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Finding Nemo

How would you feel if one of you loved ones was taken away from you? Well, this is what happened to a dad named, Marlin. He is an over-protective father wanting just to be with his son. This is an amazing movie about an animated tragedy of a family going through some tough times. In this review, I will tell you about the setting, plot, and the main moral of Finding Nemo. In this movie, the setting contains three animated fish become the main characters. Their names are Dory, the __, Marlin, the father, and Nemo, the son. This movie takes place under the sea with many dangerous places involved. Marlin and Dory have to encounter jellyfish, sharks, turtles, and many more. All of these animated characters have been very courageous through all these encounters. The main idea of Finding Nemo is a dad finding his lost son. Marlin first had many kids but a big fish came and ate all of them and his wife. After waking up, he finds only one left. Once Nemo goes to school, they visit open water. Afterwards, his dad comes and gets mad at Nemo for even going close to the water. When Nemo goes out into open water to show his father that he will be fine, a scuba diver catches him. Even though Finding Nemo is sad, you cannot be mat at Marlin for being too over protective, he just wants happiness with his only son. Even though you may be thinking Finding Nemo has nothing to teach you or your kids, there is. You need to remember to hold them close, but still let them be free. They need to live life and realize that there might be consequences for their actions. Even though you may be thinking that I am just saying they need punishment, but that is NOT what I am saying, just let

them be their own people. After watching this movie, I thought that you need to be with your family more because you do not know when they will leave you. This is a fantastic way of showing settings, plots, and morals in one movie. Even encountering many difficulties trying to find Nemo, Marlin still makes friendships with other sea animals. This over-protective father may seem tough, but trust me, he is not. This is how you might feel if one of your loved ones got lost.

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