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GES Photography Foundations

Name: Anika Gatzke

Composition Basics: Balance

The WHY: At the heart of composition lies the concept of balance. Balance is the resolution of tension, opposing forces that are matched to provide equilibrium and a sense of harmony. The HOW: For each of the following compositional themes you will take 10-20 shots of whatever subject you think appropriate. The WHAT: Copy and paste your 2 BEST photos for each compositional theme below and tell me briefly why you think it works for that particular theme.

What to HAND IN: You will hand in a copy of this worksheet and a contact sheet made in PS6 of ALL the photos taken for this assignment, (there should be at least 20). ASSESSMENT

Project: Balance
Well composed imagery using compositional guidelines Lighting and exposure (variety of tones or values and contrast) Great focus and clarity of subject Original interpretation of the theme "Balance" Followed project parameters and criteria

4 Excellent
Self Teacher

3 Proficient
Self Teacher

2 Adequate
Self Teacher

1 Limited
Self Teacher

4 - outstanding, always above expectations 3 - good, usually above expectations 2 - satisfactory, meets expectations 1 - in progress, sometimes meets expectations


Symmetrical (Static) Balance: The arrangement of subject is centered - everything falls equally away from the middle of the picture. We can create this balance by placing the subject of a photograph right in the middle of the frame. Another way of achieving static balance is to place two equal weights on either side of the center, at equal distances.

I really like the bright red of the leaves in the water, and with the t-bar it is symmetrically balanced

I love this picture so much. The line of the crossbar and the position of victor on it create great symmetry and his facebeing slightly turned and one of the only things not symmetrical catches your attention. Dynamic Balance: This kind of visual balance opposes weights and forces that are unequal, and in doing so enlivens the image. A small graphic element can successfully oppose a dominant one, as long as it is placed toward the edge of the frame. The empty sky where Sarahs camera is pointed balances the picture opposite to Sarah.

The blurry background flowers balance the crisp ones in the foreground.


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