Common Mistakes in English

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NEW EDITION common Mistakes T.), Fitikides Get it right every time! ean Ecation Limited Eahbutgh Gate alow sox C20 28, England and Associated Companies throughout the work ‘wow lompnat ome ‘This eton © Person Eaton Limited 2002 ‘The sgh of Tesh Fides tobe ident ax author of is work hasbeen aster on his bhal insane with he Copyright, Des and Patents Act 1988, Al rights reserved no part ofthis plication may be reproecd, stored ina etneval system, o transite in any form or by any means clone mechani, photocopying recoding, o oteraise without the expres pesto of he Conpight hoe Fist pushed 1936 Second edition 1937 Thi edtion 1939 sth edition 1947 Stein 2002 Protein Malaysen ISBN 0582 34458 1 Formated by 8 Eltril Phas Preface Preface to the fst edition tk as een designe to et the gues odor those mother tongue (no Engh Is main jun into help cette common makes Toren leaner of English ae abl ii uiform. Al Tmt ope go i work eso ‘sc hee they co crete he et for Feige may. become rmly fixe an the sade Ars not claimed that ths mansal is exhaustive Netrebko te ea al he Stone epi of te ase comer Much sare nan bee given to he preparation of he Td ‘Wh Iie hoped wif make the book a ase wrk ent ane ye wo MEW. HG, Popes ty shiegamens ae deus MEW HG Plein Common Mistakes in English with Exercises by T. J. Fitikides, B.A., FLL. Senior English Master The Pancyprian Gymnasium, Nicosia Author of Key Words for Easy Spelling Lessons in Greek-English Translation Pretace tothe Sixt Elton 1k is now more than 60 years sinve this book was fit published thes gone trough many revisions anions have been made at diferent times ii history. With the Ilesnisn approaching was deided tht theve were some Pelt of wage which reno Langer relevant 0 is sew ‘aon hasbeen prepared. The content hasbeen completly reviewed in height of medora English usage and the pe face and design up-dated for clay, ‘And yet the original concept and, indeed, mot of the ‘ign mistakes sted, are sll pertinent to stadens of English even inthe year 2000,‘ tile beok fa sold several hundred thousand copies all ver the world atl seams ily 10 goon dag so ‘The author's noe on how the book should be wed fs on ee vi with an ation for this eon Ped Pat? Pants Pant Pants Misused forms ‘Using the verong preposition Misuse ofthe inive ‘Use the wrong tense Miscellaneous examples ‘UnEnglish expressions Incorrect omissions Omission of prepositions Miscellaneous examples Unnecesary words Unnecessary propositions Unnecessary artles, ‘Une ofthe ininive Macellaneous examples Mipaced words ‘Wrong postion of adverbs Macllneovs examples Cond wore Frepoduon ae onhed eon contest ‘are sf sted ce enced ower often ened Confer inten far of enh Index B B 8 0 a a e n 8 ” % 107 108 ie 25 eo 182 Useful ists and summaries ave anther ook at Prepon fe ai word x Uitte pend 2 ocr tee B Soe 3 son sgl, inl preset = inet a 3 Vorose 5 Den sie & Ontos ° Coe eo wt = sr of ean peptins Sc and se 1s Sua pnt Bo Ine vers say ne rte aise feittownte soot How this book should be used ‘This book is inended for two uss. H may be Used & 4 reference book and as an oninay fet ok, [Ast book of elrence shouldbe conse with exery composition. The teacher nay ler the stadt the ppmpriete section dealing with hk mistake by 9 muri {he margin of his exerese hook, For example 4 msi of prepnion of tne ato o ee ndcate y. n the Imagin 10 enable the stodent to Took up his Mist and forret i. This method hasbeen tested and found oe fective than the commen practice of weting the cornet form for the student. fis aniomatie tat the gest the students individual effort. the mone thorough il be is fearing "With regurd to second se a atl Het eek He strongly recommend that he teacher shoul stat of ith the exeraises om pages 137 to 181 These ae arg net the Headings af the various parts of speech. nouns Mjectives, prooauhs, ele However below a exes !utompted the teacher sboeld make cet that he stadt have comprehended the particular sige involve An ‘orcasinalseerence to some specifi section ay be mde whenever this is desibed "essary, Bul “ude no Srumstanes is advisable tg thogh the sasoue Sections af the book consecutive ert cami te shanory ‘les eoemning usage Despite the fic hat this book has been dese fo 9) separate uses the writer 8 ofthe opnion that the best resis wl be achive 1s used y the stadent Boh 3 8 text book and ae 3 book of reference, THR January 1961 While the above stil te there is ao a ety se for this ile book. With amore varied teashing eras valle now, i ean also be used nea sity nk by Howe this book shouldbe weed students of English as foreign Language who are preparing ‘work other ae part of thir susie for thet occupations ‘ith slew to th it suggested tal when 9 uetin cone sage ass the student should one ft forthe cre Sword inthe eden si so fnd the setion detaing the wage Fr etample i i by foot of a fo! Look up foo! i he Index ebd you will be ciected fo Secon 13 ‘hich wil ‘expla hat o fot score. ‘Seidente and teachers wil decide for themseves whet s tho best way to se this book Whats constant she gual ‘of content and how hepfl tis all thse who use Engh fs foreign language. Pent Misused forms Using the wrong preposition Motates are often made by asing the wrong prepastion ‘ofter cova wands Th following Bt includes the rors ‘uhich most often give rouble: Abwored (= very much nersted) i, nota Don 2ay-The man wat absorbed at is work, Saye The man was absnebed isis Wok Aceuse of, not for Don say She accused the man for stealing 4 Soy Sho accused tho man of seting ie Chew he eg te 3 Accutomed to, nt with Dot say I'm accustomed with hot wether. ¥ Say es acastomed to hot weather 4 Afraid of, not rom Do’ ay: Laur afraid from the dog Sap ra aa the dog. area 6 Anary with 20 agus Don sy te each nas angry aginst hi, 1 ‘Soy Teather wat any wh Ansous (= towed) about, ot for. Don say: they araions for his health % Say They anxious about his helt Don’ sy: We ave tothe village a ight. ¥ Soy Welareived a the village at ght 8 Ashamed of aot rom Dont say: He's now shamed from his conduct, ¥ Say He’ now ashamed ef hi Sond Misused forms 0. Believe in, nt 1, Dont say We blew to God, 4 Say Webelee Ia Got 11 Boat of or about, nt fr. Don't sy: lames boarte forbs tenth ¥ Sey: lames oat of or about) hs seth 12. Careful of, rh or about, no or. Don sy: he's very caret fr ber beat, Say: Ees very caret ofaboot her helt (Or ou shoul he more earful with your toe 13 Travel by tain, es, not with she ain, Dow's: He ave with the tun yesterday, 4 Say: He traveled by train yesterday a ya by tb ae by ey ae Seb SeeNeaittira tesa 14 Complain about, not for on" sey: Anette complained forthe wether, Say: Annette complained aboot the weather. 15. Compose of, not from. Don sy: Our lass composed from tiny students 1 Say Our less composed of thirty students Part Confidence ia, nt 1, Don't say T have ret confidence o you. Say: have great coaidence in you Conform to, nt ith Don’ say We must conform with the us, Say We must eoaform othe rules No age 9 mt tho Congrataate on, not for Don't ray: Teogratulate you for your suscess, ‘Say: Leamgratalate you on your suse. Consist of, not from Dot say: A year consis fom twelve mouths Sa)" year conse of ene nthe Covered with, not by Dont soy: The mountaies ae covered by som, Say) The mountains ae covered within sam Care of, not fom Don't sy: The man wae cured rom his ness. Say: The wan was eared of his dines, Depend oF upon, nt rom Dont say depends frm her, Say depends on cr upon} her, Rayon en von a 23 2 25 Misused forms Deprve of not fom. Don't say: Nelson Mandela was deprived from his ‘eeedor Say: Nelson Mandela was depelved of his freedom, Die ofan illest from aw ines. Don't sy: Many people have di fron mala, ‘Sy: Many people have ded of malaria. forocaae tcp egies on eed ate ae Ditferet fom, not eho Don't say: My book i diferen than yours Say! My books lferent from yours, Disappointed by, about o at, ot from. (a) byloisbose Don’ sy: Philip wae dsappoited frm the low ‘mark she pot inthe tes Si): Pillpe vss disappointed by about rua she gt ln the tet © win Don say he was disappointed fron her so, Say’ Jane was dsappolted the ow Divide into parts not pare on’ say. Tvided tho cake in four part Say: vided the cake into four pais Part No dos (n) of or abot, not for Dont say: Teo doubt for habit. Sa}: [ve ao doubt of (or about) his ait. Dressed in, ot th DDow aye woman was dressed with back Say The woman was dressed i ack Exception fo, no of Dow say: Ths i an exception ofthe rule ‘This sa exception tothe rl. Exchange for, not by. Donia): Ho exchanged his colection of matehboxes by some foriga stamps ‘Say: He exchanged his colton of matchbox for some foreign stamps ot from Dowie Steven fed rom maths lst year, Sa Sten alle a mats lst yout ull of not wth oF fom. Dont sayThe ja was ull wit (or fom) oi Say The ja wa al fo 38 3% a ‘ 38 3° Misused forms Get id of not from. Don's’ be gla to get rid from hi, Say: Pi be gad 10 get nda him Glad about, not from oF with Don't say: Francs was glad Troms or with) resting your letter ‘Sey: Francis was gad about recetving your leter. Good a, not in Don't say My ster good in maths, Say: My sists good at mathe Guard against, not fom. ‘Don’ say You must guard from bad habits ‘Sey: You must guard against bad habit Gaity of, not for Dot say: He was found gully for murder Sey: He was found guy of user Independent of, ot from Don't say: Cars dependent from ber parents, ‘Say: Clare's independent of her parents. pms pt Indiferent to, not for. Don't say: Theyre indifeent fr pois. Say: They're indiferent o polis 41 Init on, nt, Dont He always insted to his opinion, Say He always insisted oa is opinion 62 Interested in ot for Dor say: She's nt interested for her work. Say She's tlateested in her wor {8 esis of not from: ant sy: He's very sls from ht brother, S05" Hes wey jelous of his brother. 48 Leave fra place, not to 2 place, Dont sy They'e leaving o England 00m, 4 So Theyre eaing fr England soon, 45 Live on, oot rom, Dor ay" He ives rom is brother's money. 1 50 He ives on is bathers money. 85 Look, not. Dir say Loak to this Beate pct Say Look at this beau peter Misused forme st nr ay: Angela ws marred with rch me. ‘Say! Angels ws mae rch man ar seme came oe Opposite to, not from Don sayTelr houses opposte rom our ‘ay Ther house apposite to cus Pas by pace, not froma Pace Don’ say" Vil you pass From the post-offie? Say Wl you pas by the pot ofce? Pray fora eam, not witha team Don’ sy: He plays regular with that eam, Say He plays regulary Tor that team Pleased with nt from Don's The teacher i please from me, Sy The teacher x pleased with ne ‘Sheth ae Src oto Popular wit, not emong Don't sa Joos gopelar among his frien. Say Joss popula wih is ends. Prefer to, no rom Don't say: peters bive pon from are one, Soy pfeer a bie pen toa re one. ‘pete hat wy ne art St Preside ator ove, nat Dont say: Who presided i the lst mectig? 1 Say Wn presided at (or aver) the Tas moe? 58. Proad of not for Don'ts He's very proud foe his promotion, Say: He' very proad of his promaton 86 Rejoice at orf, nt for. Dow say. We enced for he success Say: We ejoled at for ny her success. 57 Related to, not wih Dont say: Avo you elated with Sinem in any way? 4 Soy Are you elated t Simon in ay way? 58 Repent of, ot from Dont say: He repented from his cme, ¥ Ses: Re repented of his erie, 58. Saisied with, not rom ‘Don sy" Are you sid from your marks? 4 S1yAve you sated with your maths? schema sae th oh 60. Simi t,t with Dont say"Your house smile with mine, 1 Sis-Youe hot iia ine Misused forms 6 Sit ata desk et, wot on a des ee ‘Dont say: The bank mansger ws siting on hs desk. 1 SeyThe bank manager a siting He des 52 Spend on, not for Don't say: spend a toto ime for my computer Soy: Espend oto Sine on ty computer ©2 Suoceed i, not at Don't say: hope e'l succeed this work, Say: Thope bel succeed in his or (8 Superior to, 20¢ from or than, ow’ say Ths superior rm (r then that. % Say: This is superior to tat cn lar neg par 65. Sute of not for Don't say: 'm quite sue for her honesty. ¥ Say: Vn guite sue of her honesty 86 Sunprised ator by, not or, Don't say: Harold was surprised forthe oud bang ¥ Say: Harold was spied aby the led bang, 1 2h ted ty sadly. psy dey Mave another ook at Prepositions after certain words [Note caret the prepostions wed after the folowing wars secu of gutty of dceastrte 0 Saepenent of amid of ‘diferent fo ae es fests of stoned of fae dou of about tons Cel of ith aoe pleased Seopa fou pier compres of Poo column fiat cone hated wih ro! sitar fo pet on seen Seprve of oserto aor eo Steet from Sid ay mast ecto ine tar fonda wr of about fad aginst Misused forms” 87 Suspect of nt for. Don't sa: suspect Kate for talng the pon, ¥ Say: Touspet Kae of steling the po "oe Ae ar abs ose 68 Take by, aot from. on say: Robert took his brother from the ban. Say: Robert tok hi brother by he hand "or A tly. thy ee tb ©8 Tie to, no on, Bon’ say The gl id the strng un the ie ¥ Say The git hed the sting fo te Le 70. Teed of, not from. Don't say. The boys ae tired from eating ole eggs. ¥ Say" The boys are red of eting baled Sg, 71 Transit int, soto one say Tanate tis passe o English, 4 Sex: Teast this passage nt Engin 72 Tremble with col, ee ot from coi st Don say: The man was treming on sd 4 Soy: The man wae trembling with co, 9 War peso) of danger, not atous danger ont say They were nared aon the danger Se They were warmed of the danger op Siena abet ce tg nn part Misused forme se maa ss nett semee ait 78. Fond ol ig yee Dont eS ayn to ak 1 Soy Skah on of ng 7 Wein ik oo think Btwn he ter with ink 79. Imi on «ng ¢ Sortie letra Bon sy: Simon ined tov London eT Metin, ¥ Sar Sum ited on fog tao Seemeentanece © Objet to = ing ee a Dont oe tobe etd Me i 1 So eto sng weed he te i infiniti Prevent Misuse of the infinitive Met om Use the geand and ot the infiniti Say The ain prevented me fom going © Sucet in (Aer pesto orvepniton i Serta nn eps 1 Wow +o 1 50) Pala eed nage Fae wn no ot 2 Say" Da your work without peaking. 83 Think of a Don't say: often think to go to England 4 Say: Loten think of going to Englond 76 Instead of, te ng Dont zy! He went away instead fo wai. Say. He went aay instead of waltiog- 86 Tred of + ing Dont say: The customer got tied to wait (0) After words which regularly take a preposition: 4 Say: The estomer gt ted of wating 17 Capable of «ng, 85 ted to + ing Dor say. They're ite capabie todo that. Don't sa: She’ used to ge up early 1 Saye They'e ste capable of doing tat. Say She's used to getting up sy nina Det onaan 86 er 1 (0) Ate certain verb: Acid ig Don't say tou can ai to make mistakes, Sin: You ca avid making mistales to sho ante ah ant a hg joy + dng. Don say: Lenjey play football. Say eaoy playing footal, (Rae sang ba eso mod rg ts ete +i Dont say, Pease excse me to be so ate ‘Sey. Pleas excuse my being 0 late ‘Or Pleeeexeave me for being ate nish + ng Dost sy" ave you Bish to speak? ‘Soy: Hae you hed speaking? tee © oegun sping Go on (continue) + ing Dont ay: The masie went on 10 ply all ay Say Th sie went om playing al day. ew top on: 9 pn pig es Mind (obec to) ig Dent ay: Wosld you mind to pen the dooe? ‘iy: Would you mad opening the door? Misused forms Have another lok at Use of the gerund (Use the grand and oot he infintv 1 Alter pepostions Examples: He worked withou stopping She payed Instead of working, 2 Afr word which rps take a prepustin, soch 2 fond of isis nie of suceed m Examples Tm fed of doing the work agai. He sceteded i ath the rt 3 Alter certain vet, sh a a0, enjoy fish, sop, Examples: They enjoy playing football The wind has Hopped blowing 4 Alter the adjectives busy and worth Examples: Lana ws busy ting book This ate orth remembering 5 After certain phrases, suc as no wse, its no good, [can't help, would you mind, look forward to amples think) no ne trying agin cat help Jelng angry about it. Use the gerund or the infinitive after certain verbs, sac as bap like, die, hate ov, prefer Example He begat tale oF He began tlking Part 22 Pracie ing on Dont say: You most practise to speok En! J Say You uct race speaking Engh 93, Remember + Dorsey Ldn senemiber to fave seen bi 4 Say.) doa’ ember seeing bi. {r Idon'semembee having eo bi. 94 Rak + ing Dor says We cold sto leave him sone 2 Say We coulda ek leasing Win akone 96 Stop + ng . Br sate win ae snot stopped Wo 1 Soh lbs te! ep Bone (i After certo actives 96 Bey ing Don sy. He war busy fo revise the ex08 Say He wn sy revs for the exams. 