Fulford Carroll Nancy 1961 SAfrica

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"How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed?

end how shall

they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a


And how shall they preach, except they be sent?"

Romans 10;l4,15.
JAmiARY, 196l


Mr. & Mrs. Carroll Fulford, Landy and Sandy.

,; ;

117 Rotherfield Road Plumstead, Gape Province South Africa
I, J, 4. )tL Iti. 4. >rii, 1^I, It. I, ^ IT ^1. V )r >r% * 4-% 9l> ^ ^ ^ If


Mrs. Gene Monaghan

6l2 S.E. Dorion Pendleton Oregon
IK % V * 4^4 * It'% ir 1^ 4 * %







We greet you brethren in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.

the lost ones who know not Christ the Lord.

As we begin this

New Year we do pray God's blessing and guidance for you in your every endeavour to promote the Kingdom of Righteousness in this sad and sin-sick world. How many are
Throughout the world multitudes are

marching into eternity vjithout Christ. How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? Jesus said, "This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; end then shall the end come." To this end we have come even here to Cape Town. With the beginning of the New Year w begin this,
the first issue of our new monthly paper -- THE CAFE TOWN CHRISTIAN designed spe

cifically to

keep you in touch with our work here at the bottom of the African con

Ce^ Town, now a city of 600,000, was first settled in l6^2 with the arrival of
""Tan Van iUebeek'a Hollander. It was used by the Dutch East India Co. as a half-way

stop to India. Later the English annexed the Gape, and in 1820 a number of British Settlers came out. So~today the two main languages spoken here are Afrikaans (derived from Dutch) and English. The main churches too ere the Dutch-Reformed and the Anglican. What of the original natives who inhabited the Cape? There was constant fighting be
tween the Whites and Blacks, so that even today the pure-blooded Africens must live on
the reserves or locations outside the town. Coloureds of mixed blood live in town.

Even vjhen there are no specific riots there is a constant racial tension
How does this affect our work at the W'YNBERG CHURCH CF CHRIST?

in the air.

Well, one thing is

1for sure. It doesn't make matters any easier. They say, "On the mission field you have all the problems of the local church and then some." This is true. One lady said

won't come because of the Coloureds. But the seed^j^Deihg sown, and already we have
seen some fruit of our labors.

would be allowed in your church." I..expleine.4..tba.i<!^j^ere^3l^

to me just the other day, "l have some Coloured friej3iia.y^but I didn't know if they

Some white people

We have had an addition to our family just this last month. On Dafigfflb.er...5th Jo. came to live with us. She tipped the scales at 7 pounds 12 ounces. Our other daughter,,_A,landr.fLs|.o is 5 years old now.

We are having a lot of activity around the end of the old year and the beginning of the new. First is our Sunday School"Anniversary and Christmas program on Dec. "2?, Then our New Year's Camp at Hout Bay from Dec. 29 to Jan. 2, Under the pines on the
shores of the Atlantic we have wonderful opportunities to tell our young people more of our Wonderful Savior. Then our REVIVAL FiEETlNGS from Jen.2-12 with Brother A1

Hamilton, minister in Kimberley, as our Evangelist.

Already hundreds of invitations

to the Revival have been handed out in the suburb of WYNBERG. Our effort at the CAPE BIBLE SEMINARY et the WYNBERG CHURCH OF CHRIST is going well with clasees on Saturday afternoons.. Mdladlana, an African from Nyanga Location, is attending the classes.

But may I stress this

WE NEED MDRE .TAGiiERSLAND__PRACHERS. There are 60_suburbs


in Cape Town, and we could well have a^Church

You ere entering a New Year. And as you do so we pray God's blessing end guidance pen you. May He lead you in love to do His good will, and may your life bo a

channel of blessing. Please pray for us as we labor here at the bottom of Africa, and if you havo resolved to make missionary giving a port of your monthly budget remember
us in that too, for jis_ae--6tYll

grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.

a month short of our full living-link,


i^iay the


Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Fulford

2 Lancaster Court
Lancaster Road

Mr. and Mrs, Gene Monaghan

Route 2, Box 72 A Pendleton Oregon

Kenilworth, Cape
Union of South Africa

February 15, 19^1

Dear Friends in Christ,
We have been in South Africa for nine months now and I have

come to really love this beautiful land. Everywhere one looks you can see the hand of God. Seas and mountains, forests and green meadows all praize the Lord with their beauty. We have traveled throughout South Africa and parts of Rhodesia and I must agree with the great explorer, Sir Francis Drake, that the Cape Town

area is the "fairefft Cape of all".

Alandra has grown so much and seems to thrive on the lovely weather, as I know I do. She has learned many new Bible school songs and always has so much to say. She plays nicely with her toys, one of which is a piano. And I must add that she has a long way to go before any of the great pianists need to worry. She insists on bringing what ever she is playing with into the room where I am cleaning or doing something. She tries to help when I can stand to let her. Usually after she has helped with the dishes I must mop the floor. But she is a joy and we love her dearly.

