Weight and Balance Homework

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Adrian Ulibarri

Brett Terpstra
PILT 1100
Weight and balance homework

Helicopter 992RW basic empty weight is 1565.4 lbs with a moment of 164993.84
Pilot (right forward seat) (Long: 207lb x 49.5 = 10246.5) (Lat: 207lb x 12.2 = 2525.4)
Pilot left forward passenger (Long: 195lb x 49.5 = 9652.5) (Lat: 195lb x -10.4 = - 2028)
Main fuel tank ( Long: 177lb x 106.0 = 18762) (Lat: 177lb x -13.5 = -2389.5)
Aux fuel ( Long: 102lb x 102.0 = 10404) (Lat: 102lb x 13.0 = 1326.0)
Total weight (with fuel) = 1565.4lb + 207lb + 195lb + 177lb + 102lb = 2246.4lb
Total weight (Without fuel) = 1565.4lb + 207lb + 195lb = 1967.4lb
Total Longitudinal Moment (With fuel) = 164993.84 + 10246.5 + 9652.5 + 18762 + 10404 = 214058.84/
2246.4lb = 95.3
Total Longitudinal Moment (Without fuel) = 164993.84 + 10246.5 + 9652.5 = 184892.84 / 1967.4lb =
Total Lateral Moment (With fuel) = 2525.4 - 2028 - 2389.5 + 1326 = -566.1 / 2246.4lb = -0.252
Total Lateral Moment (Without fuel) 2525.4 - 2028 = 497.4 / 1967.4 = 0.253
With the moments shown here the aircraft would be within weight and balanced criteria from the
begging of the flight to the end.

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