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Kelley Buckley Effective Elements for Instruction Model I. Benchmark/Standard: (review & practice) CCSSM.7.RP.

3: Use proportional relationships to solve multistep ratio and percent problems. II. Behavioral Objective: The learner will calculate the amount of money saved on varying coupons, and determine whether or not a significant amount of money is saved. III. Anticipatory Set: Coupon / deals video advertisements projected in the classroom. IV. Objective/Purpose I can calculate how much money is saved with coupons. I can calculate how much money I spent on an item with a coupon. I can determine if the coupons are worth the cost V. Input: a. Task Analysis i. Information: how percents work, coupons, etc. ii. Step-by-step procedures\ class is rearranged when students arrive, name cards on each table. students find their name and sit there group sizes: 2 or 3 students follow up from budgeting day: started talking about coupons and whether or not theyre helpful stories of leaving the grocery store buying/spending more than anticipated because of sales each group has baggies full of coupons, and a shopping list. list has the things that the students need to buy (prices included) the family going shopping is using all of these coupons Students are to record how much money would have been spent without coupons, how much money the coupons saved them, and how much money they ended up spending. Students will then discuss whether the amount of money saved was significant or insignificant. based on this, students will decide whether the coupons were helpful or harmful. The students will prepare to share their findings with the class. All students share what they found, and all students vote at the end whether coupons were helpful or not. Students will summarize what was learned. b. Thinking Levels: Blooms Taxonomy Analysis: Calculate, analyze, summarize, debate c. Learning Styles and/or Accommodations Differentiating: Each group is predetermined to have a different level of difficulty. 1) 1$ off per item coupons

2) 50% off 3) BOGO coupons 4) Using two coupons on one it 5) Extreme Couponing (using as many as you can on a full order) d. Method and Materials i. Ways of presenting: exploration - using coupons and shopping lists. discussion - small group and large group ii. Materials needed Coupons, grocery lists, prices of items, calculators VI. Modeling n/a VII. Checking for Understanding a. red/green/yellow cup method - at each table are cups of three colors, if students do not feel they know what to do, at any time they may change their cup color so the teacher can assist. (red=in dire need of help, yellow = i need clarification / get to me when you can, green = im good, no need to help) b. large group discussion VIII. Guided Practice n/a IX. Independent Practice (if appropriate) In class X. Closure (bring it back to objective) end of class discussion

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