97 Wowth + ing , Dont ay. todays fm wort 0s Say Toso’ im worth seeing? (oy after eran pases 98 Have sities in + ing. DDowtsay, She hae no fst to do Say: She basicaly in doing Misused forme 99 Have the pleasure of ng ort say had the pease to meet hi Say Thad the pleasre of meeting his 100 H's mo se + sing Don say: no use to cry Hike bay. 4 Say Ws mo we eying Ike iy 102 Teno good sing Dont say Ws no god to get ang 4 Say 102 Looe orward to + ing. Don's: 1 eo forward to see hie soon. 1 $2) ook forward osecing hin soon 103 Mere 2 harm i + ing Dom say: There's no har to vs her no 4 Say Thete’s no hac in visting he now. (See Exercises 63 and 68 on page 16) Use of the wrong tense 106 Using the past tense after di insted of he itive without to (6) To mk questions Don't say: Did you went to school yesterday? Sey: Did you goto schoo! yesterday? (0) To make negatives Don’ syst dil nt west to stool yesterday, art? Say: Ud pot got school yesterday. inte ng ha rat twat a iy ter does instead of 105 Using he third person sing ‘he native without to {) To mk questions: , Don't say: Doe the gardener waters the flower? 1 Say: Does the gardeaor water he owen? (by To make negatives: Dont sy: The man does’ waters the lowers Say. The man doesnt water te lowers. {For Sections 104-105 se Eseries 33 and 34.00 pages 152-153) 106 Using the tind person singular after ea, ast, Instead ofthe ifintve tbo 0. ‘wt say: an ean speaks English very well Say lan cam speak Eaghsh very wel. 107 Wrong sequence of tense. Dontsay: Rachel aked me what Lam doing. “7 Soy: Roche aked me what I was doing, ‘Misused forms 108 Using ai instead of would in a sabordinste slau. Don say: He said (that) be wil come tomorrow. 4 ‘Sy: He said (hat) he woutdd une tomorrow 109 Using may instead of might in subordinate cause Don say: Las Suda As ol oe that she mh 4 Say Last Sunday Aisa told meth she might come. oy ap omg cnn nn, oe 110 Using cor instead of could na subodinate clause Do say: Ben thought he can win hepa. 4 Sar Ben thought he cal i the pe (For Sections 107-110 ase Execies 22 and 23 on ages A714) 11 Using the past simple tease after to «the inf Don say He tried to keke the ball say 4 Say: He nied tick the ball ay. me ay part rat 12 Ung he stain tne eran ala 16 sg he ple ps oe wih sao, Jnsead ofthe past parte instead ofthe present perfect. Doe ye Te fg to bring my book Don say: The ck tack 1 Says Fe frgstent ing Book 1 Sep-The ack has suck 115 Using must oe onght to expres a past oben, ri 197 Using the spe Dan sy, You ought o come yestertny ng he sine presen ined fe present 1 Soy You ought tw have come yesterday perfect. Gr Mo should have come yesterday Don't say: Ym a this school two years. aoe emsnan oeorsazersayia, 7 Say Te een a this school two yar Ca tne nats OSM ea pi nS tie 118 Using he simple presen instead ofthe present pret 114 aig the presen erect stead of he single past afer ane eae of Une Precot pert Ung Di sy: Sins came er hap. 1B ay thaw seen go fin pests. So Sine came, wee been apo: ‘Say: [saw 2 good film yesterday. rtecnsemr "18 Uses he simple penn instead of he poset sae apmaseongemin ie, cnt reper strates Sot Ls oe fet Say: Look To boys ae ight vi cape pene pnt atm et en rfoct. |S Tor aa ting 8 ht are Seca at Fest fay saw the Parthenon of tens. EMER GAS ences ste me me a re mete ee losers i fey So Landen eo ow {Saei ln a 2 121 Using the present continuous fora habitual action, instead ofthe simple present. Do say: Every moring I'm going fora wa, Sy. Every morning Igo fora walle SEATS a ae chi 122 Using the vr to ace forthe present habits! ation Dow say: Tse to get up a six every morning 4 Say 1 get wp at six every moring (Or Tm accustomed to geting up at six oe 123 Using the post continuous or a habitual ation, Jastad ofthe simple pas tense Dan say: Last year Twas walking to schoo everyday. 4 Say: Lat year walked to school every day 124 Using the past tense instead of the past perfect. Dont saya rain already lt Delo 1 arived 4 SayeThe ai had already lel belore | emves, Misused forms ove pa in pa ee 125 Using the past perfect instead ofthe simple past tose Dom say tnd the book yesterday 4 Say ised the book yesterday (See Section 24) 125 Using the future in a clause fine, instead of the present tense Don't say sce you when I hall come back Y Say: 3ee you when Tome back. 127 Using the fare in the if clause instead ofthe present Don't say: Ihe ask me, 1 wil tay. 4 Say: We asks me 1 wl I tay. ‘Spoil vee sane money a bays ae 128 Using the present tense after as if ora though instead ofthe past Do's Janine talks a if he noms everything 1 Say: lnine talks af she knew everything lethal phat tat heh a thon ea ate notes ne a 2% Parts 28 Using tho post conditional of wish instoad of the preset indicate Donraay: woul wi to know more English Soy ish that) Liew more Eaghsh 130 Using a wrong tense with an improbable condition Dent say: Ihe would ak mne,? youl? sty. 4 Say: Whe asked me, I would Say gn mabe orb nent gw eters 131 Usinga wrong tease with «counteracts condion Don" say: be woul have asked me, woulda stay ¥ Say He had asked me, I would have stayed. cut a gpd pt et 132 Using the infinite instead ofa finite verb Don! say: Si, ogo home to get my book? Say: Sirpmay Io hore to get my book? 138 Mixing up the tenses. Don’ say: They asked hin 0 be captain, but he refuse 1 Say They asked im tobe captain, but he refused, (See Exercises 24-30 on pages 148-151) Haws soto lok at Use of certain tenses 1 Use the Simple Present for habitual or frequent ‘tions, and tse the Present Contndoas for asians ‘aking place a the present momen, Exanpes (ead tbe oewspapar every day Vm reading ‘an Enlish howl (now), 2 Use the Simple Past when a deinitetime or date is mentioned, and we the Present Perfect when note is mentioned Examples: did my homework lat night Te dome my hometork (601 ean watchTV —ot whatever ram. 2 xpress abil or repeated actions nthe pas either bythe Supe Pst o bythe phase used Example: T went fr? used to 30) othe nema every sek ist yor, 4 Theonly come tense to seis the Present Peet it ‘he ation began i the past andi stil continuing the present Example ve Deon le this as fortwo mont. 5 Bevery careful or to we the fture but the Present fem ing clause of me or condition. if he ver in the tai las sn the fre Example | willl vist the Parthenon soho J go (rif so) to Athens = 2 Miscellaneous examples 134 Confesion of gender ‘Don't say Te doo is open plese ut her. Saye door is pen, please shut i lalate sshrsoy 135 Using the possessive ' with inanimate objects ‘Dont say: Her room's window ls open 4 Soy he window of het rooms open 136 Using the abjetive ese ater the verb to be Do say: i was i, 4 Say: lewashe. 137 Using the objective case ale the conjunction than Don soy, My sister taller than me Say: My ster tale than Tam) Misuse foime 138 Using he subst propo after Beteen Dor say: I's seeret between you aL 1 Soh is secret between you ad me 139 Using an obs pronoun before a gerd Dor! sv: Hin lahing ther was what mae age Say Hl laughing ther was what made her angry 140 Using an object pronoun ina double genitive Dont say’ A trend o im folds the nes 4 Say. A fend GE told us the news isons of st forms Dont say: Michael ad myself ae ete 4 Soy: Michael and Lae here Using hse or teil aston of Nisell themselves. Dont say They fell dwn and bart theirs 4 Sin. They fll down and hr themselves 13 Muse of nour/verb homens. (Peay Becky payee go ply of hes 1 Soy Becky played 2 good game of chess. 144 ing the seltve pronoun which for pert ‘Dor say Te a brother which at schoo ‘Say ves brasr who is shook 145 Ualag what or which alter everything, Bene fay. head eeeting ic (or whale a So Uae eveything (hat he cevwaenine norsanmi ecu he Comma, taxman 146 Whe and whom Wr, the woman whom you sid Lived next oor 1 ee saw the woman (to) yo ied next doo. SRA Stine ee ta ee es» See Re aca te noe sas SETS Seopa metry 0 ‘Tor Sutions 144-146 see Exerc 180m page 145) sued forms 147 Using who, hom, or hi alter the supe, instead of hat. ts the best which Tve sen, best that Eve sen 148 Te same avcame that Domi sy: Amelia bonght the same bag that me 11 Say: Amelia ough the same bag 38 me 149 Using ho? or wha? instead of which? Dor say Who of thet boys is the tlle? Say. Which ofthe to Bays the taller? {Compare Section 148) 150 Who? and Whom? owt say: Whor do you think wil be chosen? 1 Sey. Who do yo think wil Be chosen? fo) Whom? Dont say: Who do you think [saw yesterday? Ser Whom do you thik Ts yesterdny? 3” Pars (For Sections 149 and 150 se Exerise 19 on page 185) 151 Using one ater istea of another Dont say les give me one other book 4 Sa: Please pe me another book 152 Using the supertatwe instead of the comparative Dont say. lon the alle ofthe two boys. 4 Say tthe tlle ofthe two Boys 153 Using from afer the comparative insted of han Dont say. Anyi taller rom her brother 4 So Am aller thas ber brother Using the comparative instead ofthe peda Dont say air the Inger city In Ate 4 Sa) Cato the largest ty in Ati, 155 Ung the more instead of mos Dont sa: The more people wil agree with me 4 Say: Most people wil agree with me i themerenesoen metaphases cused forms 186 Using more goad or move bad instead of Bette Dor sy Thi one looks more goo! han that Say: Thi one looks beter dan thst (For Sections 151-156 see Freres 7 ane 8 ot page 140) 157 Using Home insted of at home: Dont say nthe afternoon stay home Say knthe afternoon Tsay at home. 158 Using fom instead of one of aro Dont say, She i om the acest ge know Say. She sone ofthe acest ge I kno 158 Using the pose infitve to be past pate) instead of te active (to «infin Doms sy: Engi sr eary to be learned ‘Sepsis easy to ear, 160 Using an intransitive yer inthe passive form, Don't sy: She was disappeared from the hose. 4 Say. She appeared tom le house. part 161 Maing up one form of the verb with another. Doty I's beter to enjoy Yourself when youre young rater than wasting ime worying about fe fare 1 Say I's beter to enjoy yoursf when you're young, ‘ha te waste ie worrying aboot the fate 162 Wrong sequence of moods. Denvtaay:I'you would do me ti favour, wil be very satel you. Say you wold do me tis favour ‘ory grateful to you ‘Gr th you wl do me thie favour Iw? be very fet to you woulda be 163 The unrelated participle Dnt say Being Ina bury the door was let epen. 1 Sey. Being i a harry, he et the door ope. “rect Sst pea homie bat Pe Soe 164 The question phrase Sn 2 misused, Don't say: He played wel yesterdays it? Say: He payed wel yesterday, didnt he? ‘Semin inno br (See Exercise 36 on page 158) Misused forms 165 Misuse of the gerund o expres porpore. Don say: ame here lo learning English ¥ Seyi come here lear Engi 166 Yes or No in answer to neguive questions Question: Didnt yu se the gare? es thal sat 1Noy~ that Laie’ se Answer 16 Wang done nave Dont soy Sh Sye Rpt aad of cha 1 Banstead cn tana > OP esti ead stmsoay sae (See Exerio 38 on page 158) 168 Using ome time or tine instead of once ot twice Don't say was absent onetime orto tes, Say: Las absent once oF tice 165 Using a day, et istead of one day, et Dat say A day they went sight-seeing in Florence, 4 Say: One dy they went sghtseoing in Florence atm. mnt. eon ee 3s 179 Using te oer dy intead of the net day. Don say: David slept el and was beter the ‘tne 2 ‘Sy: David sept well and was Better the mest day {cron the ftlowing de) 17 Using oe a a nnd of al past om, Dont uy Lessons Begin ig anal SOUS hela thal past 172 Using ar nua instead of as wu Dat sy: A wily et hit peat home Say" Atal be elt his po at Rome. 173 Using according ty pinion instead on ‘ay opinion Don say, Acconting tom opinion, sb ht J Sey: hay option, she i 174 Using at ce end instead off he end Don ays At the end they reached the i. 4 Soy Inthe end they reached the ey 175 Unger the rae nstead of the rain, Dot say" They played football under the rn 4 Say Tey played football nthe ain Misused forms ave not took at Negatives Express the negative in he present + past simple in one oftwo ways 1 By pating mori’) ater the verb. Use this metho rth the folowing twenty-one webs ‘ann are, tos, wee; have, has, had shall, shold {el would com, ould; may, might; mas; need: dare fought. to; used 10. Examples fm not recy. You mus do that, He ar waite Wel. He oughtn ogo. ‘in conversation, nots often shortened ton. We sip dort for do not, doesn for does no, didn ordi not, had for had not, woulde for woud no, ete (But we "Sy shan? for shal wot, 0 oe ln, efor ‘soot 2 Used, dows di, with not andthe present oive (sithout Yo). Use this method with al erbs except {hose twenty-one give above ‘The word orer i unter + do (does, did) + nor + metsee Examples I dont go there ver alton. He does reach English. They dide sce the game, 3 Use other words of negative meaning to express negatives: no, nobody, no one, nothing, nowhere Example: They know nothing or They do ot (don't) know anyching. part 176 Using he reason Because instead ofthe reason ‘sthat Don ay: The reson is because I blieve i Saye reason that U Below 17 Using county Instead of the county. Do 3a) spend my olisys in country. Sop Topend ny noidays athe country 178 Using fasten of whether Dor ay asked Pau if be was eng. 1 Say. aso Pl whether he was pong. 178 Wigan for instead of te. Dorsey. ty of hese to Boks ood 1 So: ier of ese wo book 180 Using ies me instead of Hike Dor say."The cen ike me very much 1 Salle the nena very much Misuse forms Using neiher or toad of either. Dat ray: Sara speaks nether Englsh or Pench 4 Say: Sara speaks either Fnglsh nor Bench 182 Using both in a negative sentence instead of neither. Dor say: Both of them di yo to schoo tay 4 Say Nelter of them went to shoo tay, 12 Using alo or too ina negative sentence instead of eber Don ay: oe hasnt come at (oF 00) Says has come eles 184 Using and ina nogative sentence instead of on, Don't say don't tke rod and orange 1 wan the Sip: doo’ ike wed or orange want the Bis one 18D Using il instead of before or when, Dorr say: veached the shoe il the rain state, 4 Sn Yeached the school blot he sin ated {Gr Ti eached the schol when the snare, Un-English expressions _Mizakes often resi from to close a tansation into Bugle of foreign diate expresions he following ae “ckamples of seh mistakes 166 Take an exam, not give am ex. Dow sy. The ppl gave bis exam 1 Sag The pup tok his x, a rem gu rsa ale 17 Tobe right or wrong; nt to have ight or wrong Dont say: Youve right orouve won 1 Soy Youre right or Nowe wrong, 188 To be busy, not 1 have work. Deo sey have sch work this morning Say Ven very sy tis morning 189 Ws cole, not has cold ee Dot say. as ol ths winter. Sey: WS eo ths winter 190 Go fora walk not male @ walk Dow sayrWe wade a walk slong the river. Soy Vie went fora walk slog the ver, Misused forms 191 Go fora vide oma bicycle, ee, not go fora walt ox 1 bey, Don't so: We went fora walk om our brycles, 1 Soy- We went for wide on our buyeles 192 Mount or gt ons horse, te not ride a hor, Dont say: Peter rode his horse and went Rome Say: Peter got om his horse an ade hore 193 Dismount or get off «horse et, not come don from Dor ay: They care down from their hrs, Say. They pot off thee horses, 138 Go on foot, ot go withthe eet Don't say: Shall we go therewith the feet? 4 Say: Stall we go thereon oat? 105 Take or havea shower, not mate «shouer Don't say make a shower every morning 4 Say: takes shower every morning (OF thave shower every morning 156 Ask a question, not mate «guest Dont say: Naot made me sever! questions 4 Sey: Noon asked me several questions, “ Parts 197 Take an hou, not need a how, Dont say need an hour todo that, So We take me ae how to 80 that 198 Give a discount, not make e dicount Bon aay He made me a sll count Sag: He gave me oa discon 199 Take exercise, ot make exerci Don say: You ought to make more ext. Sa You ought 0 take more execs 200 Give onder alectre, not make a leture Dot ay: He ma a interesting ste Sy He pave an intresting lore (Or He deere an interesting lecture 201 Say one's pages, not mae 07 do one's pave. Don’ say:T make my prayer before I goto bei Say. 15a my prayers before 1g ted 202 Pretend, not make ones ha. Don't sy: She makes ere that she knows Si She pretends to know. 203 Have a dream, not se dra, Do say Ie strange dream ls ight Sov hada sarge dre as ih (Or area a strange dream as ight 204 Smoke a dgatette tc wot drink a cigarette, te. Dont say: He dros too many cates. 4 Si He smokes too many cigarettes, Misused forms 208 Make a mistake, not do o mistake Dann sy id ome mistake ts dictation, 1 Soy: Lae one mistake i tao 206 Tel or speak the tah, not say the uth Don't say. Fons aways sap the th 4 Sep: ona lays tells he uth, (Or Bana avays speaks the ith 107 See or watch a game, not fo follow a game Dears: Dia yor follow the game? 4 Say Did you se (or wateh the game? 208 Tarn (with the lp on arf ot open or se she hg. ‘Don't say: Please open (or shu) the ght 1 Say: Plese tam on (or off the ih (Or Please ite on (or off he Hit 209 Give an example, not bring ak example Don't zy Can you bring a better exarpie? 