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Rebekah Rutledge 528-4391 6766 US Highwa 319 ! "mega #$ 31775 Objective% & wa't to u(e m au)io a') *i)eo (kill( to obtai' a' e'tr le*el +o(itio' i' a high tech com+a' (uch a( ,a com -e)ia.

Skills and Qualifications%

. . . . . . .

&'ter*iewi'g +eo+le to obtai' i'/ormatio' 0orki'g a( a member o/ a 1our'ali(m team 0riti'g a') re+orti'g o' 'ew( e*e't( 0riti'g i)ea( 2ea)i'g a team to gather 'ee) i'/ormatio' #i*i'g i'/ormatio' o' e*e't( a') +roce)ure( $ble to work with ma' )i//ere't t +e( o/ +eo+le 4harlie $ #ra -oultrie7 #$

Education and Training%

$ugu(t 2312 - -a 2314 $((ociate( 5egree% 6rao)ca(t -e)ia . . . . .

Accomplishments and Activities%

,ecog'i8e) /or bei'g i' the to+ te' #9$ i' m gra)e 4reate) the (chool ear book ,ecog'i8e) /or ha*i'g the (eco') highe(t (ocial (tu)ie( gra)e i' m cla(( ,ecog'i8e) /or ha*i'g the highe(t rea)i'g gra)e i' m cla(( ,ecog'i8e) /or 'o gra)e( u')er a 93 5rama -o*ie(:;heater -u(ic 9hotogra+h 0riti'g #eolog :,ock 6roa)ca(ti'g:Ham ,a)io ,ea)i'g Scra+book( 4oi'(


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