Week 9 Study Guide Lecture

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Week 9 – Lecture

A. Expected Learning Outcomes of the Lesson

By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

 Revise their essay so that their sentences use a consistent point of view, specific words,
active words, concise words, and a variety of sentence structures.
 Edit their essay for accuracy.
 Revise their essay for unity, coherence, support and sentence skills.

B. Suggested Learning Activities for Lecture 9

 Mini-Presentation List E (Group 4)
 Textbook Exercises in Revising and Editing (Unit 3, Ch 6):
o Consistency with Verbs – Activity 2, pp.232-233 (Complete at least 1 question.)
o Consistency with Pronouns – Activity 3, pp.234-235 (Complete at least 1
o Using Specific Words – Activity 4-5, pp.236-237 (Complete at least 1 question.)
o Using Active Verbs - Activity 6, pp.239 (Complete at least 1 question.)
o Using Concise Words - Activity 7, pp.240-241 (Complete at least 1 question.)
o Varying Your Sentences
ƒ Activity 8, pp.242-243 (Complete at least 1 question.)
ƒ Activity 9, pp.244-245 (Complete at least 1 question.)
ƒ Activity 10, pp.246-247 (Complete at least 1 question.)
ƒ Activity 11, pp.247-248 (Complete at least 1 question.)
o Proofreading Exercise: Activity 12, pp.250-251
 Textbook Exercises in Revising for Four Bases of Writing (Unit 3, Ch 7):
o Activity 12, pp.287-290 (Analyse either Essay 1 or 2.)

C. Supplementary Learning Activities

 Textbook Exercises (Unit 3, Ch 6):
o Consistency with Verbs
ƒ Activity 2, pp.232 (Complete the rest of the questions.)
ƒ Review Test 3, pp.253-254
o Consistency with Pronouns
ƒ Activity 3, pp.234-235 (Complete the rest of the questions.)
ƒ Review Test 4, pp.254-255
o Using Specific Words
ƒ Activity 4-5, pp.236-237 (Complete the rest of the questions.)
ƒ Review Test 5-6, pp.255-257
o Using Active Verbs
ƒ Activity 6, pp.239 (Complete the rest of the questions.)
C C204 0 E ng lis h for Acad e mi c S t udie s ( He al th Ca re) – S tudy Guid e
ƒ Review Test 7, pp.257-258
o Using Concise Words
ƒ Activity 7, pp.240-241 (Complete the rest of the questions.)
ƒ Review Test 8-9, pp.258-259
o Varying Your Sentences (Complete the rest of the questions.)
ƒ Activity 8, pp.242-243
ƒ Activity 9, pp.244-245
ƒ Activity 10, pp.246-247
ƒ Activity 11, pp.247-248
ƒ Review Test 10-12, pp.259-262

 Textbook Exercises in Revising for 4 Bases of Writing (Unit 3, Ch 7):

o Base 1: Unity
ƒ Activity 1-2, pp.264-267
ƒ Activity 9, pp.278-282
o Base 2: Support
ƒ Activity 3, pp.268-271
ƒ Activity 10, pp.282-284
o Base 3: Coherence
ƒ Activity 4-5, pp.271-275
ƒ Activity 11, pp.284-287
o Base 4: Sentence Skills
ƒ Activity 7, pp.274-278;
ƒ Activity 12, pp.287-290 (Complete the rest of the questions)

D. Useful Resources
 Online Revision Practices at Companion Website (CWSR) http://highered.mcgraw-
o i) Ch 6, Interactive Exercises Æ Reviewing the Four Bases
o ii) Ch 6, Writing On- and Offline

C C204 0 E ng lis h for Acad e mi c S t udie s ( He al th Ca re) – S tudy Guid e

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