1 Say" Can you he a better ame? 210 Give mark, nt puta mar Det say: Te teacher put mea good mark, 1 Sans The teacher gave me 3 ood mas 2 Pare + 211 Seta wateh by not pu @ watch with Don say: pot my watch with the radio news Say: Tse ny watch bythe rad news 212 A watch is slow or fst, not gos behind or in fro Dont say: My watch goes two mites behind 4 Say: My wath Is two minutes dow. 213 Show afm, not ply fine Dont sy: Thief wl be payed shorty ¥ Say: TS ten wl be showa shortly. 214 Have one's hai ea, not ut one hai Don say: Tim going to etry sie Say Pm going to have my bir cat 215 Learm by heat not far from out Dont say: We have «poor learn tom ou Sov Welbave poem to lan by heart. 26 Po on weight not pu weigh Dont say: ve put at leat thee kl. Say: Pe pat on atleast tree kos. in ese pen hl we at 217 1 woes mics ott makes miracles Dont scy:That metcine makes mites, 4 Say That ede works miracles, Misused forms 218 Geting on with, not going 2h owt say How is Sosa gong with her work? Say: How i Susan getting on with her wor? 219 Th mang te rig. Doty ect nen ny og 4 So) the rn 220 Quietly nt sow, sory Don ays The oy came in sly, slow 221 What the mater net Who have you? Don ay: What have you today? Sey What's the matte with you today? 222 What do yoo ell .? nt How do you cl. Dow say: How do you call his Engst? 1 Say: Wha do you eal hi fn English? se dager teat een men (See Exerese 62 on pages 163-168,) 4% Part 2 Incorrect omissions Omission of prepositions ‘The following are examples of mistakes made rough the ‘omison ofthe preposition aftr ceria ands 225 Ask fora thing. not ask a thing Don't ay" She came an asked my book. Say She came a aed for my bok. 224 Dispseget dof a thing, not disposes vid thin. Don any Hell dspose/gt rid all is proper 4 Say: Hel Aispaseiget ido al his prep. 225 Dream ofa thing not dream a hing Dons Young men dam glory and riches. Say Yung men dream a glory ad ees. 226 Explain ta person, not explase a person Dow Yagy She explained me the matte Say She explained the mater @ me 227 Knack a he door, ot enock the door Durtrany: Who skaoeing the door? Say: Wa is nocking atthe door? 228 Listen 1 person € thing, not fsten@ person orthng, Don't say: They were stein the music Saye Tay wore Istenig othe mos 229 Pay for a hing, not py hing. Dan’ sy" How anich di you pay the Book? 1 Say: Hom much dit you pay for the book? 220 Pint to oF at a person oF thing, nt point «person on thin. Don's He pointed the map om he wall 1 Soy: He pointe tothe map othe wal ‘Or He potted at the map onthe wal 231 Remind a person of something, not remind a pereon something Dow ts: Please remind mo tht Ltr 1 Soy: Please remied me ofthat ater. 232 Reply toa person, not reply a person Dont say: She's not replied me ye 1 Say Shes no replied tome 3 229 Say toa person, ot say person Dont sy. Kevin sid me, Come tomorow 1 ‘Say Kevin sid to me"Come tomorrow Pan 234 Search fora fos thing, not sear als og Don ay Theyre searching the al Sis They ve sate forthe bal 255 Share with person, nt share a person Dont say: My rend shaved se his book Say: My frend shared his book with me. 236 Speak toa persom, nt speak a person say: It peak him aout that, torhim abot that, epson meg ca ih nn Sepply 2 pemon with someting, ot supp @ person somthing on’ say: Can you suply me all need? Say Ca yo apply ae with al need? 228 Tink of person or thing 208 think person on thing Dont say: Thnk e number ad then doublet 4 Say: Think of nuaber end then double 298 Wait fora perion oe thing, not wait «person oF ting Dont sy: il wait you atthe nema 4 Sor il wat for you athe enema Incorrect omissions 240 Wish for a thing not sh a thing Don't say He does’ wish any reward. 4 Sy: He doce with foray ress 241 Weite toa person, not ste person. owt say: Ti wre her tomorow Say: Vl wte to her temorro (See Eseries 84 and 85 on pages 173-374) Miscellaneous examples 242 The or he third poron singular omited Don't say. He speak agi very wel, 4 Say: He peaks English very well, Sethe ne asus we (See Exerise 31 on page 151) 23 Using don’ instead of doesn't Don't sy: He don care wht he 5), 1 Say He doesn't care what he ay, (See Exercise 32 on page 152) 2 The dor -ed ofthe past tense omitted, Don't say: eeive a eter yesterday 1 Say received liter yesterday ° pan tra anaterHok at ‘Third person singular, simple present 1 With he prune, she, tor any singilar nn. the ‘er in the een tense acs pec eninge “ee he catches thes Pes he tori. 2 When the fist person ofthe verb ends chsh fr te third person singular ake Patch Tiina Lg he witches he'inihes he fixes He gous 3 When the fist pero ofthe vb end in -y witha onsonant Delore fore the third peson sigur By hanging nt es: Feary tstaly hearin he studs ty ees 4 fow ves at regular inthe thin person singular: Tan Thave tele hehe 5 Modal verts ruc a will cas. may; ust, and ong? ‘lo warchange their form in the tod person segue tea Tse Tay Est hewil Mecano may hema femember: The third person singular of verbs inthe presen tense takes ss oF 5 incorect omissions 285 The 4,8 oF es ofthe pla form omited Dow’ say. 1 pid sx pound for the book. 4 Say: paid se pounds forthe book. ses nga pu aa an 286 The posesive ending emitted Don't say A hen’ ng different From a pigeon. 1 Say: Athens ogg different fom 2 pigeons 247 Omission ofthe atl before countabe no in the sing Dow ray Tse no money to bay a 248 Omission ofa or an after the verb tobe Dov't say. Ti not teacher, Tm stadt. 4 Say: mt a teacher, ma stadt. 249 Omission of oran after the word all Dowty. He drank al glass of al, Say. He de bal glass of al 250 Omission ofa or one before handed Don't say: Hunde years mak centr I pan? 4 Sy: 8 unde years make century. ‘Or One hundred yeas make century. 2 COmision ofa or an from make a mise Dont say: Told therm not to make noe. Sp Told them not to make 4 noise 252 Omision ofthe before names of nationals, Dont say: Engish are ond of sports Sipe The agli are fond of srs 253 Onision ofthe bore names of msi instruments on sa pay viola, but not pan. ¥ Say'1 pay the tai, but Bot the piso. 254 Onision ofthe before the Word einem Dow say: On Satay Igo to cine, Say: On Sataray Io tothe cinema (Foe Sections 247-254 see Eseries 16 snd 17 on rage 184) 255 Onision ofthe ver to he fom he pose Don say Charles Dickens born in 1812. 4 Sry Cates Dikeas was born in 1812 Have another look at Indefinite article Use the indefinite ace: 1 Before every sotmmon noun inthe singlas, it sat reve by theo sme word sich ads, thas, [I bought anes book io hough ew Book). 2 Bofors the wons ded and showsends A Iudred Soldiers were the camp. 2 After the vr toe when a countable noun in the Sagat flows: Mary faer ia lawyer 4 In certain prates: to make a noise, a mistake, {fortune an impression: to havea headache, «pin, (old gh Don't ue the indefinite article "Bele singular nous that aren wed in he pra Such ali, nformation, work, fmtue, Dead Example: He give me good advice (nol god aie, 2 Alter the phrase kind of or sort of What Bind of pon ‘ao you want? Macy fangunges use the numeral ome instead of the Indotnite article a oF a. This isnt 010 English ‘One mar went sto ote shop ought tobe A oes went Into a shop. Ones used only when the monbe is phate. One usin doesnot nats @ summer are 256 Omision ofthe aviary do from questions Don’ say: You unéersand the protien? ‘He understands the probes? She undentod the problem? 1 Say: Do you sodertand the protien? Does he wederstand the problem? Did she uaderstand the problem? (See Exerise 34 on page 153.) 251 Omision of eusiary do when doi. prieipal verb Dont say: Do pupils the work cretuly? 4 Say: Do pupils do their work carols? 258 Omission ofthe preposition indicating ime. Don sy: Twas born the third of December. 1 Say: Lane bor on the tid of December, 289 Onision ofthe prepotin after the infinitive Don say: Thee no oases to ive 4 Say: They've no houses tien ‘Proert Tee anim, you ara, be (she i's ‘We, you, they are. ‘Pet Tse Linas you were ho (be) was, ‘We, you they were Future Tense, you, be (he, wil be, ‘We, you, they will be. Preset Beret hyo, have ve Been, he (ke, ass been ‘We, jou they have hee. Fey, he (ihe, had bens, Tie, they had been. tare Perfect yo, e oh have been; ‘eyo hey will have bees Post rect, Uses of the verb 70 ae as auxiliary Use the veo tobe 1 "With the Present Patil to form the Contionus ‘Tense Tae + Present Pricile Example: sun war shining in the sky 2 With the Past Patcpe to frm the Passive Form ‘abe «Past Pariple Exam: The letter war unten by John. Pan 260 Onision of there san introductory word, Dow say: Once ved grat King. ¥ Say: Once there/There once Iived «gest King. Sam 281 Omission of hw after the verb to know. Dont say: She kaows to pay the piano Say She knows how to pay the pana. 262 Omision of aher ster a comparative. Don’ say: Homer was restr than al the Geek posts, 4 Say Homer was greater than al th oer Grek pots 263 Onision of before in comprisons. Dont ay 8 never sean sich ating 4 Say 1 ver seen suck thing before, Der taeha yearns sorority 264 Onision of else after everybody, t. Don say She Isstonger thas everybody, 4 ‘Say: She stonger than everybody ele. Lee amin scmpanon neh ‘igaie iinet een andy en 265 Omision ofthe demonstrative pronoun one Dent sey This the oly that ike, Say Tithe aly ome that ks Incorrect omissions 266 Omission ofthe personal pronoun lore the inte Dow say want to tel me the tt Say want You to tll me the tith 267 Onision of 8 subject ofan impersonal ver Dow’ say Is very het in the Sudan. 4 Say: Ws very bot inthe Sadan 268 Omission of the pronoun subject fom the prinsipal law Dow sy: Wher he saw the teacher, 0d up, 4 Say: When e sa the teacher he stood up. 269 Omission ofthe personal pronoun after a quotation. Dow't say: Tm learing Eng sid 4 Saye Tm laring Eng he sid 270 Tho object ofthe transitive verb omit Don sy: asked er for some pop, it she had net. Say: Tasked her for ve pape, but ie had ‘one!’ have any ” pan2 271 Omission ofthe det object whoo there are to objets ‘Bon’ nay: ated him for some ink, an he gave me Say sed bin for sone ink, and he pve me some 272 The abject ofthe ver enoy amt, Dor ay enjoyed daring the baidays 1 Say: Venjoyed myself dang the holidays. (On enjoyed holidays (Mh Raeane dee weeny fonoesey oe Gas 273 Omision ofthe noun after an adjective Dan sy. Te anoranate was shot dead 4 Soy: The wnloranate man was shot ded 274 Onision of the word and Between numbers. Dor say: Eight thousand diyseven Sip Eph showin and tity seven 275 Omision of the word or between numbers on say se ony wo, tree frends. 4 Says ve ony two oF tte ends 276 Omiton of the wor from age Dot sys My iter i iteen yar 4 Say: My sister teen years od 277 For this used instead of fr this reason. Don't say: Fortis he wants to eave Say: For this reason he sant to lene 2 pom sy nn ate 278 Better se iste of had beter. Don't say: Better go bome st once. beter go home at ce 279 Up and down used instead of upstis ool dowstaes, Don't say. He's up hes down 4 Say: He upstas e's dwnstis 280 Throw i eed instead of throw it aay Dot say: I ity, throw Saye ty, how aay 281 J don’ think used instead of don't Don't say. don hike - a-ak 8 area 282 Before yesterday, te, used instead ofthe day before yesterday Don’ say. Lynne arrived before yesterday. Say: Lynne anived the day before yesterday. 253 Thank you sed insted of No, thank you. "Thankyou if you want to refs an oe, ee Make see ane ee nes Pare 3 Unnecessary words Unnecessary prepositions ‘The words below do not require a preposition to go sh shem Because they have within them the mo ofthe proportion 24 Answer ( reply t) ont say: Plea answer my gusstion, Y Say: Please answer my question, 285 Appevach (> come nea 1) Don’ say: Don't spprech fo that house. Sey: Bow spproach that howe 285 Aa (= puts gueston to) a's: Tashed tote teacher about Y Sap: Lasked the teacher aboot 287 Attack (= go and ight agsins. Don't say! They atacked against the ene, 4 Sey: They attacked the enemy, 288 Comprise (= consist of, Don't say: The book comprises of ve chapter. 1 Sey-The book compre five chapters. ‘Of The book is comprised of five chaps, a ee Pa 289 Ener into). Doi say: We enerd int the lasroom. Say Wi entered the classroom. 200 Finish (~ come tothe end of Don say we Bished rom my work, 4 Soe finshed my work 179) Leave = depart trom) Don say Ba ee from England las ook “1S Bi elt England last week, 292 Obey - act scoring 10 ‘Dow say We should obey to or teachers 4 Say Ne so Obey our teachers. 283 Allow (to) o et (= give permission 1) Don say The deer alowed to Job (to) itn the fro seat 1 Say The dive llomedet Jobe (to) it nthe front 204 Roach (are at. Don say: We reached athe schoo ery 4 Sa We reached the shoo ey 295 Resemble (= be sia Bon we: Does she resemble to he ator? Sy Does she resemble her father? @ Unnecessary words 295 Te ( sy 10. Dow's: 110K! bie to come ones 1 Say: Hl bi to come at once 27 Being (athe back of. on’ say: award bid behind of» age tee 1 Say Edward behind a large tee 138 Unde (=n the interior of Don't say: The boys went side ofthe rom, Say: The boys wen inside the ro, 199 Outside («om the exterior of, n't say They stood ovtede ofthe door. ¥ Say They stood outide the door 290 Round (= om all sides of) Don't say: The arth goes mand of the sin, 4 SayThe earth goes round the sn, (See Faeries 86 and 87 on page 174) Unnecessary articles 10} Wrong ase of se with proper nova Don't say The Sarah wil go tothe England 4 Say: Sarah al goto England e Pana 302 Wroag we of he with proper nouns in the posesine Dont say: The Euripides tngedie are fn 1 Say: Eonpides” ages ao Tao 303 Wrong se ofthe with str nouns Da’ ray: The bravery is grea vito, Say: Bravery ie sea ite 308 Wrong se of te with material nos. Don'ay: The golds «prio meta Say! Gl is poss etal Wong ase of the with pura nouns wed in gener sense Don’ say: Me dogs are tual Say: Dogs ae faith snimals. ‘Wrong use of the with names of languages, owt wse: Tm speaks the Engh ry ll. 4 Say Tim speaks English very wel Unnecessary words 207 Wrong ase of the with names of meals Don't say: Wel start ater the ease, Sey" Well start alter break, 208 Wrong use of the with names of games, Don't say. My favourite game the football, 1 Sas" My favourite game Fothall ‘et vey bl bane - 309 Wrong us ofthe with names of dineases, Dat say'Toe cholera sa dre dices, ¥ Say: Cholera ie dreadful disease Shy on tafe aouph eaasn 290 Wrong use ofthe with names of colours Dat say The pec sa Beat conic 4 Say: Green ia beaut eto 1311 Wrong use ofthe with the names ofthe senses. Don's The sight is on a he five sense, Say Sight sone ofthe ve seses mate eset eh a Il 5 512 Wrong use af the with names of days and mont ont say: The Sunday ean bem day 0 rave: ‘The December the [ast month, Y Say: Sanday can be 2 sy of payer. December ete lat month 513 Wrong use of she with ma denoting the human re Dowty: The mn horn a sie 4 Say: Man is born sane 316 Wrong us of he with schoo Dont sy: My sister goes to the sco Y Say: My sso goes to schoo 518 Wrong use of the with chore Dont sy: On Suaay Igo to the church. Say" On Sunday goto earch Unnecessary words 316 Wrong ws of the with nature Den say: The nt x Beat ln spring Soy Nature beaut in sping 317 Wrong use ofthe with socety. Don't say A thet ia danger to the soley 1 Say: thet danger to ace 2318 Wroag use of hein the phrase fate roto now on). Dow 5ay You rust be careful inthe ature. Say: You mst be caefl in ate. 519 Wrong aie of she fer whose. Donia The boy whose the ators has let 1 Soy The boy whose father ila et. 320 Wrong use ofthe indefinite article before work Don's) Glan has founda work at the bak 4 Say: Gian has fund work the bank, (See Exerise 17 on page 144) ares Have another look st Definite article ‘Asa mle owns in English ake no arto when sed in fa pera ens, but they re used in 2 particular verse {heal needed. Note the lerence in he se oF ‘oman of the ate: 1. With paral nouns ore are strong anal. The hore inthe eld belong to the for. 2 With abstract now Windom isa pet vite ‘The sedan of Solon was famous. 2. With materia nosos: ‘Water i ecenary 0 ie ‘aw ater in the teen i hot 4a days, mont, and seasons ‘Summer ie ho season “The rummer of 9 was very bot 5. With names of enguages ‘nglih espe al over the wo The Bngioh ee speaks spot somes. {6 With names of mene: Breakfasts ot eight o'clock ‘The Breakfast {had this morning was delcons 7 With aames of colours Blue my favourite colo. ‘Ths bine that ptr bas ade 8 Unnecessary words Use of the infinitive Mutakes ave frequent made by using he infntiveaithout 1 after the following vers, hich do not vege 52) Cam nitive witout co. Don't rays My mother canto swin very wel Say. My mother ean swim Yory el 222 Cool « ifntve without Dow say: [ould not to see you yesterday. Sat could otiouldnt se you yesterday. 225 May = lfatve without. Don’ ey: May Ito vst you next weekend? Say May Twist you next weekend? 