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Sherry Black Lesson Plan #2

Objective/Purpose: The student will be able to construct three meaningful sentences for each of the vocabulary words presented, and identify and explain the meaning of those words in the historical fiction text, Mrs. Gleesons Records. aterials: !hite boards/mar"ers #ocabulary $entence %ards %opy of Mrs. Gleesons Records by $andy Prediction %hart

c&ay for each student

'aily (eview )chec" past comprehension and set bac"ground "nowledge*: +n order to ensure overlearning of the genre )historical fiction* of the boo", + will as" the students to explain the meaning of the word historical fiction for review. + will state the meaning of historical fiction if needed ), fictional story that ta"es place in a particular time period in the past. Often the setting is real, but the characters are made up from the author-s imagination.* Presentation: .. Present vocabulary words /. Preview boo" )ma"e predictions/discuss essential 0uestion* 1. (ead %hapter One $teps: .. 2egin by stating the first vocabulary word and its meaning to introduce it to the students )diversity3 great difference or variety*. /. (ead the sentence for the vocabulary word from the notecard )There was a great diversity of breeds at the dog show.* 1. 4xplain what this sentence means to the students and share another sentence with them containing the word diversity )There is a diversity of trees and grasses outside the window, so + can see a large variety of plants.* Then wor" with the students to create meaningful sentences by having the students fill in the blan"s in your sentence starters. Provide less scaffolding of the sentence each time, until the students feel confident writing their own sentence. 5. Provide the students with an opportunity to thin" about the word and state their own meaningful sentence for the word after writing it on their mar"er board. 6. Then introduce the second vocabulary word to the students )enlisted3 joining the armed forces at your own free will or because you wanted to*. 7. (ead the sentence for the vocabulary word from the notecard )%iti8ens who have enlisted in the military are sworn in before training begins.* 9. 4xplain what this sentence means to the students and share another sentence with them containing the word enlisted ) y cousin enlisted in the army last year because he wanted to defend his country.* Then wor" with the students to create meaningful sentences by having the students fill in the blan"s in your

sentence starters. Provide less scaffolding of the sentence each time, until the students feel confident writing their own sentence :. ;ive the students plenty of time to thin" of their own meaningful sentence for the word, and give each student the opportunity to share their sentence after they have written it on their mar"er board. )(emind the students to use the word so, since, or because in their sentence.* ;uided Practice ,ctivities )also include non wor"sheet activities*: ;ive each student a copy of the text and as" him or her to preview the cover and a few pages, and ma"e a prediction about the text using one of the statements on the prediction chart. <ave each student share his or her prediction. Then have a discussion about the essential 0uestion posed by the boo": <ow do different groups contribute to a cause= ),llow students to thin" of their ideas for this 0uestion, then give an example. (emind students that it ta"es a variety of different s"ills, talents, and people to contribute to a cause.* 2egin reading chapter one in the boo", and remind students to be watching for the vocabulary words that were just discussed. 'iscuss how each of the vocabulary words was used in the text. ,t the end of the chapter answer the stop and chec" 0uestion collaboratively with the students. +ndependent Practice ,ctivities )also include non wor"sheet activities*: >one ?ormative 4valuation )student demonstration of the objectives*: 'uring the lesson, + will continuously monitor the progress my students are ma"ing with understanding the meaning of the vocabulary words )formative evaluation*. The meaningful sentences the students write will allow me to determine if the students understand the meaning of the words. (eading the words in the boo" and discussing the meaning of the vocabulary words in the boo" will also allow me to determine the students- ability to demonstrate the objective. +f needed, these words can be reviewed throughout the wee" to ensure the students have a deep understanding of the words meaning.

%riti0ue: (eflection on the lesson 3 follows instruction.

3 !ill you reteach= >o, + will not reteach this lesson because the students were able to meet the objective by independently writing three meaningful sentences for each of the vocabulary words. The students also met the objective by identifying the vocabulary words in the historical fiction text and explaining how the wordsmeanings related to the meaning of the text. 3 <ow= >/, 3 ove to next objective= + will move to the next objective with the students. The next objective for guided reading will as" the students to develop an understanding of two new vocabulary words and understand their meaning in the next chapter of the boo". This is a strategy that the special education team is implementing this year because the teams overall goal is to improve the students- vocabulary by providing the students with this opportunity to be introduced to the vocabulary in small groups before learning it in the general education classroom. 3 !hat went well= !riting the meaningful sentences went very well, as + first scaffolded the students learning by giving them a subject and because, so, or since, and then we wor"ed together to fill in the blan"s on the mar"er board. !e constructed several sentences together with the vocabulary words before + as"ed the students to independently write their own sentences before sharing them with the class. This wor"ed really well for the students because they were able to see the layout of how the sentences could be written using the providing scaffolding before writing their own sentences. 3 !hat should be revised/discarded and why= +f + were to teach this lesson again, + would discard the prediction ma"ing activity during the guided practice because + did not have enough time to get to this activity and it is not part of the objective for this lesson and more of a strategy for thin"ing about what may happen in the story with no relation to the vocabulary. 3 'id students meet the goals and objectives of the lesson= @es, each student did meet the goals for the lesson because each student was able to create three of their own meaningful sentences after + provided scaffolding for the format of the sentences. 3 !hat is your next step or objective=
The next step will be to have the students wor" with other vocabulary words from the unit for this wee". The students will use the same strategies from this lesson to write sentences that are meaningful for two other vocabulary words in the unit and relate those words to the chapter in the leveled reader associated with the unit.

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