Starting tomorrow I'm having a maid come in once a week to

help with the ironing and other odd jobs. There is always a lot of writing to do

and now that the work here in Wynberg is in full swing I have lots to do, notices ^
of the services to be sent out each week and a weekly paper to be done.

Tomorrow, February lAth the change from pounds and shillings

to rands and cents v/ill take place. The banks have been closed for the past two

days to get prepared for tomorrow. It will be very confusing, but I'm sure every thing will settle down afterwhile,we hope. But most of the South Africans don't
like the change. It will present a problem until all the pounds and shillings are
The building we are now worshiping in is in sad shape and in \
in and the rands are out.

a desperate need of a face lifting. So Carroll has been working all day cleaning and started painting the walls a very lovely shade of pale green. Tonight when I brought supper to him he had one wall partly done and it really loked nice. Tomorrow will be another full day for him.

\ I! 1/

We certainly appreciate all the lovely Christmas cards and

greetings we received at that season and we thank each of you for your interest. We are especially mindful of the prayers you send up to God on our behalf. For we know that without prayer and those that pray the work here could not flourish as it has. We praise the Lord for each of you and for each blessing.
The weather at present is quite warm to hot and will continue

through February, but I'm told that in Jferch the Pall weather begins and it will turn cool. Seems funny to say Fall v/hen I know and you all know that it is really

Ve miss you all very much and especially our family but the work here keeps us very busy and it is an encouraging work so we are content.

Five years ago I didn't dream that one day I would be serv ing God in South Africa but now I can see how well He plans for us if we put our selves in His hands. May this same great God lead all of you in paths of service.


In His Service,

:-ir. oii Krs. G. Xona.rhan

Route 2, riDx 30 BB
iencleton, Oregon

i-jr. & C. Fulford 2 Lenceeter Court

Lanc^:ater Roac, Kenilworth

Union of Ooutn Africa

io^rca 22,
Oe^r Cnrietian wretnren, Greetinre in tae name of cur bleceed Lord and Savior

Jeeus Ciirist.

Your faitiifulnese and zeal for tne Lord are a great encouragement

to us nere in Cape Toun, South Africa.

..e praise God for tie knowledge that

Oh, the

tarougaout the v.-crld our fcllow-Chrietians are laboring in the service of Christ,
et;c v.e lonr for tne uay when v.e shall all be united about .iie throne.

depths of the 'race, mercj and love of God in CiiristiJ

Rine months ago a Viscount Turbo-Jet landed at Cape Town.

Among the paes-nrers who alighted viere Carroll end Kency Fulford v.itn tieir baby
daucrciter Alandra Jo, arriving intact after the long journey from -,inne6ota U.S.A. and the iiinnesota bible College. For i.ancy and the baby this v.-es a nev. experience,
For me it was Old liome Leek but home had changed a lot in six and a half years. Today if you were to walk casuall- dD\n Lroad Road in

Cape Town's suburb of ..yv'jberg you would see an old building vJitn a oe:i look,
of the new look can be attributed to the woroe CnUHGri OF CriRirT -- in large


red letters on the wall.

If you quietly sic,"iraife Goo"', you would be giving

The Lord works in myeterious ways, but those who know

hjnor to whom honor was due.

diio know tnat ois way -is the beet v.'ay.

Lert v.uek my calls broup.it me to Lester

Road, to t.ie nome of Joe, Greyliny. A morrieo -man, he nov ass two fine daughters. As our discussion tufhed tov.erdF the things of the Loro, and that vacant spot in his own heart, he raid,"You know Carroll, its strange. Just a fev? ye^rs ego you

lived two doors e.ay froi me. Row here you are, a u-inister. The things you tell me seem to make sense. Yes, I hope that I cnell fine God." Joe is not far from
the kingdom.

\.orking witi. the Youn; reopU is a special joy. I have spoken on t..'o occassions at Student's Oaristisn Union meetings at v.ynberg boys nigh School, and am conducting a series of uible Stucies for students of the

Univereity of Cape Tov)n every Tuesoey evening.

At the church we have a "Fichers

of Ren" !roup for instruction in Fersonsl Lvangelism, and no the Younr reople are keen to start a Cioir and Youth C-rcup. One is almost teoptew to say, "Go, man, go." Flans are being mace for the future of the work here. btilT in the planning staye is the Cape Tov.n bible Se.:inary. A man in the States is
alreacy well qualified end willing to come. Toptther with A1 Zimmerman we are purchasirjc; a miueograph and aclaressofrarh for the correspondence work, kore churches ere needed in Cape Tov.n - t'.ie Gateway to South Africa. Of course the future is uncertain, end v.'e must look daily to t.:e Lord for guidance, especially

in these uays of turmoil.

'in^ths^LcrcT*' '

Yet it it good to know that "Your labor is not in vain

" "

fay the grace of our Lord be vita you,

Trib CARFvOuL Fui^ruhCS


ilease note the new box number of our forwarding agent

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