514 Might infinitive withost Don't say Me might to some a the morning Sas: He might come i he morning 505 Mast + ininive without to Doe say must to Sea her at her ofce, 4 Saye Timast see her a er ofc 526 Let + ifitive without fo. Dow’ say Toms father would not let him to go out Sey: Toms ater would not let him go. 5327 Make (fore) + infinitive withowt fo. Dow’ say-You cant make Emma to understand. Sep: You can" make Emoma understand. Panta 228 See infinitive without fo Don’ say Tey saw im fo leave the house Say Thy sa him fave the house 329 Watch + ifinve without f. Dart say watched tho gis play hockey 4 Sey: watched the gts pay hockey, 20 Hear + infinitive wihost fo Den ay: We hear him to peak ia nglsh 1 Sip: We head him pean Eg 581 Feel nine without fo Den say: could foo ber acto best Say: Leo feet her heat eat (Ge ould ee her hear Best (See Exercise 45 on page 165.) Miscellaneous examples 332 Wrong repetition of subject. Day say” My ite brother hei shoo 4 Say: My de brother is 3 shoot 70 Unnecessary words 323 Wrong repetition of subject in a compodnd sentence Dart say went tothe market sad Thought it, 4 Say: Tet to the matket sod bough rat 334 Wrong repetition of subject alter an alec clause, Don't say! David, wh i caress ppl ie kt is book Y Sey Dovid, who is 3 carcless pop, ast hs book 239 Wrong repetition of subject afer 3 non-sinite verb pirate Dorsey Karen and Tom, hving signed the regis (hey let te ere 1 50) Kare ano, cng sed he ie at 536 Wrong use of personal ponotn in ative case, ort say:The book which | lon it was new 1 Say-The book which ost was new 337 Weong repetition of objet. owt say The doctor {cw bim very ell 4 Say: Lhnow the doctr very wel rand 338 Wrong repeton of objet with nine Dont sy. 1 bought an English book to rad it 1 So: Wboagt at Eas book tea (or Sections 332-338 see Exerese 20 on page 146) 339 Wrong wef hat in cet speech Dons: She sd that sare to pass? Say. She sai im sre tops 340 Using a double comparative Dont sey: He's more stonger than Jo, Soy He stronger tan ohn 2 Mine of asectves that cat be compared Denn say: My work is more perc han his J Say. My wor superior to bis. ‘Oe My works etter than hs ants pec nn. et me cra 542 Retory back used instead of return, Don ay She has rettmed back Co school Say Se bas retared 0 school Unnecessary words 383 Begin from wed instead of begin Don'ts. Earns Dein fom Td. 2% Soy: Exams begin 0 Thursday. strpon tng tsncane Mencrest 24 Conser as wed instead of conse Dion's. Robert considers ae as bis est fend. Say. Robert considers me his Best rend Wr Rtedanobettomon'ne beh krties 385 For to wsed instea oft, Do's ame here for learn Elis 4 Say: Tee ret learn English 246 From where wed instead of whee Dont say. From where can uy 2 good watch? 1 Say. Where ean I ty a good wate? 417 And fe utad instead of et. Dow' says, you, we and tear pronouns. 4 Say, you, We, ee are pronouns Seioriwns awe nenjoese newsm daee gh 388 So. so that instead of 0 aoe nay 99 tie 20 tat Lean go 2 are Say: ms ited that Lang. 249 From now and on sed ins Dor say: From now and on fom now on study ha. i study had 360 Alhiouph/Thowrh althooghthough Deir ay:Altucagh it’ raining, yet be go. 4 Say: Athos ning, hel go et wed instead of 2351 Go fo home used instead of go home Dont oy: When shoo! over Igo fo home 2 Soy When shoo i vee go home 2352 Using for wih a phase of doit distance. Do sa ary Ies two miles fr fom ee Say ry lives two miles rom here % Misplaced words Wrong position of adverbs 353 The adverb of definite ie misplaced. Don't say: ast git went ta the ene, Say went to the cinema night. 354 The adverh of indefinite tine misplaced, Don says Tey cme says to seo by bis Say. Taey always come to shoo! by bus. 355 The adverb of time placed before the adver of pee. Dow ry: The ders wil be tomorrow ere, Soy The ier wil be here tomorrow 8 Para 396 The adver misplaced with a tansitve ver Don say: net wrote careully heres). 4 Say lanetyote heresy eaeflly 5387 The adver enough misplaced. Don't sy: the rom enough large for you? Say lth oom lange enoagh for Yu? tam nae om 258 Not misplaced with a compound verb. Dow't ty: Ishoold have nt oe Say: aol mot have pone hn rte ac siete Ye ng Scent ert eee 999 Not misplaced with the negative infinitive Don't say tld List not come om Mendy. Sip told Liz no to come om Monday (See Exerc 66 and 67 on pages 165-165.) Misplaced words Miscellaneous examples 360 The subject ofthe sentence misplaced Dont say: Last week visted bf school 2 an, 1 Soy. A man visited our scoel last eck 361 The subject misplaced in questions. Dow's. nere a he cinema yesterday? ‘Thay come wih ws omoeton? J Say: Were sou tthe cinema yesenay Wi they come sith ws omo@oN? 362 The subject misplaced in questions beginning with feteroptve wo Don't aay" Why you wore absent ast Fsiday? Say Why were Sou sent ast Friday? {For Sestios 361-362 see Exeriso 35 on page 153) 362 The subject misplaced after aeve, ec Dont sy: Newer ave beat of Sue a ting ‘Soy. Never Rave T heard of ch a thing Pare & 254 Ail. ot wot insted of Nota. Don't Say Al people are not hard-working, 1 Soy Not al people ae har-working 365 The subject ntplaced in ndret questions. Do say-The teachar asked me what games did play? Sty The teacher asked me what games I piyed (See Exense 37 on page 154) 366 The direct objet misplaced ioe ty: He touched with his hand the all, Say: He touched the ball with his hand 367 The indirect objec misplaced. Dav' say: showed oer some of my saps ¥ Say: Tshowed some of my stamps her. 268 The qualifying adjective misplaced Da cay. My uace asa garden very are 4 Sig: My uncle hs «very lage garden Misplaced words Have another loi at Questions once oman tee wa £"By puting the wer belore to sujet Cnty se this Into wh the flown twenty-one eb tim oe wo woe, he, as had hal soul {Tl ola oa mes, might mast ned. dre cup wed Ehample Are you ready? Can you write well? ‘Wil be come temartow? May go now? 2 By using do, des, did, followed by he subject and ten the nitive (without fo. Use this form wth all evs except the twenty-one given above Te Word onder i Do (doc, did) + ume + 1H Example Do you come here every’ day? Does he chil learn Eagoh? Did they ga tothe teat? 3 By using quetion words The question word always iegine the question, but the vr must be pat before the subject ein quewtons of fps 1 and 2. Exampler: Why are you lat? When did you cme? ‘Where rf Whom did you se? Which book do you Ite question word the subject of the sentence, put the we ae the subject [Who wrote the eter? Whove dog bit the man? Fe Part 4 369 The past patcipe misplaced. Dont say: The oréered gods haven't atelve, Say. The gonds ordered havent zrived ‘eet ets stent gn wh 370 The relative clause misplaced Dow’ say gi has a pony wh i ino class. 4 Say: Ag who iss out dass has a pony. 137) The conjunction misplaced in time cause Dont say: Ema when she aerived Une Boat had already gone Say: When Emma arived the boat had already gone 372 Coctlative conjunctions misplaced. Dont say: Pl neither speaks English nor French, 4 Sey: Pl speaks either Eagls nor French ‘pecs ony bo at tae wore ane ech 373 The ordinal numeral misplaced. Dao say: Te read te fo fit chapter. Say: Ve een the fest to chapter. Misplaced words 374 The indent article misplaced with sch. Don't say: never mela such good man before Say! never met s4eh a good man before erent eran em sha din 375 The definite article misplaced with halt ort say The halt yea is neaty fsbo Sey: Hall dhe year i nesly finished 316 The most wed instead of most ofthe, Dor sayThe most ofp are not present. Say: Most of the gs are not preset 377 The apostrophe (9 misplaced with ontactions Don't write: Didnt ha, iat, aa, Weta: Did't hast in, aren't (Soe Exercises 39 and 40 on pages 155-156) 378 Mentioning oneself fist. Dot say: Only Tand my mother are presen Sex Only my mother and Tre poset ge eit nen sei emigt hart pana Have another look at Correct order of words 1 Subject 2 ve 3 Object, 1 The objet seul placed imme after the verb Example: speak English very wel, 2 Te indict objet usually comes before the dice, ‘objet thou a prepostion vample I gave he the money. 3 An expression of ane somes after en expression of pace ample: We stayed there all day 4 Place adverts of ime and degree, sch as ays, ‘ter, never, nearly, handy, scarey, bor the verb, oF betwoen the auliary andthe ver. Examples I neer Se that mano have never seen ‘tat man. 5 Imingiect questions the subject comes fist and then fhe ver Example: ant to know where they went 6 Incompound verbs with two ausilaris, place not titer theft one Example: She could not have beon there 7 Inthe negative infintve, not comes before Example {ol him nor to go there Pats Confused words Prepositions often confused 379 To and @. Dow say: We come at shoal every noring Y Say: Wercome to sshool every ering, pac Don't say: Someone i aling 1 he ds ay. Someone standing a he dow {See Exercise 77 on page 170.) 280 To aad TL (a ‘Dow’ say: We walked the sv and hack, 1 Sey: We walked tothe iver and bac (oy Dow's 1 stay hore to nest enn 4 Sey: Filta her il next mont 381 Iman At ata Don't ray: Lin hae att Pas 4 Sey Liam ha a i Ps a at ant say: My mother staying in 66 Argyle Stet 1 Say Ny mother staying at 6 Argyle Stet. {Gee Fxerse 78 on page 170.) 282 In and Ito (a) ts Don't say: Gemma pent alte day ito her roam 4 Say: Gemma spent the dy in her room ©) imo. Don't sy: Risrd came inthe room and at dows Say: Richart cae into te room and sat down, (Gee Bree 79.0n page 171) 383 Os, At In (Tine) a) On Dow say: My cle wil rie at Saturday. 1 Soy. My snele si eve on Saterday. ar Don ay 1 usally get upon sven o'clock 4 Say: sally pet op a seven o'ock wm Dor ay: Soe goe or 8 walk a the afternoon. 1 Say She goes ora Walkin the afternoon Confused wordt ‘Sire fe ming gp by oy {See Exercise #0 on page 171) (eh oe Dorr say: U bought a took at fit pece. Say: {bought hook fr fit pence, oat owt say can't buy it for such 2 high rice ¥ Say’ Lean by tat such a Bih price At (rie) 585 Benen and Among. (a) Between Dat say There was aight among two by 4 Say. There was sight Between two boys. (o) Among. Dom’ ray" Divide the apple between you thes Say: Die te apple among you three. (See Exercise 1 on page 172) 386 Beside. Den’ tay: Chrte was taning just besides Say. Chari was sanding jst ese 8s 2387 Except for Besides well as Don sty have other books except hese. J Sig: have ote Books besides well a ese (Sin ato 1 tee) a8 fy for with Dot sy: Ths man shot the id by 2. Soy the ma shot Be bid with a Ve rhs ya eth ty oy ore 289 From for By Dra say Many was perished frm he ates Si Mary ws pane by her ther 390 Fn to OF oe In. Durty. Hos he tallest rom all the boys 2 Sig ifthe ales fal the boys (Ge Hes he tallest yi the elas 2391 Forfar Abst Dont say Te teacher spoke for ba habs Sip The washer spoke about bad habits Confued words 392 Since for Foe Dot say: She's lived hoe since two yeas 4 Say: Shes lived here for two year ‘ste mston ee verre cs ile ‘Seger oeae cap emer 393 From for Since, Dow's: I's Ben il from ast Friday, Say: lan’ boen il snc lat Friday. ‘Sesonswnc ort a ete ot ‘WHS nas bom oghtoine ow Sete acts 384 After for Dow say:T may beable to go afer a week, 1 Say: Tiny beable to go in 8 wes ‘Or 1 may be able wo go in a week’ tine, 395 Infor Within Do say Tl come back isan hour -if you mean Detore the end ofan ho Seyi come back within am hou, (See Freres #2 and 83 on pages 172-173) Have anoter look Use of certain prepositions Proyenitions of Place and se theo for movement from one place to another. Example (ual fo shoal every dy: Use «119 denote postion o est Ene: He’ tng a the door. ry denotes potion of rest insie something. Example The penll the Bex nro dents movement towards the aside of Example Tey uk ns the room. Propositions of Tene ‘Use a with the exact time: Example She ave a o'clock nthe morning Use on with days and dates. vamples: On Sunday we go to church My birthdays toe the thd of December Use witha period of me ‘Example: In smmer the weathers warm. 8 “onfused words Verbs often confused 2396 Shall oa Wil, (a) To express simple fatty: Inthe st person: Dow nay: Tl go tomorrow fs ne Soy hal go tomoeron tne In the second pero Dow say: She tells me you sal go tomorrow 4 Say: She ells me you willl go tsorow. In the thir person Don't say: He shall go if he has permission Say: He will go if he has perme (b) To express something more than simple fate Inthe ft pero Don't say: have determined that shall go 4 Say: Thave detormined that Twill go, In te second person: Dow's: You will go out if you ae god. Sey: You shal go ot you ate good. In the thd person Dow’ say My mini made up: be will'l go 4 Soy. My tind made up hall go (See Exercise 41 on page 156, 297 Shall and May. Ditnguch between {a) May Iso the door? and {8) Sha st the doa? 595 Say and Te Doty He tol WUT go home He told that he go home. Say: He sai, wl 99 home He sid at He go home (See Exonise 42 on pages 155-157) 599 Make and Do. (ah Make Dont ay. The carpenter di age tbl J SayThe carpenter mage lange ase (Do Don't say: You mst make your work cael. 4 Say. You most do your work crea 0 Confused words (See Exerie 43 on page 157) Hie and Lay. (@ be Dow’ say Yn going to lay down fo a how: Sey. Fin gong toe down for an hoor. Lay, Dont ray: Please ie the exam papers onthe desk Sey: Please lay out the esa papers onthe desk, LES re (Gee Exerce 4 on page 157) Sit and Seat fo Si Dont say: We seat at desk to wee a aor ‘Sy: We stat a desk to wet eter (Seat Don't sy: He sat the paserges one by ene Say: He seated the passengers one by one {See Exercise 45 on page 158) 402 Rie and Raise (a) Rie. Dont sy. Val izes very early in the morning 1 Sor. ales very eal he morning (b) ase Dorsey: She ose thee salaries oo often, Say. She raed thei rlaies to often ‘igen map cert (See Exess 46-0n page 158) 403 Like and Love. Dor ay: ike you! Wil you marry me? Say Have yo! Wil you mary me? “se Stay and Remain, (a) Sty DDon' ty: We remined in a very good hotel 1 Say. We stayed in 3 ery g008 hotel (fy Remain Dan' sey: Not may figs have stayed onthe tre. 4 Say: Not many igs have emaned onthe te. Bs Confused words 495 Hanged and Hong, (e) Hanged ‘on’ ay No-one has Been hung in Baio nce 1964, Say: No-one hasbeen banged i Btn since 1964, (Hg. owt sa: We hanged the pstre on the wall. Sop. We hang the pctre on the wah. ‘Srenargae aces em shang The aa a CON aoe tn he {Gee Exerise 50 on page 160.) 406 Wear and Pt on. a) Wear Dow say: Kathy always puts on Back shoes Say: Kethy aways wears Bick shoes (6) Pat on Done say T west my thes nthe morning. Soy put on my clots the morning (Sec Exercise 47 on pages 158-159) “Tear an Tear wp. (@) Ten. Don's: Jo tore up his oat on a ‘Sy: So ior is coat on a mal, (0) Tearup Don't say Philp was angry and tore the eter, arts 4 So: Philip Was engry and tre up helt 28 Geo and Grow wp. (Gro Don any"These flowers grow ap very quick 2 Soy Those Bower grow very gulch (1) Grow. ort say: When grow [lhe a doctor. Say he gr pT be doctor 29 Pekan Pick vp fai Pik Dose We picked yp Awe in tho ganden 50) We picked Bowers nthe garden. (Pik up. Dist say: The naughty boy peked stone. 1 Say Tae naughty Boy picked wp tone £10 Deat with an Deal in (o} Del with ‘Don a This book dessin common ero 4 Say This book deals with common ero Confused words (6) Beatin Don't say" A bookseller dats with bots, Sap 8 bookseller deals in books. 41 Intestece in en Interfere with (a) Inerfere in, Don't sy: Don interne with my private sins! Sey. Dow ntrterem ny pte busines! (0) Imerfore with owt Say al always interfering inte equipment Say: Pauls always itrtering with he equipment. 412 Borrow aad Lend (al Borrow Dawe ray: I want to lend 2 book rom yo 2 Sey: Fant to barre = hoo rome 0) Lend Don say: Wl you please borrow me a book? 4 Sey: Will you pleas lend nec book? (See Exerie 51 on page 160) 13 Steal and Rob (a) Steal ov say Someone bas robbed al er money Sey: Someone as ston al ir money. Pans (2) Ros Do sy: Some men sole x bank ls night. Say: Some me robbed bask ls ight (See Esoruse 52 on page 160.) 