Operating Systems Assignment

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Name: Bryce Reaume-Ballard Hour: 5th Date: 3/11/13

Technology Applications Operating System Assignment 1

1. Create a Folder on your H: drive and call it your class !reshman year" so#homore year" $unior year" senior year%. &. Create a !older !or each 'ri 'ri1"'ri&"'ri3% 3. Create a !older on your H: drive class !older !or all your classes. (. )nside your 'echnolo*y +##lications ) B !older create the !ollo,in* !olders: Hard,are--o!t,are" .#eratin* -ystem" /0cel" +ccess" 1icromoney and 2ics. 5. -earch drive s:\public\Technology Applications !or all !iles ,ith the e0tension o! .doc, xls, and htm. List how many iles or each: .doc !!!1"!! .xls !!!#!!! .htm !!#!!! 3. -earch drive S:\public\pere$ !or all !iles that have the e0tension o! .%pg !!!&''!!!! 4. 5hat is the e0tension o! a music !ile you do,nload !rom ilove,avs.com6 .mp3 7. 5hat is the e0tension o! a ,e8 #a*e6 .com or .net 9. :o to ,,,.*oo*le.com and search !or $#e* descri#tion. 'ell me ,hat it is a8out. A format for compressing images 1;. :o to ,,,.*oo*le.com and search !or *i! descri#tion. 'ell me ,hat :)F !iles can hold that <2: !iles cannot. GIF files can have small video movement, JPG cannot. 11. 5hich o! these t,o !iles can have a trans#arent 8ac=*round6 GIF 1&. :oto htt#://,,,.*oo*le.com. -earch !or !ree !onts. 5hat are the !ile ty#es !or these6 ABF and BDF 13. >ist the !ile e0tension that is stored on a !ile !or the !ollo,in* #ro*rams: 1icroso!t 2o,er2oint" 1icroso!t /0cel" 1icroso!t +ccess and 1icroso!t Front2a*e in &;;4 Doc0 ?1> ad# *i!. 1(. No, )n &;1; !or the same #ro*rams listed a8ove: Doc0" ?1>" ad#" *i!. 1. )nstall :old,ave !rom the -: Drive on your com#uter. :o online and search *o :old,ave !ree Do,nload &. )nstall 1ash Full -etu# !rom the -: Drive on your com#uter. :o to -:@2u8lic@'echnolo*y +##lications to !ind the e0ecuta8le !ile. Ho, to )nstall -o!t,are: 1. -tart A Run A usually loo= !or a setu# &. -tart A Control 2anel A add or remove #ro*rams

Name: Bryce Reaume-Ballard Hour: 5th Date: 3/11/13 3. >oo= !or install.e0e" setu#.e0e or +utorun on a CD that you ,ant to install

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