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Immigration as a Result of Poverty Context: Class Particulars Spanish II Description of Learners Oral: Novice High, Written: Intermediate Mid.

d. The students have already learned about the geography of Latin America and some culture, including food and music. Theyve also learned about the causes and some of the effects of poverty in Latin America and what the poverty looks like. Desired Results: What should students know and be able to do? Standards Interpersonal Communication 1.1 Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions. Interpretive Communication 1.2 Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics. Practices and Perspectives 2.1 Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied. Objectives The students will be able to identify reasons why people immigrate. The students will recognize common immigration routes and methods of immigration. Students will be able to defend their beliefs about immigration in a debate. Materials Map showing routes of immigration, videos of interviews with immigrants, newspaper editorials showing various views on immigration Acceptable Evidence: How will you know if students have achieved the desired results? Whiteboard splash why students think immigrants leave their countries Teacher listens to debate about immigration.

Learning Experiences: What activities are part of the lesson? What is the instructional sequence? What are learners doing? What are you doing? 1. Warm-Up: Ask students Why do you think immigrants leave their countries? 2. Have all students write their ideas on the whiteboard. Compare and discuss. Tell students well get some answers later in the class, so to keep their responses in mind. 3. Look at a map showing routes of immigrants. Why do you think they chose those routes and how do you think they got from country to country?

4. Watch a video that shows adults talking about why they immigrated and the process and also shows children who attempt to follow their parents. 5. Give students 5 minutes to write a response to the video and their beliefs on immigration. 6. Next, have students read 4 editorials that present varying opinions on immigration. 7. After theyve read the articles, split students into 2 group s: one for immigration and the other against it. Students will debate using what theyve learned throughout the unit. 8. Homework: Imagine you were living in poverty in a Latin American country. Would you attempt to immigrate to another country? Why or Why not?

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