14 Take revenge and Avenge. , Dont ay: mst avenge mysel fr wane id 11 Soy | 2st take revenge fo what he dil to me! 4415 Convince and Persuade, Don't say: Tam persuaded of Robin's innocence 7 Sey Tam convinced of Robin's innocence {416 Refase and Deny. (a) Retin Dont say: Seah daniel to take the money. Say Seah eelased to take the money, © Dewy Don't a: Jon refused that held done it Say: Jon denied that bed done it {See Exerte 83 on page 360.) % Confused words 17 Discover nd Ive (0 Doce orto: Ama was invented by Columbus 1 Say-Amerea ns doered ty Cela Dons Jo a Eon dived th gromopbone. Sor Baton tented i moo 118 Take place and Take part, (a) Take place Dot say: The meeting wil tke part son, ‘Say, The meting wil take pace Soon (0) Take pare Don’ sy. Tl take place inthe meeting Say Vlake pat the meeting 419 Made from and Made of {@) Made fom. Don’ ray: The bowl it made of gas Y Say: The bow! smd from gas, (0) Made of Don’ say:Te statue is made fom mabe. Sey The sate sade of marie posal et ateoucslsre wma se pans 420 Let for Rem nd Hite out for He, (a) Rem. Don't: tthe house fom Me Snes 4 Say: Teen he house trom Mr Jones. (Hire. Don ay hited ota sal board when I as inAmersa, 1 Soy Tied surf board when 1 vas sn Ameria Dio’ nay: She wis her living by hard work Say. Se earns her ieg by hard work 422 Substrate or Replace with Don ay: Tey substitated gold with paper mene. 1 Sa They replaced gold with paper mony. £23 Conett for Rept or Mend Den say. Some men are correcting the road the road, Confused words 44 Dust fr Cover with dust, Don say: A sandstorm dusted ou clothes, 4 Sey! A stndstorm covered our clothes with dust 425 Please for Ask or Thank Do's: I pleased hi 0 dome favour tor I pleased him for his lovely present, Say: asked tim to do me favour I hanked hi or is lovey present 226 Contd for Was able to, Do say. Because Laur worked hr she could nih the jb in ime “Say: Becabse Laura worked hard se was able to nut he in tone 427 Learn or Tea Dont say: Graham lone us how to play hockey Say: Grabaen taught sso to play hockey. (See Exercise 54 on page 161) 428 Wir o Beat Dor’ say We've always won your team. 2° pans 1 Say: Weve always beaten your team. eat again yy ot ne ee iguanas aaon esas (See Exercise 55 on page 161.) a IT Senin ete 7 arcaeeaaeoese ee 430 Leave for Lt. Dont say: Penny did't leave me to get my book Say: Poy did’ let me got my book. {See also Sections 436 and 447) 1431 Bring for Take, Dont say: The astronauts are bringing pants to the moon. 4 Soy-The asronauts ae taking plants othe moo, uruesanteanme tens tenn SEScaE Cra seca amr ‘Reeth ssa sane woth, Confused words 432 Deaton for Sink Daw say The sip drowned inthe oan 4 Sey: Ta ship anki the oxen 135 See for Look. Dont sy: Nell was sein out of he window 4 Sey: Neil was loking ot ofthe window (See Exerese 56 on page 161) 434 Hear fr Listen, Do's: I was bearing her CDs Y Say. Tis seni to her CDs {See Exercise 57 on pages 161-162.) 435 Remember for Remind, Don't sa: Please remember me o give it bask Say. Please remind me to give Back 436 Leave for Let go Dont sy: Leave the other end ofthe string Say Let go ofthe other en of he srg (See also sections 420s 447) ares 437 Slep for Goto Bed. Don say: TH sleep cary tonight Y Sey: Pilg to bed early tonight, 498 Be found for Be, Dont sy The man wae found in is fice ¥ Say: The man was in is of. 499 Bo wich for Have, Don say My Elan book swith my brother Say’ My brother has my Eaglsh book, “440 Tae for Get Don ay Clare tok a good math in chemisy: Say: Clare gota good mark in chemi 44) Like for Want et Dont oy: Do you the to see my callection? ¥ Say: De you want tose ny eoletion? oem nee ra ha 102 Confused words ‘ee Exercise 58 on page 162) 482 Kyow for Learn, et Don’ say: Dun went to school to know English 1 Sey Dat went 1 sehool to leara Engh osname igre hme on 0 nh “442 Read for Std, Don’ say: Lyi eadng algebra i he oom. ‘Sey: Lacy is atudyng algebra i he oor, ‘Mistoseewc tas eae {ee Exersive 59 on page 162) 444 Lear for Stady, Do sy: Kevin searing at Gordon College ‘Sey Kevin sudying at Gordon College eae ama re ota tc yay at (edn ttage wee tenant nn ae ot 445 Take for Don’ sy: T went to the bake’ to ake bres Say: went fo the Bake’ te buy bess a 446 Take ou for Take of Don’ tay Chis ook out is hat and coat. (Sey: Chis ook of his hat and coat 103 497 Leave for Give wp ete Don sa Te now let fot. Say: ve 20m goon up football (Or Pee now stopped paying football, (for sections 430,436 and $47 se Exercise 48 00 page 158) 4488 sympathise for Lite. Don say. 1 dont sympathise hin very much, 4 Say on’ Like him vry mich, ‘Sepa sry tte ari thm: SE np set mone a pope 40 Pa for ep. Don aay Do yo put your money in the bank? Sas: Do yo keep sour money in he bank 430 Core about, Cae for for Take cae of Don sa Oliver cares abou eae for his other “Say Over akes cate of bs brother's investments neice ene 08 confused words St La for Make (= to free) Door say: Te examiner iat me st quietly until tveyone had fined. 1 Soe ne examiner ade me st quiet uni evenne td abe (452 Flow for Fomed, Dor say Te river has flown ove its banks Say The iver hak Mowed aver Hs bats (Soe Exerie 49 on page 159.) 53 Ful for Fel Dow’ sy: John fll down and broke his eg Sa: So ell down and broke Bis eg, (Gee Exercise 60 on page 162) 454 Found oe Hed Dom sy: Rosi tried to found he est book; (Fay Rost led to ind he Tost bok i tumaed ese yan " 105 anes ave another look at Use of will and shall Pyisball You'll Hesshanwi Wellwilhall Yorba Theyre ‘Tae short form ean be use for both wl and sha ‘We usualy awe the ong form n wring andthe short in Spec, tut when we are mrting informally wo alo se the short fore “The future airy ml ha several ferent meanings: Tit canbe used fr things which we expect to happen: Leth wil speak to you abou it tomorrow. 2 Itcan be wed as conditional wih an ifr whether ‘ase Je il give you eff you eet one 3. We use wl or shall for roquess and offer: Wl your hep me sort out these books? 4 When wif sessed often moans that someone Insts. ono peste n doing someting Boy wl ke handing i his homework late 5 Shit is aba sed inthe it person Inthe question foam: ‘Shall I eave the door open? Shell we have tch nou? 6 Shall sometimes wed in modern English with the fist person (or ws) when We at speaking or wating feral We stall never forget your kindness. ‘Shalis’ goacralywsed in other contexts nowadays, Though ius to Be gute coro. 106 Cconfured words Adverbs often confused 295 Very and Too (a) Vor. owt say 1° too tia Rome in the summer. 4 Say: Ws very ot in Rome in the summer (0) Too. ors 1 now very hott play football. 4 Sey pow to Hot pla foosball Minolometncwnyesromearen (See Exercise 68 on page 166) 456 Very and Much Very Dat say Hae a much tong man Wea mich interesting book Sop ea very strongman Iss ery interesting book (2) Mach Daw say He's very stronger than Tam. 4 Say: Hes mach stronger han Ts (See Exerse 9 on page 167) 457 Too much fr Very mach Don't: Se Hees the cine 190 much Hes too much swonger han Tam. 7 Soy Se hes the cinema very much, He's very muh stronger than 1m 107 Pans (See Exerse 70 on page 267) 458 Before for Ago Don’ say 1 saw your fend before two weeks, Sey: Lsaw yor fend two meeke ago 459 Handy fr ar Dont ay: She rubbed her ees hardy. 1 Saye She rebbed her eyes had (See Exercie 71 on page 168) 480 No.0 or Not vey, Daw sy ear that hes ots ih 4 Say. Uhear tat hes not very ch. 451 ust now for Present ort say: The messenger wil ave jst now, ‘Say The messongor wal arrive presently. Confused words 462 Presently for At present. Don'r say His uncle ism London presety Say: Hance isin London at present ny mantra nscatcet peers 453 Scarce for Rarely, on’ say: Zoe sarcely comes to $00 me now Sey? Zoe rarely comes to #00 me now. Set rer my net say 464 Lately for Late, Don't say: Las aight I wert to bed ately. Sey: Last night Tent ed ate TOTES se een et Adjectives often confused 465 Many and Mach, {o) Mans. Do say. My brother hast much books Say: My brother hasnt many books @) Mec, Don’ says there many dst nthe room? Say: is there me das in te oo? ‘ream sorn midhaue mon oem mma {cies gua of oro gots sped many (pected sia acy (See Exerise 9 on page 142) 1465 few and A Few (a) Few Dont sey: Although the question was were abe 10 answer it 1 Say. Aliough the question war easy, few boys Were bie to answer Aten Dor say: ANhoxgh the question was dificult, fw oye ee abi to answer ¢ Say. Although the question was df, afew boys sree abl to aso i sa few boys 457 Lite and A ile. | @) Lie, Dat sy: He took 3 bile exerci and wast very 17 Sap: He took title eerie and wasnt very (mya nie ‘Dor ve. She took ile exercise and felt mich beter 17 Sey She took a te exereise an felt mach batter (For sctions 465-467 soe Exercise 10 0n page 141) 468 Each and Every (@) Tach Ds acy: She gave an apple to every ofthe chide, Say: She gave am appl teach of the eile. (0) Bvery. ! Dor say: Exch cil bad an apple 1 Soy. Bvery cl had an apple Confused words 469 Hic and He. (it Sy: en ite sun very Sunday % Say: ohn vista Bi ant ery Sunday. () Her Deni ey: Aan vss bis uncle ever Sud ¥ Say Am vis br se evan Sunday. (See Faerie 13 on page 142) 10 Odes) so erie. (a) outer Oe, Bont Tit dr an to Ths ge she ede a Say: This girl is older than that: — ‘hn ithe ldo oa (eae, ue Dow Sa) My oer thers called ohn MY olden beter pt ee 1 Say My eet er cae St My ele ther tht here (oe Ee on pgs aa Ber 15 on age 143.) “ m4 pans 271 teresting sd Interest (a) teresting Dan's: Tv ead an interested story Sa Vv etd a interesting try (by Interested Dt say: Are yu teresting tn your work? Sin. Ave you interested in your work? (See Exerie 14 0a page 143.) 472 Wounded and Injured or Hart. Don't say. sk was wounded in «car acdent Soy. Back wis ijred near acide. 479 Farther and Fortes Dore say: Tur the page fr farther instructions “1 Sop. Tarn the page or Furr insrctions. 476 Aor An Dow' say: A atimal, a orange, bows 1 Sey. An ania an orang, a8 hour 475 One lor A (@) ‘Dow’ nay Adam found one singin the street Say: Adam found a ing inthe stest m Confused words 475 Some for Any. (e) Some owt say Lous has go any mil, Say: Lous har got some mili (0) Any Don’ say: Tere aren't seme books on these ¥ Say: Thete arent any books on the shel Seng ete te tra ae on te ay (See Exercise 12 on page 142) 877 Less for Fewer Don't say: Tey have less books than Thve Say: They have fewer books than V have 78 This for That Don's: Look at his dog actos the street Sey: Look at that dog cross the ste Pans 879 Latter fr Later. ‘Dow's: Se pot to school ater than Fd Sey: She got toschool ater tha Te 80 Last for Later Don say: Sr Walter Scott and Chae Dickens are ‘oth excell: writers, but pete he lst. Sey. Si Walter Scot sod Chaves Dickens ae both ‘excellent wer, but I prefer he late. 48? fast for Latest owt say Whats the lst nee from the alec? Say: Wats the att pews fom the Pas? £52 Smal io ng Oe Bsa mo as ar han You Sheth amb tae 1 Soy tm wo ean omg to Sette pam ler hon Be Sota enctacim wee cmon Shits Confused words 83 High for Ta Don's tay: My elder brother ix eet bigh Say. My elder brother ee al og ta gee esc em hh “hotness wane sea, 484 Beautiful foe Handsome or Goodtoking Dow’ say: He's grown ato a bea yung man 4 Say: He gown into's handsome young tae, "tay goon pe meee 485 Sicko Don't say: Hes been sick for vera year: 4 Say: Hes been or over a year, (See Exerase 11 on page 142) 486 Clee for Clean, Don! soy: You shoulé keep your hands else Say: You should keep your hands ea. 487 Angry for Sony ont sey: Uvas ange to hea of her death, Say Twas sony to hear of he death Sepa tay morse mgd Hs Pans 488 Nervous for Angsy Dat sy: Our teacher very arvous today. 2 Say: Out teacher every angry tod Nouns often confused 499 Mouse and Home, Dor’ say: You should go to your house now. 1 Sa You should go home now 2 tomy vam ey pin at (See Enercse 4a pages 138-139.) 490 Story and Histor, (a) Stay. Dow’ say: She told me an interesting history 4 Say: She tld me an interesting sor: (0) Histor: Do ay: We stay the try ofthe Romans. 1 Say: Werstady the history ofthe Romans 491 Haband Castom, (a) Han. Doo sy:Tling tof very bad ustom. Say Telling ies ia very bod abit 16 Confused words 1) custom Don say"The Chinese have strange habits Say The Chinese have strange cstoms (See Exetel 5 on page 139) {2 Cause of and Reason er. (a) Cause of Don't say: What’ the reason for «sandstorm? «Saye Whats the cause of sandstorm (8 Reason for Dor 20 You havea god cause of nung 4 Say-You nave» goa reason for coming (2 Scne ad Scenery. (a) seene owt Sa The TV cew ave at the scenery Soy TheTV cew ared at the sane 1) Scenery Dont sa" The wene in Cypnis beats Say The seemery in Cyprs i este scence ad Mie fo) Conte ort se Stand in the mid of the cs 1 Say Stand lathe centre of the sie Pans es 1 eee ng eens eH 8 el er a patron SSERSRNararsamaruiarataae 7 $9 osroaney owe wine 495 Shade or Shadow. ‘on nt eo rer cen pasa (e) Shade, ‘Soe teense man or" Sy: ke 1 itn the shadow ete oe ci tr ee he ¥ Say: Vile to sit ia the shade, Itebunt Whn momenstel stato ne (0) Shadow Bont ey The dg st i shade nthe water, 9 Fo or Leg % Say.The dog Saw his shadow in the water, say hurt my foot ithe inary fe anynbere above the ale mean Sefigeomcsactenene Ratonsssomtoancr , MENEIM Ale Suita laps pec sna sana a a ft 496 Castomer and Clest MEbcowas sus tod nbocntvases i a (@) Caromer, Na eg 82h ah eat of in, Don's That grocar has plenty of lets in ¥ Say Tat grocer has ple of eatomers. 2) Chen. [90 Finger for Toe Dont say: That awyer has plency of customers, DOW say: Tut finger of my ight fot Y Say That layer bas plenty of lens 4 Sey: Thar toe of my rit foot pee atm hf 101 Poetry or Poem. Don'say:Ubve a poetry to learn by heat. 1 Saye thaw 3 poem team by heat 487 Soranger for Guest. Don't sy:They ha some teanges tat night. 4 Say’ Tey had some guste lat night. tn ya i oa acts 5) Thea for Play Dor ny, Sarah is going to ne heat tonight. “1 Sop Sarah ging tose a play tome 503 Play for Game. Don tay, They had a nie ply of footbal 1 Sop They hed a ice game of football 504 Dres for Suit, Dom say: My elder brother has anew dress. 1S. My elder brother bas anew sit 05 Indiiduat for Person People Dot ay: There were five india inthe shop. J Say There were five people in the shop. 508 Afr foe People Dont say: Al the stest wore fll of men. 4 Say. All tho sects were fl of people asp a men i ere sch erg ae 507 Woman for Wie Dont use, The tan tok his woman with him. Sey The an took is wife with bi. v0 Confused words 508 Cost for Prive Don't say: What's the cost of this wate? “1 ‘Soy- What’ the plc of thie wate? 509 Air for Wind Don't say The strong i lew her ht wy. Soy The stag tnd lee ho ht 510 Ground for Foot, Don't sy: When | enete th root, I sw a book on the ground ¥ Sey! When teotered the rom, Isa back on the lor. 51 Place for Room, Dov sa: I there place forme on the bus? 4 Say Is there room for mea the bs? 512 Org for Imtrament, owt say What ther organ can you play? 4 Say: What other instrament sn 70 py? pans ‘502 Theatre or Play Don’ say: Sarah is going co se a theatre tonight. Say Sara is going tee a pla toni 503 Pay fr Game. Dow sy: Tey had nice play of football Say. They had 3 nie game o oot. 504 Dee for Suit. Dow say: My elder Brother has anew dress 1 Say. My elde bother has anew sit. 505 Indisdual for Person Pople Dow" say: Tote were five individuals inthe shop. Say: There were five peape inthe shop. 506 Mes for Pople. Dow sy: All the streets wore all of men, Say. alle sts were ful 0 people, 507 Woman for Wie Don' nee. The man took bis woman with he 4 Say: The man took us wife wit him. 120 Confused words 508 Cost for Pee Don say: Whats the cot ofthis watch? Say: Whats the pee o hn wate? 509 Afr Wind Dont say: Me tong air blew ber bat away Say The swong wind Siew he at way 510 Ground for Flor Don’ say: When T entre the rom, I saw a book o0 the ground, Say! When eatred the ror, {sa book on the oor. 511 Place for Room, Don't sy: I there place for eon he bs? Says there room forme the bus? 512 Orga for Instrument, Don't say: What ober organ can yo play? 4 Say: What other instrument sat you ply? tC Pars 513 Apponte for Des, ot Dont say: Tve no appetite at allo study 4 Say Toe no desite a alto sty sarin annua as ok i (See also Esercie 6 08 page 139.) Confusion of number ‘The following cant be utd in the pra: 514 Advice. Don't say Nick gave me sme good advices 1 Say. Nick gave me some good advice. serv oes apen 515 Informatie Don't iy. Can you give me ay informations? Ser Can you give me an information? 516 Farnitore. Don't say. Farntures are often made of woo. 1 Say: Porta is often made of wood se ame i i ea 517 Lage. Dent say: Her uggages ae atthe station, 4 Say: Her ioggage tte station ee tne. nor oe gen abe oer m. Confused words ‘518 Damage. Don ay'The ie cased many damages, Seq Thee caused much damage ‘Stacey = 519 Work Dor" soy Today ve many works to do 4 Says Tadey Ive a of work todo 520 Character. Dot sy: The scoot buds good charters Y Say-The school tld god character 52) Hale ont say: Tet man has ong si. <4 Say-That man has ong baie 52 Brea, Don say: Broad are sold tthe Beer's 4 Say: Bread sold atthe baker’ ee ney atc tha aa 523 Fish Dot say: Yesterday we ha fies fr dinner. Say: Yererday we had fh for dns, 13 Parts Don sy: We didnt have many frie this simmer, Say: We didn't have mach rai this summer 525 Gras, Don sy: The dog lay down on the grasses. 1 Say: The dog ay own onthe gras 526 Doren Do ty: 1 want to buy thre dozens eggs Say: Tanto buy thee dozen ea 527 Hundred, et Don't sy: The town bas fit thousands people Say: The town hasty thousand people 528 Sheep. Do sy: Ten sheep are grazing the ld 4 Say. Ten sheep are grazing in he eld 529 Knowledge Dont sy: Karen has god knowledges of history 1 Say: Karen has 5 good knowledge of history. confused words 520 Progress Don't sa: Toon has made great prowess 1 Say Tom na ade great progees 531 Thunder and Lighting. Dt sy. Tre were thunders and ightnings Machinery. Don't sey. Tye now wing new machineries. 4 Sey. Theye ow sig new machinery. 