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Unit: We Built a Zoo Lesson Plan Week 1 Thursday: Food; A Culture: Introduction to Cultural Element of the Unit Learning

Target: 1.2.N.R.b: Understand main idea of simple accessible written material in the target language such as textbook passages, age appropriate magazine and newspaper article/ advertisements, websites/ internets resources, and stories and poetry. First part of the class students take an assessment on zoo vocabulary. Teacher explains the expectations for the zoo food court menu project further before having students connect to their Chromebooks and begin doing research on which countries they would be interested in choosing. Students must settle on a country to write a representative menu for by the end of the hour. What questions do you have? Second part of class student log on to computers to begin doing research on which Latin American culture they want to choose for their final menu project. Students submit a proposal for which country they have chosen as well as the food items they would like to include on their menu.

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