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JODI HARRINGTON 207 Lawlor Ave. 416-996-5761 None

OBJE C TI V E S My objectives are to become a great baker, to create many new items. My goal is to travel around the world learning many different styles of baking. I hope to become a well-known baker in the city of Toronto Ontario. I would one day like to own my own bakery. E DU C ATI O N Humber College Baking and Pastry Arts Management 2013 - Current: Diploma E X PE RI E N CE Humber College 205 Humber College Blvd, Toronto, ON M9W 5L7 Baking and Pastry 2013 2015 At Humber College there are many different jobs that you can do that relate to your career choice. I hope to start working at Humber College with the baking for all the items sold here. I have also volunteered at a Caf Shop in my area, where I baked a lot of items. SKI L L S The skills that I have are: Experience with baking all types of food such as, Cupcakes, Bread, Cakes, Cookies, and Decorating. I am a hard worker; I will always be ready to work. I enjoy baking and I believe that I can teach as well as learn from others. I have Automated External Defibrillators (AED), Standard First Aid C, Emergency First Aid, CPR C certification I am a very organization person, I will always come prepared. I have basic knowledge for Microsoft Office, I am good with computers.

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