599 Mathematics ct. + singe ver, Dt sy" Mathematis are sot easy to lam, J Say. Matematin snot easy oleae 534 Money singular verb, Dont say Aller money are kept inthe bank, J Say: all ber money i kept nthe bank Neon + singula verh Dont sym lad thatthe news ae good J Say: Pn glad thatthe ews good EE Parts 513 Appeate or Desi, e Don say: Teno appetite at all to study Saye oo deste all to study (Se ali Exercise 6 on page 139.) Confusion of number The following canbe used in the plural: Si: Nick gave me some god advice Dow" say: Can you give me any informations? 4 Say Can yu pve me ay information? 516 Fernie. Dont say: Fumitares are often made of wood, 7 Say Furniture i often ade of wood. 517 Loggage Don ay: Her lageages ae at the station, 1 Say: Her agape i ae sation, 2 Confused words Dorr aye ire cased mary damages 19 Work Don’ say Today ve many works to do Soy Tadny Pv a oto work to 520 Character Y Saye school bas pod eons Dat say: That nn bs ong als 2 Say. Tht man ha long bai 522 Bread Don say: Bread are sold atthe babe 03 Ft Dont say: Yesterday we had fishes for diner 1 Say: Westra wba eh for diner EEE 524 Feu Don't say; We id't have many frits this summer. 11S: We cd have much rit this summer, soe yt cent pn tt 525 Gras. Don't say: The dog ly down onthe gates. 1 Sap. Th dog ay down on the ras 526 Doren Don't say1 want to bay he dozens ess. 1 Say. Toant to buy thee dozen eats tee than 2/4 aap in een Peer ereeeraa 527 Hundred, es: Don't sy: The town has fy thousands people 1 Sey: The ow has fy thousand peopl ‘renduty snares 25.2 Tuma! ee oa 2 Sp Bota este nt 1 20 bata nasa 529 Koowledge. Dont ty: Kaen has good knowledges of history. 11 Say: Katen a ood knowledge of history. we Confused words 530 Progeess. Dat say: om has made ret progresses. Si Tom has mage grst progres £2) Thunder and Lighting. Dont ay" There were thanders and lighting. Soy Tere was thander and ightnig. 592 Machinery. DDow't ra. They're now using new machines 4 Says They now usog new machinery acon fut apme of machinery peas mney 525 Mathematics et. + sigue verb Don't: Matheratin ar not easy t0 fear, 4 Say: Mathematics not ea) 10 Tear 524 Money + singlar ver. Dowesay: Alter money are ke 4 Say: lnc money is kept the 595 News single ver Da sy: Tm ad tht the news ae good 1 Sey: Fm lad thatthe news is good SONNE aan eee cee pares 596 Senor, ete. + pra ver. Dont sy'The sors ing onthe abe 17 ‘SopThe sess ae ving 08 the ible 537 People ~ pla vee Dart ay: There i lot of people nthe cinema 4 Say: There ae lots of people inthe cinens a ep nego sp hi peas Se Sat heen nse mn ween 538 Clothes + pla verb owt soy: our cloths very fasion 1 Say: Your cates ate very laste 599 Riches + paral verb Dont sy Aller ches was stolen, 1 Say: All her iches were stan ‘520 Wages + paral ver. Don sy Kekh complains dha is wage I Tow 1 Say: Keith complains hati wages ae low Don't say: Bland is avery dif game Say: Billads 2 very dificult game om a ag i a Be mt 16 Confused words 52 Mize ofthe adjective i he pla. Dor’ say The rich have a duty to belp the poor. 1 Sey The ch have a daty to help the poo. 59 Misuse of aswell at with a pra verb. Don's: Tom a wel a8 Mark ae coming 1 SayTom ae well as Mase coming ‘544 Mise ofall (= everything) with plural verb Dow' say: Nothing's et all are ast. 4 Sey: Nothing’ left al est, Arora einai nes ent 545 Misuse of the plural befor kind or sort. Don't ay don ike these Rnd of gaes. 4 Say. Lon’ ke this ind of game (Or don ike games ofthis kind. ‘6 Mise ofthe plural with tho name of «language Don't :ay: English are eset than Geran, “1 Sey: English easier than Gorman. ‘7 Misuse of one aod part of oe with dhe sigue Don't say I ead none and = hall hour 4 Say: Tread tin one and a half hous likin wth shndcn asa te eta wr Have another look at Singular and plural "We generally fom the paral of ans by adding ssa. when the gous ends in consonnt esto the bel church eile city jour Books churches ies Sites aurea 2 The folowing nouns have regu pals ‘Sinevor Pal hid en tooth teen foot ice ese eee 3. We dont use some nouns in the pla: ‘vice, nformation, koslede, ners, progres, ork, ‘money ligone, fran, sensry, machine’ or em ae int at ‘ot et manor ae eh 4 We dont use some nous in the singula: peopl, niches, clothes ge, rower or, ‘Spectacles, * 5 Some nouns ave he sae form fr the singular at {for the plural: sheep, deer, salmon, ms 28 Confused words 58 Mune of tho singular with elective noun of platy Dont sy The lass was divided in ts opinion 4 Say. The lane were divided sn ther opinions. 549 The number and A number (a) Tre number. Dont say: The numberof pupil ae icresing 4 Sey The number of pupils ere 0) A number Don't sy A number of pups is absent today. Sov: A numberof pups ate absent tas. 550 Misuse of This for These. Dor' say This eors ae sometimes made by foreigners. Say. Tae oom are sometimes nade by foreigner. 1551 Misuse of There i for There are Don't say: There some girs wating ouside. 1 Saye There are some gts waiting outside 1552 Misuse of You mas for You were. Don't ey: You nas very fools to do that Say: You were very fools to do tat 1 Parts 553 Misuse off et, for ves, Dow’ say. Many people lost thei eat sea Say: Many poop lost ther ives a Sogn asta ne en 554 Agrecment of number between noun and verb, Don't says A large supply of oye are expected, Say: A lange supply of toys expected | (See Exercises 1 and 2 on pages 137-138) Confusion of parts of speech 555 Av and Like, Don't say: You don't ook ax your mother 4 Say: You do’ look ike your mother. (See Exereise 89 on page 176) 596 So and Such (@) So. Don" say: Is such smal that you can't se it. Say. 15s smal that you can ae 130 Confused words (0) See owt say. Te never seen aso large animal befor. % Say: Vve never seen such large aia fore 557 No and Not. fe) No Dow't say: 've not made any mistakes in dictation 4 Say: Ve made no mistake ia dictation. @) Now Don't say: have made no any mistakes in dctation, Say Laven! (= have wo) ade any mistakes i Aiton ‘6 Siete eg tng ea (See Exercise 90 on page 176) 998 Fool and Fotis, (a) Fool Don sy: Anne so me, "You'r fool? ¥ Say: Anne said tome, You a fol: 0 Fools. Don't say: Ane said to me, "You'te a fol ¥ Say: Anme snl o me, You foolish {ss Botany et oye a lh > a panes 599 Mise of de to a preposition, owt sy: Willan came te dc oa aeckdent 4 Say: Wiliam came late because of a 2c 560 Misuse of esta a9 active. Dat say peat te ret day at home 4 Says Lape the resto he day a home, S61 Misuse of mira a aden. Dow say: tved money, se was mise. Si Slowed money she was seer. serreyrenon etna ecm Don't 221 found all the windenes operest 4 Say: Liou ake windows oper 563 Misuse of renly 2s an adver, Don't say: Andrew behaves rely Say: Andrew behaves na trendy ay near a tiny wey Hey Mayne eons oe S64 Maus of truth a an adie. Don’ say: Toit wut tat Diana's very? 4 Say: it ave that Dia’ very 1? 12 Confused wows 565 Misuse of plenty a an adecve, ont say Mike bad plenty work to do, Say Mike had plenty of work to do, 566 Misuse of eowand aan adective Don’ say: She ssid You are coward boy! 4 Soy: She sid, Nos ae a cowae cones macnn Tesh sy 567 Misuse of others aan adc, Don't sayThe others boye aren't here. 1 Say Tae oher boys atu here 568 Mise of ied for dead Doct say’ Think his grander died. 4 Say: think his andar is ded. (See Exersise 91 on page 177) 569 Misuse of shoot or shat Dont say Thad a good shoot at sho gos 4 Say: Tha good shot a the gol 50 Mise of for, Dont wnt. The bird was feeding it's young 1 Wote:The bird was Teeding ts young (See Exereise 92 on page 177) 1 ak parts 571 Mine of hot as noun. Dont say: There's mach hot this summer Say. Ws very bot this ser. 572 Misuse of pan sa work on ay pin my eg or My legis pining 4 Say: Theres or Ve gt) «pan nm leg. ee pa i np 573 Misuse of worth a verb, ow’ say. My beyle worthy £150, 1 Say: My cyl worth £150, ct at ein, 574 Mine of ale as a verb, owt sy:The poor man docs ble to pay. Say: Th poor man n't able to pay 575 Misuse of afraid a aver. Dont sy: Joba does afi of anybody. 4 Say: So's net afraid of sybody 576 Misuse of weight asa verb on say: Have you weighted the eter? 1 Say: Have you weighed the ltr? i tt ue Confused words 577 Misuse of goo for we Dats: The goalkeeper plays very good, Say: Te goaltceper plays very well, (See Exercise 93 on pages 177-278) 578 Minas of adjective for adver Don't sa: The he i sang beatifal Say Tre i gil sang beauty erat srt, mee 179 Minus of after for afterwards et. Don't say: Alter we went home for dinner. Say: Afterwards we went home for tener, $20 And dhe nwo, et, ued for both, es Don't say: Te seem and the tof ter Say Ye seen both of them 527 Misuse of and ora oto, or’ say Lat me de apd the next exercise 4 Say Les aso do the next exes. (Or Let me do the next exes to. 35, Pars 582 Misuse of and for even, 7 tn tr Exercises er ete ee ‘The following Exeraves, which provide ample dri on he 583 Misuse of lore fr lose. commonest mistakes dealt within tit book ae arranged Dont say: Be careful not to loose your money. ‘nde the headings ofthe various parts of speech Say: Be caf ott lose yoor money. lant ets ing aie nd Loe ‘TOTHE STUDENT. ESSSES toms ie Youll needa separate exercise book to write ‘your answers to many of these exer 524 disse of past for passed. Don't say past by your house yesterday. ¢ Say panel by your howe ysed : Nouns jens Perea nimmcmme te Confusion of number ecm tatleesoussion mncpet mee nae (Sections 514-554) tune 1 Exercise 1 (Seo Exosne 9 and 95 on page 178) (Give the coret number, oF ate, he following ‘The news Pve rweeved __ ood, Where the money? Easing fish very bealty. ‘The umber af mobile phones —__ iereasing. 10 The sheep — gazing in the Bel 2 3 4 5 é 7 8 5 13 136 exercises Exercise 2 CCoret the following ventences, ving reasons fr your 1 Her advices wore very we 2 You es theft to doi 43 The nts was’ able 0 spee 4 Ise many works fo do this morning 5 The tudor snd ghningsflghtened the ite gi 6 Ive more than two dozns of books st home. 1 The poor say that riches does not make aman happy. 4 She mite atthe terminal for her Iagenes ‘8 You should go and have your has tt eye t00 lone 10 Pn tng for ore informations shout tis mater. Exercise 3 Wiite sentences showing whether the following nos eat bed in the sagular orn the pls: 1 news 4 riches 7 spoctades 2imoney —S dozen gymnastic 10 damge 5 abice 6 knowledge Nouns often confused (Sections 489-513) Exercise 4 ‘Use howe or heme in thse sentences 1 Tye a 2 My fin Cypnes 3 Meniy ae Beng but this year 1 cies 4 East or Wes, __ ise, 5 The war old for £150,000, Exercise 5 ‘Use habit or castom in these sentences 1 You should get into the ____ of bashing your teeth iter meals 2 les the of many people t pay for rn 3 He has of ating snails 4 Smoking ie a good 5 The _— of showing hospitality to strangers sant Exercise 6 Fl inthe Monks with oe of the noun in brakes: 1 The ancent ___of Greace tan interesting sujet. (tor, ator) 2 Hi _""'as swollen and he couldn get be shoe on. Got, ie) 3 Thestrong spoilt the game. (nda) 4 Mr Brown my Towyer and ve been hi for many years. (customer ent) 5 We've bees given long to lea by heart (poem, poetry) 6 She can ple the viola and other {organs insets) 7 The of Switzerland every best (scene eener) 8 There wast much _ anywhere, (ead, shadow) 9 The ship was sunk inthe ofthe Aan, (dae, cere) 10 The student wil doa atthe end ofthe yeas (heave, play) 19 eercses Adjectives ‘Comparative or superlative (Gections 151-156, 470) Exercise 7 Rewrite the felling withthe corect adjectives in brackets 1 Hes the (rng) boy inthe whole schoo 2 Of the tw srs, Mary the (eau, 3 Ann isthe (oung) of four sisters. 4 Sohn isthe (old) of ll my tried 5 Tis is the (good) novel Ive ever rea. & Which do you thin (god) ten o cates? 7 Irons the (uefa ofall metas {8 The Ne is the (om) ever in Aria 5. Which of the two ps5 (al? 10 Davis (haa) than hs brother Exercise 8 Cores the flowing, giving reasons for your corzetons 1 Alexanda smaller fom Cairo. 2 New Vor the age iyi the United States 4 He's the beter stunt fom al 4 Join tore stonger than his brother. $3 My handwriting is more bad than my sister's 6 Which ste hesvien you or ? 5 Which of thee thee gi the elder? 8 his boy's manners are more good than his brother’ Which af the gi ite aller i the eas? 10 Mouot Evers is the higher mountain ofthe wort 40 Adjectives often confused (Sections 465-488) Exercise 9 ‘Use many ot much in these sentences: 1 Hehasnt mon 2 Have they boots? 5 Tere int —— food inthe house. 4 Does she tke interest int erences bk eal tt 2 Will you have —__ tea? * 3 Hes Ter tis“ _tope or hi 4 thew rie om ep soma 5 ene dy ath sodas 6 esa afl ton money As she did’ speak cleat aden’ ste sid ae ag 7 people wi mi their als, 5 We mis save money for ou journey hone, 10 Thave ~~ fends London wo mil ep e. rT exercises Exercise 11 Use il or sc in thee sentences Se was ruddenly taken ‘The mest wat 58, and made everybody He wont the hospital to vist the ‘The man died yesterday When were we go tothe doctor ‘Tove who aria Bad health ape said to be Sd he wounded were taken to Borie ith «bad old el by boat mn always lf in the mid ofthe game. Exercise 12 Use some o any in these sentences: ve got__new CDs at home, 2 There aseut ower Inthe garden 5 Have you nother in this schoo?” 4 Did you bay stamps a the post office? 5 Havel got emals this morning? Exercise 13 ‘Use iso hein these sentences: 1 The father told __ daughter to come back 2 She gave the money to uncles neighbour. 3 Hesentaleter to” —oiece. 4 The woman lost son. 5 The grandfather gave ance git to, dete, nughter’s va Exercises Exercise 14 Use intersting or laterested in these sentences: in _in English. 2 asthe fim lst ight?) 4 The book tom bepianing o end 4 Sheva mont —— lay. 5 Are you nsomputes? Exercise 15 Flin the Banks with one ofthe adjectives in brackets: 1 He sat down and said nothing _. (athe, further) 2 Isthat the edtion of The Timer? Gas, late 3 Wash yourlandr if theyre not (lew, let) 4A price was given to one af he two best pup (cach, every} 5 Sheknows__ words than her brother. (lest, fe 6 Several people were when the tran ran of the track founded, narod) 7 ane is "than her eousn, (higher, ae) 8 Tom is drwo year ol he's to0 tog to schoo smal, yous) 9 James itm brother, (older, lier 10 My ssterEnaaa is than am, (olde, ede) a3 ercses ‘The articles (Sections 247-254, 301-320) Exercise 16 Pil in the bens with aor an where necessary. 1 Swimming is __ great fun. 2 The plane made terrible noise 4 What srt of ma she? 44 My aunt made fortune in America. 5 Hesaved up more than. thousand pounds & The tnin let all hour apo 7 She's made __—_ eat progress in English 8 Shes clever gi 5 He ined without success to find __ work 10 Vitamins are necessary fur —-— good health Exercise 17 Flin the blanks wits the where necessary 1 My ite broer wil goto _sehool next yea, 2 My father lft school may years go. 5 OT red, We, and green are bent 1 extn of Egypt is exported to many countries. 5 —— Nile flows into Mediterranean 6 Waattime is tench? 2 She can seas ——_ French 2 She speaks Germaa better than _ English. 9 fies ae harmful nsec. 10 The boy war sent to post office to post a letter Pronouns Relative pronouns (Gections 144-146) Exercise 18 ut relative pronouns in echo the following 1 Thats the boy —_ came yesterday. 2 The man to Tapa my bros 3 Theginl mother il hf schoo 4 Mise pen “i bog. Thee Timo you can rt. 7 Shes the gil we thought had bee 8 Hes the wales man Teversaw 3 Shes te same 10 Tike te help those — Jove Interrogative pronouns (Sections 149-150) Exercise 19 Put interogatve pronouns ia each ofthe following 1 do you find easier lea, English or French? 2 were you taking aboot? (the ema) 5 itis book? (my cle) 4 ot the to players do you tke beter? us, exercses ho you tint wanted? (you brother) i he toe boys spoke? Tse you say wom he prize? ~ she, do you spose? (a lnwyer ‘of yout brothers works nthe back? {ahs numberof your house? Repetition of subject or object (Sections 332-338) Exercise 20 Rewrite the following sentences, leaving out wanecesry Jponmuns ad making other necessary change 1 The pries they were giver to the boys. 2 Thee she sd nothing . 3 Tc teacher poe us an exercise to do it 4 He went home and be gt his book 5 he bok wih son the table mine Students who are goo a her lesons they eet food mars, > Shegae w a football t play with 2 The people having sen the game they went w¥ay 5 The headmaster have sen hi ost 0% 10 The sep has ig ins Miscellaneous examples Exercise 21 Core the flowing vtencer, ving reasons fr Your 1 One std mind bis own besness 2 The mest ofthe people are fond ofthe cinema. 