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Grade level: First grade Subject: Math Standard: Represent and solve problems involving addition and subtraction

on Work with addition and subtraction equations

Objective: Students will be able to add and subtract single digit numbers b working with equations that involve adding and subtracting!

Materials: "olored gold#ish crackers to help them visuall and ph sicall count with Worksheet handout with the problems on it White board #or the teacher to use to show the whole class how to do the problem

$eacher %reparation: Sort out the gold#ish&each color has its own bag Make the handout o o Make problems such as ' green gold#ish plus ( green gold#ish equals how man ) $otal number o# gold#ish minus * purple gold#ish equals how man in the total group now)

Make the homework assignment with problems similar to the ones discussed in class!

Motivational +how to introduce to the class,: $alk about adding-subtracting the gold#ish! .# the do well/ the get to eat the gold#ish at the end!

%rocedure: $eacher does a couple problems on the overhead be#ore giving them the worksheet Make sure the students are working individuall ! 0ddition: 1ave them add the green gold#ish to the red gold#ish/ and ou could switch colors and amount! Subtraction: 1ave a group o# red and green/ subtract one group o# colors and count how man remain! Walk around the classroom and assist them i# needed!

"losure +conclusion o# the lesson,: 1ave students come to the white board and show the others how the solved the problem! 23plain to the students that the will have a worksheet #or homework and will discuss it as a whole class tomorrow!

1omework: Worksheet with two problems #or adding and two problems #or subtracting o $he can select objects the have at home 23ample: count the number o# windows in each room and add each rooms total together! o "ould also use chairs

%rovide them with simple subtraction problems 23ample: give them pictures on the worksheet o# nickels and ask questions such as i# this group has 4 nickels and the other group has 5 nickels/ how man nickels are there)

Students must show their work

1ow to teach it di##erentl to a child with 0utism: .# the student with 0utism is struggling/ have them onl #ocus on adding #or right now! $he can move to subtracting a#ter the understand addition! "heck in with this student more o#ten than the general education students! 6e aware o# verbal and nonverbal cues! Write detailed instructions on the board #or all to see! %lace a student who is e##icient in this subject ne3t to the student with autism to help them!

$opics #or discussion: 1ow to deal with a student who repeatedl acts out Seating arrangements #or students with autism

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