Homework 24

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Problem Set 24

Done Jointly by Ethan Englund and David Baker

Exercise 24.5(a) In a double glazed window, the panes of glass are separated by 5.0 cm. What is the rate of transfer of heat by conduction from the warm room (25 degrees C) to the cold exterior (-10 degrees C) through a window of area 1.0 m^2? What power of heater is required to make good the loss of heat?
Because the of the relation J(energy) = -kdT/dz, this is the rate of energy transfer per unit area. dE/dt = AJ = kAdT/dz According to table 24.1, k = 0.241 mJ cm^-2 s^-1/(K/cm) dE/dt = (0.241 mJ /cm/s/K) x (1.0*10^4cm^2) x (35 K/5.0 cm) = 17*10^3 mJ/s = 17 J/s or 17 W. A 17 W heater would be needed to compensate for the loss of heat.

Exercise 24.9 Calculate the inlet pressure needed to maintain a flow rate of 9.5*10^5 L/h of nitrogen at 293 K flowing through a pipe of length 8.5 m and diameter 1.00 cm. The pressure of the gas as it leaves the tube is 1.00 bar. The volume of the gas is measured at that pressure.
Equation # 23 states dV/dt = (p(1)^2 - p(2)^2)pi(r^4)/16*l*n*p(0) This can be arranged to p(1)^2 = p(2)^2 + ((16lnp(0))/pi*r^4) * (dV/dt) Putting the following information into the equation, l = 8.5 m = 1.76*10^-5 kg/m/s (Found in table 24.1) p(0) = 1.00*10^5 Pa r = 5.0*10^-3 dV/dt = 9.5*10^2 m^3 / 3600 s p(2)^2 = 1.00*10^5 Pa^2 Therefor, p(1) = 205 kPa

Exercise 24.19 At 25 degrees C the molar ionic conductivities of Li+, Na+, K+ are 3.87, 5.01, and 7.35 mS*m^2/mol respectively. What are there mobilities?
= /zF

(Li+) = 3.87 / 9.6485*10^4 (C/mol) = 4.01*10^-5 mS*C^-1*m^2 or = 4.01*10^-8 m^2/(V*s) (Na+) = 5.01 / 9.6485*10^4 (C/mol) = 5.19*10^-8 m^2/(V*s) (K+) 7.35 / 9.6485*10^4 (C/mol) = 7.62*10^-8 m^2/(V*s)

Exercise 24.21 The diffusion coefficient of CCl4 in heptane at 25 degrees C is 3.17*10^-9 m^2 /s. Calculate the time required for a CCl4 molecule to have a root mean square displacement of 5.0 mm.
Because the distances are independent, {r^2} = {x^2} + {y^2} + {z^2} = 3{x^2} = 3*2Dt [82 for {x^2}] = 6Dt Therefor, t = {r^2}/6D = (5.0*10^-3 m)^2/(6 x 3.17*10^-9 m^2/s) = 1.3*10^3 s

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