1 6 exercises 43 Tass the boy which is alvays ate, 4 speak English beter han bi, 5 Se tld er mother all what had been si, 5 This cake is or you and myst. 7 Ianto give me your bok, pate, 6 Isa very go git 9 Weisthem, 10 ane Stephon are fends Verbs Sequence of tenses (Sections 107-110) Exercise 22 Pot the verbs i rackets tothe tenses eguiced 5 hougt tht he con) ran much faster: 2 The boy said that he ep) his work tomorrne 5 She says she (andeatand Trench very wel 4 The teacher sid, “London be) the largest ity in the worl '5 The teacher said that London (be) he sap of England, 6 Tease that he (wi) succeed 7 asked he if he oan) anything 8 Tey sy that he (el pas the exam, 5 She told me that he (ee ery ted 10 The boy worked hard so that He may) no iin the exam, a7 Exercises Exercise 23 ‘Complete the following, using a ver inthe required tense: 1 Laura tld me that she __. 2 Tarked him whether be 3 James sid that he 4 Our eather aught ws hat 5 Sarah sve me a promise that she Use of the wrong tense (Sections 111 - 133) Exercise 24 ‘soply the corect tense, Simple Present or Present Comtinnows in the following 11 (to go) to sehool every ny. 2 He (0 go) tothe school now. 3 Look! They (eo come) towards us. 4 Now {to hea) her cleasy. 5 Every morning {fo ahe) a walk by the rive. 6 The sun (ore) nth east and (Co se) in the west 5 Te teacher (0 wal) me when I (0 writ), {We (ogo) tothe cinema this evening. 5 1 (eo read English now. 1 Pople fue) umbrellas when it (0 rin. ue Exercise 25 ‘suply the cores tense, imple Past Tense or Pst Continuous, in he fling: 1 When I (come) init ai. 2 Many years ago people (ave on horseback, 3 ret im a6 (go home. 44 He (go) to anther scoot yet 5 My lather ply) football in his youth © We (ea our diner when he (come) to vst us 4 Inthe pase make a great dl 8 They Gout) when the teacher (eter the room, 9 Lae year he Goud) very bard. 10 While Be (lay) Footbal he (os) his wate Exercise 26 Ssply the correct tense, Simple Pst Tense or Present Ferfeet, nthe folowing 1 He (come) back as week. 2 Aju Gen) ey work. 51h ia London lst yas 4 The ell (ing) ve slutes ago. 5 oe) the Pyramids of Ep 5 He (wnt) se book in 1936, 4 She (ey i with fever since lst Saturday. £8 The ship (roe) yesterday 2 tay at my cle’ ast igh. 101 posi the soney othe bank. 9 Exercises Exercise 27 ‘Supply the coeect tent, Simple Past Teas of In the following mle Pet Toae or Pst Pet, 1 Hea a etry eel) ne that he Ge) me the day before 3 There Ge) song wi at ight 4 The gil (nd the bok whieh she ose) 5 When (um amie (he) very teed. 6 The tourist (all) aout the counts she ei, 2 When te) «boy {ta ms 8 Me Kom ea an, After fin) his work he (0) to bed 10 She ep a hue whe fae) hee Exercise 28 Complete the following uking the coret tease 1 Wellgo fora pict it 2 Ti ws the Pyraml whow 3 Some people tak si 4 Since Re came ere — 5 Mou wosld have passed Exercise 29 Rewrite the following withthe verbs fn brackets i the 5 After he (nis) his work he (go) home, 2 Tus) Engh fo we years 3 fins) my work ts orn 4 1 do) ay homework batore Tom (a) for me 5 He said be (eh go tothe cinema Toot ee) ho since Wedasday 7 Vspeuh to ee five minutes eg 150 £8 1 (tad) grammar lst yar 9 She aly (ohiper during the lesson 10 The eouner come) back Exercise 30 Cores the following seatences, ing reasons for your 1 Richard sid that ei working ard 2 How long di you wasted for me yesterday? 4 She speaks Enplsh very wel, but 'm nt sure whether fhe can speaks French too 4 Herron the team foe to yeas. 5 U have aon her yesterday a church 6 What do you do now? Ido my project, 2 Lue to getup eats. 8 Pl acts as if he ia rich man, to him as oon a he wil come 9 Tsp 10 old t come with ws but she ay thats it feeling wel. ‘Third person singular (Sections 242, 243) Exercise 31. Put the falling nt the thi person singular, present 1H aways do my homework careful, but Mike 2 Keren end often go Shing, bu she never 5 Threat gota nw computer but Rosie 4 Simon ha ete for the match, bt Brace 5 She walk to work every ds but her husband 151 Exercises 5 She opened the document 5 He speaks Els, 2 He bought anew calculator 8 She found her dik 9 May came lato. 10 He knew the anewer Exercise 34 Amwer the fellowing questions (a) the affirmative, (©) in the ngative, sing complete sentences 1 Did you bay anew printer? 2 Docs John often sn acos the river? 3 Did you tind the book tat you lot? 4 Dows she aways ring the Bll 5 Did he go to London ast year? 5 Did she tae ou anything? 1 Did you know the anrwer fo the problem? 18 Doce he speak many languages? {Do you think it wl rain? 10 Did they atch the Wet? Exercise 35 Correct whatever is wrong with he following questions 1 You were at the cinema ls night? 2 At what time di she came yeseray? 5 You wil go home next week? 4 He hae rtarned from lave? 5 Does she speaks French? 6 Youhave ome good news for me? 7 He can deve sea? 8 You heard about the aecient? 5 Why she comes hve every da? 10 When the post will come? 153 Exercises 6 We coma and brash our ir, but our ster _. 9 Robin hav» broker arm, but Carol 8 T haven pt ine for beaks, bu wy vier 5 Tt and talk wo ny fends, but ay meter 10 Lg to school by bike, but my friend Exercise 32 Fil the blanks wit he right wor, dont or does’ following: 11 thik so. 2 Jobin now how to swim 3 He play fontbal wel. 2 Ie ater wae heyy, 5 Some pups take good care of ther books 6 es Po know were tive? 1 Why you ty? & Teachers ke lary purl. 5 Lacy speak Enlish very wl 10 “perl of the dog! Questions and negations (Sections 104-105, 256, 361-362) Exercise 33 Rewrite the following sentences (a) as questions, () 3 gain sentences 1 He wenthome 2 You tod me to wal 3 Kimade a matake 4 She broke the window. 132 aA Question phrases (Section 164) Exercise 36 Complete she olowing, adding question phaser: 1 She sings well, 2 2 He cant swim, ——? 3 You play the pana, 4 We cool today, 5 isn warm today Indirect questions (Section 365) Exercise 37 Change the folowing nt indirect questions: 1 asked i, How much dd you pay for your bigs | asked im how mc he 2 She asked hor gus, Do you waat te or cles?” She asked her gus if she 4 Weasked them, "Where are you ging?” We aed them where 5 They asked the asst, Wha the price of this PC?” ‘Thy asked the asetant what, 6 He asked me, Did you rg the al” Ho asked me i 7 The tourist asked us "Which the way to he aport” The tours asked which 14 Exercises 8 The teacher asked me, Why ae you crying?” ‘The teacher asked me why 9 My father asked me," Why are you Ite?” My father asked me why 10 She asked me, How log does take to get ther” ‘She asked me how Double negative (Section 167) Exercise 38 Rewrite the flloing ventences cores 1 onl find him nowhere 2 There vt no one here who knows her eam, 5 aid see nobody there 4 He dit tell me nothing. 5 He isnt nether wise nor god. 66 You wl ot find the box nowhere 7 Wedid’ give hin noting 2 I don't know nothing 1 He did’ speak to n0 one i the room 10 Nobody never saw bir without bas ck, Contractions (Section 377) Exercise 39 Write the words which each of the following contractions stand for 5 wasn't 7 cookin 9 we'l @ havent 1 youve doo 3 area 2 doewnt @ fev 6 cant 185 exercises Exercise 40 Wire contractions forthe followin: 1 wouldsot 4 fil 7 itis 5 shal not Diem 5 hadnot 8 wilaot 10 ustnot 3 The 6 hols ‘Verbs often confused (Sections 396-454) Exercise 41 ut shal or wil ashe following be Sunday hs 20m un yu Sisk os 1 You find your books onthe table. 5 a boos with? ie pte toa os yar 5 NoiT never do tat Be yr ete tomorow § 1a dor cheer thy or not 18 fie bm gue so ne promised he hen Exercise 42 ‘eh oct form of yo i the allowing 1 He aes _—___ te tut 2 Sinon —Fitgs tomo" 3 She noting i ey at he it $Me” at othe net. 16 Bxerdses i thas go with him to me, Tm wot esting wel? : i 8 What he 9 Dont tis. 10. Any. me that she would go home, Exercise 43 Use the correc form of make or da in the following 1 Some ofthe Bet cheese are in France. 2 He hehe topo 3 eve or your dr? 4 he only — "one mate 5 Wyo ake thmedeine il yoo 6 ‘whatever you like. soos 2 ‘Wharwee jou" Ing wen Uae in? 8 Didyou ~~ yoorhoewonk arty? 5 Dorit —s noe 10 They olen fen of hea eho Exercise 44 Use the comec orm of eo layin the ftwing 4 She old the dog to down, 5 The hon has "an oge, 6 How long have you in be? 7 She "to the teacher, 4 He ordered is trop to_ dows, 9 1 te book on de le 10 Yesterday she in bed until may. 157 Exercise 45 Use the comet form fst eat, o et inthe following 1 Please ___ down, 2 Please youn. 5 Please be 4 Thosun ls the west ‘welve people 6 Theald man was Ing by the fre 7 oN he vase on te ae, 23 Thedog was ing onthe char 9 The teacher the boys es they came in 10 Tonge wrth emote eh Exercise 46 Use the corest form of rte o ase in the following 4 Prices during the war 2 He prombed to — her slay 3 Theballoon ithe sy. 4 Theain wax oloce 5 He hist to the teacher 5 The bow ton heavy, teas 17 She rom her bet sed Tae the room. 8 1 ery ea ia the morning 9 The teacher told him not tos woe. 10 Webad. trom able before he care in Exercise 47 Use the eat form f wear, put om oF resin he fling, 1 She often _ green eos. 21 ny oak and weet out 3 he wer the eid 4 She bewutifl dres tthe dance. 158 bie lohes ong time 0 ed de ystorday. own shoes. Mary bevel an wert tothe parts Tay now dress a the weding Whew became inne wat ing his oat Exercise 48 ‘Use he correct form oe eto, eave, o ve ap ia tho 1 __ your books here 2 oes your tather 3 Pease my ro0m, 4 have muse lesons 5 Where Fave you sour pen? & Mother wil aot sve go 2 Hi old ends him, 8 Prete ol ay hand, 4 Someone always the door open 1 ne en 00, you go swimming? Exercise 49 Use crtet form of fly, Hom, fee th flowing 1 The plane __over the city 2 The bids have orth forthe summer, 3 He trom danger slay 5 The ies throug the window 6 The Nile into the Mediterranean, He from London to New Yorke From his ard 10 The wild ones __from the men 159 Exercise 50 Us hung or hanged inthe folowing Ho was found guilty and __. 2 Mother the thes wp to ry 5 Te pctare on the wall. 4 Tye criminal was 5 She he jocket up. Exercise 51 ‘Use the cores form of barow olen inthe following 4 May 1____your pen? 2 Please —— me your book. 5 rom whom dic you the money? ie you his ine 5 You sould avoid ing things rom others. Exercise 52 Use the cores form of steal o obi the folowing 1 They __ the house and ed. 2 Someone as bis money, 5 "Tee been Fete the lad. 4 When the bank wes the hoves escaped 5 The eat wil the dogs fou, Exercise 53 Use s corre form of refuse or deny in the following: 1 He todo the work 2 Caie—— that he seen him, 5 Do you that you broke the window? 21 ara the money. 5 aed er to come ith utste exercises Exercise 54 ‘Vera correct form of learn or teach inthe following 1 She _her frends the new gems 2 Wityou me how to sain? 3 He Hie eswone quickly 4 My teacher me Ena, 5 Susan wanted wo to dive Exercise 55, ‘Use the corct frm of wi or Beatin the Following 4 We were sure to 2 bean hima de. 5 The aophy was by our school 4 Weve yourteam several nes. 3 Weve ange Exercise 56 ‘Use the correct form of see oF ook in the folowing 1 Wecan't inthe dak 2 Don't Gato the window: 3 Ded you that fin? 4 When he trot the open window he ‘on the table 5 The Bind cant Exercise 57 ‘Use a cores form of Rear or Hsten nthe folowing 11 carefully bot __ nothing 2 Heat very seh 3 Vas ng to the asic Exercises 4 Te deat cant 5 Lets tomy new CD, Exercise 58 ‘Use he corer form of ike oF wai the folowing 1 1__twgo to Athens next year 2 Children Yo ply computer games. 3 Do you~ come withine fara dive? 42 She always to get ap eal 5 Do you~ to play tennis thi afternoon? 1 Exercise 59 ‘Uses comet fom of read or study inthe falling 1 My tathee__ The Times 2 The boy bing forthe ex, 3 When fnigh —~ ing geography 4 Shea at but she doesnt, 5 When fe students had =~ the exam paper they were aied'to. the question au Exercise 60 ‘Use fl rfl inthe following Did the child _ toes he ha The plane ito thes, dow aad oke Bis Tn winter the eaves Irom the toes. You'l if you no eae, Exercises Exercise 61 In the following sentences, choose the coreet word from ‘howe in back 1 Who (aicovered, vented the telephone? 2 The judge was (persuaded, conezea tat he man sa gully 3 When wil the mecting (ake place ake port? 4 He (ook, received) apie for hs cess 5 snot mie to (are with, interfere i) famuly quar 6 He Gi, foun) atthe school inthe morning. 7 At what me do ou (bem, g> fo bed)? 8 She aida (accept gre) topo. 1 How docs that sua (wi, car) hi ving? 10 Please remember, remand) me o give you the change. ‘Un-English expressions ections 186-222) Exercise 62 Correct the folowing sentence, giving the core iim: 1 Few people wil adit that they have rong. 2 vey day {put my watch with he sehol clock. 5 Wither bea game today afternoon? 4 Ho brooght a good example 5 Slowly. slowly. don't makes oie 6 The teacher did't pat usa new lesson, 168 Exercises 7 Come dow from the bicyl 8 When do you make your bath? 9 thave mach work, Tneed an how o fash 10 Many young people drink iat. Misuse of the infinitive (Sections 75-103) Exercise 63 Prt asitable gerund in the fling 5 Do this without __ any mistakes 2 We con enjoy 3 He suceeded tithe door 4 Teant prevent you fon 5 Wtsno use about everything 8 She stopped in clas. 2 Cas busy realy for dance 5 tte morth__— well 9 Tn thinking of ——_ 0 London next year 10 Reno aee ave sit milk Exercise 64 Nae sentences of your own, using a gerard aftr each of the flowing: Vavoid 4 fish 7 interested 9 inst Dintead of 5 red worth 10 cant help Step 6 prevent 164 Exercises ‘The infinitive without to (Sections 321-331) Exercise 65 Ske sentences of our owe, ung an insite alter cach fhe following verbs Jean 3 my S must 7 make 9 bear veould dmg Git 8 sce 10 fee Adverbs Wrong position of adverbs (Sections 353-359) Exercise 66 ete the following sentences, placing the adverbs or sSrrbial phrases inthe ight poston {ean speak very well English "ike very much musi Atbginner can't speak correctly English ‘The teacher explained very wel the problem, Michael scorded with hs vide cares fhe concert He pat into hi pocket the money Ho ies very meh tes Ske learat by heart the poem, [received fom my aunts mie present 10 He shut quickly the book 168 Correct the ‘ollowing sentences, giving reson for your Give the corset adver, very a on these sentenecs: 165 Exercises Exercise 67 1 aby am on tne. Tein aldo nthe desert, Weve yeteray there Fn not eco tl He bnged the tater to ot puis hin, Lcould hae not srived sooner Sie wil ave not Ene her wok by omar Teter aly nfs tots fate leaving for London this evening at seven o'dock . ter yesterday didnot come to school Adverbs often confused (Sections 455-464) Exercise 68 es cold ody. Hes —— “Stato woe Tea de th eof its ton ‘Sugar is _ sweet. * Time tara smal forme Tre Eile Toweris_—— hgh Concorde ies Ts. yt wether" young ogo to schoo Ti ed to ea Hes nb eine exercises Exercise 69 ive the corct adver, wery or much, in thes sentences: 1 Ym sore that you ean come 2 Iwas pleased to meet him. 3 She was frightened of ling in English. 4 Tewaea —— amusing game. $ LYedl ted 6 He pays beter han his brother. 2 Heresy ie wore than yous 8 lesa intersting book 9 Vas interested to bea what Becky sid 10 Woe suprise at the news Exercise 70 Give the correct adver, very much or too much in these 1 Tke ranges —_. 2 Thank you 3 can't study Rather's ___ noite 3 4251s for hat book 5 He ate and fa sek 6 Iman awake when the baby started ering 7 She talks she's a chatterbox 8 fm lige to you 9 Se was lnterested inthe ubjet. 10 She heads o Exercises Exercise 71 Give the coset adver, hard or Barly, in these sentences 1 Te country wast ery __by the dhe. 2 1 Tino how to tan yo for Your ies 3 ies eamered from elves 2 you work perhaps youl ed 5 Think. "~~ “bale you come 2 deca Exercise 72 Make five sentences of your aw, asing the word ago Prepositions Using the wrong preposition (Sections 1-74) Exercise 73 Flin the blanks with sable prepositions 1 Tvase't pleased her 2 Casa taka —— dog. 3 Look thivnew book ¢ Were proud "bur county, 5 He feels ashamed is low marks, 6 Wesrved the sation ate 7 She's very ferent here 8 Ave you saised —— your bel? 3 Tm not accustomed — Ie in’ hte. 10 Many people complais —— ther low wage. 166 Srercses Exercise 74 Revert the flloming sentences, sing the caret prepostons 1 He was accused for ying. 2 Tm surprised from the news 5 Pim interested for fotball 4 Water i compoted from oxygen and hydrogen 5 Are you sre fr his honest 5 She very ood in English 7 When she leaving to England? 8 ‘That dapende entirely from you 5 She was dressed with yellow des 10 Fle dd is best to comply to te requirements Exercise 75 Write cenences, using the following words with suitable prepositions " boast ‘ost ‘marry feprive de ilerent fl repent Sucesed good interested Sided took ‘ated lensed Gehamed depend prler Exercise 76 Make sentences of your ow, showing een the flere berwen the folowing 1 ative starve in 2 angry withlangy at 5 plead wihleased et 4 look ok for 168 serie witht in Sie nie ato Se ole from ‘appointed infdcappointe of red tie ith Prepositions often confused (Sections 379-395) Exercise 7 ‘Use to or atin thee sentences He goes 1 supermarket every mor Atnestood ——thewindaw Simon school, {met biti the apo. 20ing acy cong Cenoyed myself the party ‘The tours stayed the Palace Hotel After his ness, be reurmed work. {saw Lucy the cinema Please wot forme the ete Exercise 78 Use nora inthe sentences: 1 Thor are skyscrapers _New York 2 Vive sama vlage [spent my childhood Grove, 4 My tend was bora Cevien. 