ay a @uire on erning the o"pany business to other person%fir" or organization( )0( $ou !ill be entitled to leave and holidays as per the leave of the o"pany( ))( $our absen e for a period of )0 days (in luding absen e, !hi h leave though applied for, is not granted and !hen you overstay for "ore than )0 days) !ould entail auto"ati loss of your lieu on 'ob !ithout any noti e and infor"ation by the "anage"ent(

)2( -n general, the e"ploy"ent "ay be ter"inated by either of the parties at any ti"e by giving to the other, one "onth noti e or one "onth gross salary in lieu of noti e( Cot!ithstanding the above ondition, the ontra t of servi e "ay also be ter"inated be ause of under "entioned stipulations( /his !ill be !ithout pay"ent of any o"pensation( (a) -f you fail, refuse or negle t to arry out and perfor" your duties assigned to you by the o"pany( ( (b) For loss of onfiden e in you by the o"pany for any of the a t o""itted by you( ( ) -f you are found to be guilty of fraud, insubordination or "is ondu t !hether in ourse of perfor"an e of duties entrusted to you or other!ise( (d) -f you are found unfit for being entrusted !ith the responsible !or0 o""ensurate !ith your position in onse@uen es of any "is ondu t, "oral turpitude( (e) -f you o""it any a t pre'udi ial to the ontinuing good relationship bet!een you and the o"pany( (f) -f you be o"e physi ally in apa itated for the perfor"an e of your duties( (g) -f you o""it brea h of any of the ter"s of this letter of appoint"ent( )?( Co authority is vested upon you both to "a0e any finan ial o""it"ent and enter into agree"ents% ontra ts%understandings of any nature !ith any se ond party and third party !ithout see0ing the prior per"ission%approval of the "anage"ent( Any violation to e. eed your spe ified authority as "entioned !ill be seriously vie!ed and dis iplinary%appropriate legal a tion !ill be ta0en( )4( $ou !ill retire fro" the servi es of he o"pany on attaining the age of 34 yrs !hi h is the age of superannuation as far as your servi es is on erned( /his letter is in dupli ate( Dindly return the dupli ate opy thereof duly signed by you as onfir"ation of your having a epted the ter"s ; onditions ontained therein( We !el o"e you in &entral 6ar0 :states 6vt( 9td( and loo0 for!ard for a long ter" asso iation(

For 888888888888888888888888. +888888888888888888 *anager ,7

- have read and understood the ter"s and onditions "entioned in this letter of appoint"ent and - hereby onfir" un onditional a eptan e of the sa"e

Full Ca"e AAAAAAAAAA( +ignature AAAAAAAAAA(((

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