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61 ark urlve, ApL. 17 keller.a[ 6730 SW 112
8osLon, MA 02213 (303) 609-0296 Mlaml, lL 33136

,9/7:-';7-/, 5,8<-/;87=, Ponors rogram 8osLon, MA
8ouve College of PealLh Sclences, Larly lnLervenLlon ConcenLraLlon CandldaLe for u1, 2016
!"#$%&' earson rlze CommunlLy lellow, Lxcellence Scholarshlp, uean's LlsL CA 3.708/4.0
!)*+,+*+-&' weekly yoga, hyslcal 1herapy Club
.%/)#*+01#2 3440$*/1+*+-&' ulalogue of ClvlllzaLlons (Sydney, AusLralla), arLners ln Lhe arks (CreaL 8asln naLlonal ark, nv)

,-> >9/!4 ;6:99! 9? 7:- '/7; :8@: ;6:99!, dance concenLraLlon Mlaml, lL
uual-enrolled aL Mlaml-uade College 2006 - 2010
!"#$%&' Lxcellence ln AnaLomy & hyslology, graduaLed Lop 10, magna cum laude

0:=;86'! 7:-/'0= -A0-/8-,6-
;0'5!48,@ /-:'B8!87'789, ,-7>9/. C B9;79, CharlesLown, MA
5-6#7+2+*#*+01 !+%-8 9*$0:-;<-/$020=> ?1+* uecember 2013 - presenL
AsslsLs LheraplsLs wlLh LreaLmenL sesslons for lnpaLlenLs, under Lhe supervlslon of physlcal LheraplsLs, wlll conducL alde programs
wlLh paLlenLs, organlzes and sLerlllzes equlpmenL and LreaLmenL areas

?/',68;6', :9;087'! ?9/ 6:8!4/-, 8rlghLon, MA
@6>&+)#2 A6-$#4> !+%- B0C04 !uly - uecember 2012
AsslsLed LheraplsLs wlLh LreaLmenL sesslons for lnpaLlenLs, ouLpaLlenLs, and sLudenLs, under Lhe supervlslon of physlcal LheraplsLs,
lndependenLly LreaLed sLudenLs wlLh speclal needs, aged 4-21, organlzed and malnLalned lnvenLory, organlzed and sLerlllzed
LreaLmenL areas, sLocked supplles, creaLed new paLlenL charLs, flled documenLs

;957: D8'D8 :9;087'! 6:8!4 4-<-!90D-,7 6-,7-/ Mlaml, lL
@6>&+)#2 A6-$#4> D02/1*--$ May - AugusL 2011, !une - !uly 2010
AsslsLed and observed physlcal LheraplsLs wlLh exerclse programs for developmenLally delayed chlldren and adolescenLs, escorLed
and greeLed paLlenLs and Lhelr famllles, organlzed and sLerlllzed LreaLmenL areas, sLocked supplles, creaLed new paLlenL charLs

'448789,'! -A0-/8-,6-
,9/7:-';7-/, 5,8<-/;87=E 0:=;86'! 7:-/'0= 4-0'/7D-,7 8osLon, MA
E$0&& !1#*0F> @--$ A/*0$ lebruary 2014 - presenL
8evlews class maLerlal weekly wlLh a small group of sLudenLs, communlcaLes wlLh professor regardlng sLudenL needs

6:/8;7 7:- .8,@ 0/-;B=7-/8', 6:5/6: Cambrldge, MA
G1H#1* </$&-$> !**-1%#1*;B6+2% B#$- november 2012 - presenL
Supervlses and plays wlLh chlldren 4-29 monLhs of age, some of whom have speclal needs, provldes chlldren wlLh a safe and
comforLable area Lo learn, play, and grow, communlcaLes wlLh parenLs regardlng Lhelr chlldren's needs and behavlors, acLs as a
frlendly and famlllar face Lo comforL lnfanLs

?87.84; '7 D'48;9, 0'/. 8osLon, MA
9-$,+)- I-#$1+1= D02/1*--$ SepLember - uecember 2013
lnLroduced chlldren aged 3-13 Lo exerclse, nuLrlLlon, and healLhy llfesLyles Lhrough a varleLy of fun, age-approprlaLe acLlvlLles,
communlcaLed wlLh famllles and sLaff regardlng sesslon Loplcs

?/',68;6', :9;087'! ?9/ 6:8!4/-,F; '4'078<- 86- ;.'78,@ 0/9@/'D 8osLon, MA
D02/1*--$ 9:#*+1= B0#)6 SepLember - november 2012
Worked wlLh a developmenLally-delayed chlld and helped hlm become comforLable on Lhe lce, modlfled program Lo flL chlld's
needs, asslsLed wlLh adapLlve equlpmenL use

.8,@; B'= 0-48'7/86; Mlaml, lL
J$01* 3HH+)- !&&+&*#1* May - AugusL 2011, !une - !uly 2010
Answered phones, scheduled appolnLmenLs, prepared charLs and healLh forms, flled documenLs, observed physlclans

G5D0;7'/7 ?9/ =95,@ 6:8!4/-, 8osLon, MA
D02/1*--$ B0$4& K-F7-$8 K#*-$+#2 B00$%+1#*0$ LMNO 60/$& 0H &-$,+)-P CcLober 2010 - Aprll 2011
LnLhuslasLlcally presenLed chlldren wlLh new educaLlonal concepLs, encouraged chlldren Lo learn and express Lhemselves,
communlcaLed wlLh preschool coordlnaLors and a Leam, organlzed sesslon plans Lo lmplemenL key concepLs

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