5 Hesteded— Oxiord 15 Shelves Exar Fay 7 ies more expensive ting London than opel. 8 Heine Pais 5 Dicmoads ae found. _ Kimberley. South Ane, 10 eines her HongKong Exercise 79 ‘Use im o ino these semences 1 The fish swim __the iver 2 The man jumped ——the pool 5 They wee standing the room, 4 Were the classroom now 5 Teresa bint the cae. 6 We walked the next oom, 5 Theses replaying he fed 8 He poured the water —— de ioe 9 Shevdved the wa 10 The river flows the sea Exercise 80 Use at nor om in these sentences, 1 He was born __ 1978. 2 inter he weather scold 3 = Gitstnas Day Uecaved alot of presen 4 Wemached Crim» — mine dock 5 The tna arrived ah 6 There's a polity the 1th of December 5 People turn fea wore five o'ock 8 uly the weather warm 5 dhe alternoon I wea fora walk. 10 The tsn will artve__ Tuesday dock te wring, Exerses Exercise 81 ‘Use between or among i these sentences: sof them, is the chien 1 The work was sre 2 Hedvided the money 3 He bid the res 4 The Prasdent walked the two lines of soldi, 5 _* “a hese eden, be did't have «single tend 5 Thorowas age the two ngs. 7 Teta passed the pal posts 8 Weare” ends 9 His subject was Life the Eskimos 10 The cake was dsded” the two pls Exercise 82 In the fllowing sentonccs, choose the correct preposition sn backet Hes boon il (fom, sine lat Fay 2 YeaTw sold your ca a, for good pre. 5 I sold my bieyele (a, fo) forty pounds 4 Texpet tortion) 2 wee 5 Lean wai (th next Tesdsy 6 We dw lines by wh) a rae. 7 8 5 She's een absent (ine, ora month ‘They poke for, abou the weather He worked (ath by) cand ight. You can send the parcel (with) pos. 1” orcies Exercise 83 Wit sentences of your own to show clay the dierence between the folowing pais of prepositions 1 betwoen/among 8 wiry 2 tt 2 vite 3 inno 8 fovlabout ‘vat, 9 initia 5 fof (rie) 10 ain Omission of prepositions (Sections 223-241) Exercise 84 Supply the prepostionsomited in the following 1 Somebody i knocking the door 2 Tmsearching my lost book 3 He sid me, won't come 4 She explain the diet words him 5 She never istens her che 6 replied his leer at once 7 Would you tke me to send it you? 8 Yim too busy ent wt you, 9 asked ht phone nunber. 10 he pointed the ship inthe distance, Exercise 85 Make sentences of your own, using suitable reposts iter the flowing brercses Conjunctions Miscellaneous examples poe Eten Zant 8 wa Exercise 88 Span Semin eae Simo 8 Sy Comet the folowing sentences, ving sons for your 1 The book smsither geen o ed Unnecessary prepositions Deanery (Gections 284-300) 5 iteass ten tee pounds 4 She not ny spe Too, bt ao cea Exercise 86 5 ena gs outed ene bande seen peopl. se each ofthe felowng i a seprt ener: ee os eae answer 4 ener 7 Bead 9 oatide 8 He si hats esr for 2 brack —S rach fonda 10 around 8 Ido now i FI eset go 5 Spprnch 6 ts 10 From wand on wil wor a ise 87 Answers to exercise Eee 1 Sesion 1815 Section 560 & Sectons39 Fin he aks with prepositions where ecessy 2 Section 4G Secu 749 Sochon 178 3 Secon 2757 Sexton S61 40 Secon 349 1 Lets play cutie ___ the hose A 2 She seuching he Walken ES 5 Twated nv ote the nema, 4 Weentied long datuson 5 Tight my dog obey me 6 He entered the house By the back door 4 in resemble eachother 8 Tae por ays wh ice. 5 Tod Bathe a 10 Tproniiedo wate my mother an vs Confusion of parts of speech (Sections 555-584) Exercise 89 Fil each bla with the correct word: a lik. ‘Act _ gentleman! ‘He dows — he pleases She behaved aby 2 3 4 She loke er mother 5 é 7 Do be docs, Ply the game she does He dances red Aste 8 You walk she oes. 5 He acted jut the rst. 10 He speaks an Englishman. Exercise 90 "il each blank withthe cotet word: no or not 1 thaw 2 Shear — 3 He had tie play. 13 pod memory. eon tobe ang. {enough furniture inthis room. ferent fom mine 6 Thad’ "patience wit him. 7 There wore fewer than a thousand peopl. 6 Therein frites room 5 She has enough mone. 10 T want —— mor thank you L 176 Sxercises Exercise 91 inthe Wank with te comet wot: ed r deat 1 Her gander c_—_ 2 She dae 3 The — eae fl fom th tes. 3 Heraaat a ake ny yeas 5 The soldier ‘for his country, “ & The rw eying inthe 2 They — "vee death 8 The wea ae 3 The soldier fomhis wounds 10 Dinosaurs ——— ost lone of pers ago, Exercise 92 Fil each blank withthe cree ward: or ts 1 The bed has broken wig 2 Lear going on, 3 “atmo nin ase. 2 Tink your. 5 The wee wil 00 lose 6 ime 1 go home 7 very aver hat source 8 rong ue unl Casta, 9 Aeanimal wil ten die for young, wo 1 ool 0 go nox eaves, Exercise 93 [il each bank with the correct word good or well 1 Mary die work 2 She speaks English 3 did inte exam 4 She looks — today. Exerclses 5 We _ swe with friends. 6 eda work, 7 She diditseem 3 Ts he done Foe ting? 3 Tmt 10 Shespeaks ery Exercise 94 [cach blank with the corrst wow: pastor pased. 1 The____ month was wet. 2 He hisexam, 5 Theta between the gost posts. 4 The bullet whisled my ca 5 Several months have store he left. 6 Faget the 7 The plane few 1 2 isha 9 She Gh salt the guest. 10 The door was open when f walled Exercise 95 Rowse thee sentences chosing the comet word in rackets 1 This thing, does) not wonth moe than five pounds 2 (Ate then be sb the door and wert to bed 5 Men dows) not ate to speak English cores 4 Don't be (ook, fot. 5 Hes Yoo! foots). & Flower smell (set, suet). 4 She ao proud that she dost and, even) ret het fens 1 The mother (wughod, weighed) her bby. 5 Canto lees (endothe language (0) 10 sit (rath tse? eeerciees GENERAL EXERCISE * +The numbers inthe brackets refer othe sections in which the mistakes are explained. Correct whatever is wrong inthe follwing Why you are studying the English? (362,206) John reads good, ot 377, 168) Wiy you not say the ert? (082, 206) ‘Wil [90 atthe postotice? (396,379) How to make this ober sir? (132,399) Is she more betty than me? (34D, 153,137) Ie wten hin est woth. (34,281) {part my tne oo welt the ota, (584,455,379) etme tory todo his and me (226, 83) Unave acver seen aso good film. (374, $56, 253) Het not ate noting these two days. (12,167) ‘When seep Take out my shoes. (437,446) He didnt obeyed to their mies. (104,292, 514) 14 Shes ping each morning to the schoo (bt, 458,315) | 15 He wovks inthe office since five years. (117,392) 16 How you ee going with your piano lesen? (362,218) 17 Can you to come for dinner today evening? Ga1219) 18 My brother he's found inthe Hist class. (332, 438) 19 Ides wt worth to say Les about it (573, 97,388) 20 I made all which T ould fr hoping bi (399, 145,165) 21 {so yous now since shell from England. (318,299) 22 Please return back to shut the ight 23_Aveld lo make thot ror of mistakes 24 Myself and my ster will mot he present (02, 208) (86,345) “as, 378) 1 . Exercises 48 Lod he intend to leave to England te two weeks 25 He got down from his bieyele and spoke me foraraetaen I (293, 236), | 44 tam knowing the answer but cannot say it in Be aoe | Li sytie 00) (5 |e oie at coud not mano ne oe 27 Sh mn ala orth hte pounds |S lgstp tes (477, 250) 46 ‘They bought a new house when the baby was born 25 Ty tt my Dk as 1 fac conta tne evngs 37,38) oe «9 Shon heen ht hal a ey 22 Nota matagen trae meter 40) ‘tea eh ye eng 30 fo Ream ‘will learn him to do not do it again, 48 Tam much pleased to inform you that | have reached er cerrennn tothe matin ester 1190 31 Seater wrk tho or your os 42 Te tee ose fom Fal, ae, tims Stand nnd BO 22 eau bec on pes cle So Tie Engi Stan we bt ato (sas sat poe 39 The man which you saw him yesterday is very rich. 1 ae ea) eo 4 She sald that she's never not gone at London (a07, 167,379) 35 [thin to goto home for to spend the halidays, (83,351, 345) 235 The officas open onthe morning t Satutsy. (383) 537 Ws wo yeas since I began to scythe Engl (037,306) 38 She ol that she was a England before three yeas, (398,381, 455) 38 He was angry ame Bocas sd im he has wrong. 15,398, 107,187) 40 When Tent t home I fund thatthe money was Aisppeared. (351,160) He aid to me tat hei not satistied form hi teacher, (G98, 107,55) 42 She fold shat she ca’ remember nothing about (098, 107, 167) 10 1a Index ‘Remotes ero etn Bn ia ss net rm iy wg omit, bere guar nm 207; arto Ben ar ha 20 lore handed ‘Sound 30, ceria ‘oresios 23 oot | ‘gy dn day, for ae ay. fd ft SEE ah Se See oe BEETS Be eee see STS Aine tine 383 0 Plce 355 wk esti ‘fra werk 979 ‘paid fom 4 erin, 39, Shera 379 ‘Meron ony preceded ‘Srecment of oun and ve in saree wiht 429 (te) Sapa, ab 13) for win, EQ shims, Ii 380 “amazed aby, 6 (note) Ser Sess eae 183 tn Seer taney Reng acomn Eine | eto th to? ag oiing whch, 188 ‘espe, a of ih peat to 180 (2) ‘Bpettesioedeare me, 513 ‘mech 208 eine of 402 (ote) ‘Town of 00. armrest Sr eof 8 te) ‘rl ony ome tre ‘tuo goua 247 Bitte Spor ho mouse of ruc 72 SE eo pt smi fom 9 ‘aed mise of # ote) Mk Baan 23 ink ae ‘sted aby, 66 (00) Esa te ha Bese ted of, 384 Bloom oh 383 Sin pce 381 fhe enor Siac gain 237 Sempra revenge <8 ‘ow icue of nb sa io, 259 ae) 88 eat for bndbome, 8 comparison, 20,0 go, bajo yesterday, 282 pe, Sc el wah gem Pine) bz 383 teh of 397 Besa baee i, 20 este 366 Kien ane of sje fet’. 13 ase) Bod or bodes 383 Siw and iead.si2 | Eien, | bon exc 209 Sig irae, Batty oan 2 (ate) | eon off 198 at) | ty, of sea, | by for with, 38 das wih, | 385 not) © ca, hid pen wry ned Tiere tocol ie ‘borne Sue 390 cont ant ap = ca aa, ass finn ae 86 tra carl in five serie, eae 2 SEP Siecle eat Sins See erste Sm Te ce =, Sooo ‘doth and eat, $38 (not) Sharh a ‘Sates oR Bin chom on ca ttn em eee Sierra, Be ees SEE Fp hae in ape ence damages, fr damage 518 Sey peel, sgl ng de. 0 eyo ree, 8 Seid fom 13s, Index (from ites, 20 ‘de propotins with 24 nos) te erdesd, So ‘Sn haw’ 5. “Reapowted om, 26 ‘eae ‘Phase a wh Berea "sate eek orale Bota 2 ose) seam ‘nl yo the, 31 ehigesae ae down for ventas, 279 Fara feetamer an cee ee em ae om Shea. 16 ) oii ates 1 cat of stone Site 272 nye e272) 269 featg tee at 27 (te ‘he poston of 388. ‘rein wrongs ce by ne pst of 354 ‘herp besides wea, excption of, 20 ‘xchange by 3 ‘hese, seo tive fe 8 ‘xpi, fo expan. 226 fal om, 32, fr te ih finite feed'on #3 (noe) felt fel 883 ose) fetch se 06 31 oe) fe anda few 6 fener set ¢77 {awit 3 or) Finger, fr toe 30, fink mise of ive ater, s sith rom, 290 frets oe feo 373 fies a ak 523 (oot) fee dn ob 52 (nce) Boas of 452 te) oo Rome 132 fel» pone, 207 food of ue fave “ter foal nd fot, 558 foe, 18 ot ore, en erm eae ‘eels 497 (a Pet “eet te sed ce, fro ie of with “Comparative 133 for one {1 TB8 for, 389 or. Shee, 398, yea 398 fot) pom i ond on 389 from tere fv ere, 36 Ferber cen se of 473 or ot, 310 row, ening 5 45 (et) fw and ow up, 48 ‘ford poms ly fn 38 187 Index " ow do you cat his, 222 teed one rely “ome fi 350 ened fo bine, 527; song or bgel ts reaped a Bing 05 ni pon 34: fr fant e, 19 1 pc fot, 378 Brggetine zeae Tera at, "sina ate 36 {oc wbeter 18 aw ne revenge 44 (nie) were 399 fo) fice mak orion 87 Mage 38S rete lu io of Hc) or a3 dace work, 388° fe) ao 383 eal wrinly pocedd bya, tors 5 Meera i fering en. In eareh of, 24) 1 theft, for eft, 218 Saati e fio estoy, 50, sndesendet ram 18 fal os) ‘ndiornt or 00 efoto, 157 da th a 6 (te 2) tting ene oun, 89 Inder cahmaan trae used a po ens tomcack gon. 13 este) NS tt) Eormawediornoun S31 india or pres, 505 roe and tome 85 Inert os oma er now, Ter 188 Index nn gore Ses seen Speen Eben os eee instead of, misuse of tfintive eine Sette A omiton a bjt, 267 yor ferme of 136 Jesous from, 8 Sil te ‘eat t,o rset, 461 oe SEE no for knock at 227 ey, esi tow ae, scutes 528 Ian by, 1 (ote) ae A ra, aay for at 6 Tate for ate 379 Ia. tr es Tego eae, 427; fry, ie i403 Ike, oe see wh sr Bot foe amt ar 5 ister ates to, 228 ied ie, de wich 8 fe rom ea prepasions wih 46 ‘oot. Index ions for milion 527 se 327 (ote) smd, her) mime of ‘nine ater 0 ‘it he acing Set Sey mime! pin more fod, mrt ba 136 ™ see wn waite Tu por mate * aa le 19 naneeg 13 Inte ecu 28 ak etre 300, ate apa hes 218 ‘coe ¥ mao etn. 196 tat lo elt, ‘Skea 27 nt) ety pion of. 35 Beat coeae 8 medorioeree: ote ec ej gorse ote roe tye Ke Ite Oe pp tr 188 web ‘ate gel a 308 cela 363 ‘in he wey ned Ylom, eet or 1 “se Sern i ey 8 smared wah 47 ‘ws sed sll, 535 Se nd eal, By ced smi, or might, nebo in 109, sa 397 Be ae ite eeaae, 294 mins 190 Index ete 8 rene ater Si meet of ° hey. 292 ie no 270271 ‘rong repton a 337, Sar Eee 338 det tj nue of er e186 shes han Tre pa 1 inn. 10 ten poston of 388 ‘autonome om ag ena os shield 0 sh 8 Se wg ete blo andre od thsan 30 SsSorseran fs nin tl 2. ne of ve |__ _ one ther, 191 ponte igh, 208 rene ned = ajc opposite from, 8 recon sted eee cx rine, 82 "Conga 368 oii ed tac, cough i, ot con, 119 ‘atadef 309 ini a eh 572 Femina io uss fomevnce Fie cet ‘ov ome fr 338 pa fr ped 384 wes of 2 Ta ue ot 128 es) agar mpc of Pat parte, for snl past, Pr poi. at Peet ler a3 er ae reset pre 8 16 fr Bitpedia sited SPs Sila 1 index Index er ee seni SCR Oeegst ten etme “ome REESE hla Se | mains ade eee otra |g . Peegooeen et tig seep rst tena, ff may cemigietetes ad emit, ee, Us om Soom ieacrmn” teat | gee sy tne 208 Relive onan misses, nel onion of 34; or 3 las pom 3 {alsa 91 ote) Bese a eo 51 ote) seers day 10 fee Ee Shon. Pa ord wren ene ee = es eee eam setae rami REAR ae se eas = Saas. rie Soe corer Ean mouse, aioe, icant eee” SE eres F ier icra ‘ith inaimate acetyl afl 20 (ote) Tremumeefoys8icoey) Maeve 0a), Spee igi, Beem, Seely ESera Elewae ee srrongly omitted, 246 ‘puta watch with, 221. se of, 295 (pote) se th, 401 eee, as are enn acl tee Se See” a Tee ied see 589 SF Aa eae) 192 a” Index set 8 ‘tier with, 72 (0%) Eee. Bae on Ere Freie Be ss Ee mae SR wo {Bleine nout pen oes HERES on Bares hess Be Somes Seo eee Say, ae SS a eran a Lhe Esa ae 19 sta orb, 433 Se i i te ate, ieee, SDE ey sate om cn cme aac mination uae ee some ee pratees 2365 nines ‘awestlons, atte eee 2 cee cntae 1 mS wel 0) mise Sac ‘Comparative, 152; misuse of iette dn yw. 27 ln c6 shateeas Sette aoe Soamrrade tak, rat, 405 fo ay, 65 eisai Se tak rom 68 (koa or tae of 446 Ine ace an tk pa 8 Tada se 99 oe) tate a pe 38 (ot) take revenge and avenge £14 he rvengs am 24 ah) dieawonsas ironman 609 Te ory 398; toms wt, iin S30 ‘reining up te 138 ‘bance ecb ae, oom 08 (ote) that ef in et sae arog ante, Store amor sami 352 struments. 253 bere ‘Sema oe, 254; rg ‘Soe 308; wh ao 1 en tr a ames of Siz ead) 33 fa shoo hr oe, 315; wth sneha ar 38 thc dy othe et ther i. here i fortere are. 531 {hes nw harm ras of ‘Rk ox ino 235 ser 88 Th es ry ‘frond omstied from 382 shor ta 7 forthe Sa ork Seto ‘thoutends or thousand, 527 her 33 ‘aL Tor before oF when, 185; {Stean pos wrongy wed wai 379 tend 80 ty mig te, 219 te her, 285| tes. 88 tmayzoby, 1g on orl et a oes 98 ro fom sold et 2 oer, $36 es) fn asda ac, 64 see ro SES oon ath pera Si oes aa e508 oe) ee inking up, 16. a 196 sey mucho 487 Seted wih at te 2) eae foc wages, $80 SP oe hres an ‘watch goer behind, et 202 Shes oe Sea wees "eiegpce 0 ‘with the exception of, 30 Index eh fe wr ee e218 te ‘woald sequence of nonds Ted: 38 Ste we of 7 te regular verbs Imeveryday use Past Past Price Present Pest Pat Partie bore borne} 3 fl fel fallen best beaten feed fea fed began begun fest ft fe best bent fight fouht fought wade biden find found found bound bound fee fea fied wie bitten fing hung ng ea bed fy fl fom blow ows ome forgot fenton 0 broke broken 40. freeze froze frozen broaght rout rs me ae bom burnt ea ent ee bent bart End Found round ought out fe cor own ught aught bang ang Fine chose chosen heat heard heard cme come wide wid iden ot ont hit hit bit 20 ert cept 50 hold held het cu au hast bet hurt deat ‘eat fee opt kept dae ug eee! inveled keel aa done ow ew own ew drown ay tai Jat dreamed dreame ia te ted drank arunk leave tet tet rove driven lena leat lent ‘vot fret tet let tet 30 ae nen 60 te lay isin ot Present ight take ray pst rod re ng eek sal fend ke sed shine Sho Sri shat = sleep regular verbs Past it made paid ma rode sid Sought seid hook ed stank shut Seng slept Past Particle lt Tost made aie fad iden rng ssid sought sala Shaken ed Sone stot shows shrunk shut ae slepe Present 91 smell eak Spend spread pang Sond 200 stk srke seep wing take teach 10 tel thin tow tint trend venke weep wind 20 Write Im everyday use Past silt owed spake Spent spread sprang soot sole sock sini ieee tala though thre thine trod woke wet round as erie oll Sent spread serine Sod stuck sink ker caught ‘oid thowehe tren ‘ound NEW EDITION | eae SS rer ernie edeaboione Mistakes sic neficed mand ors [asc uranserenmiton) nn scr ccomed version ae oF apinstanths inthe Te 1 eesereinieritten ei 2 eo a “ocents od notrthst iis sarzahe, an fyvlsbis Lie Bac fotcrodansvihe onda Sieh ishe eery tons ‘Epbtiedes Seppe Get it right every time! NOLLIGS MAN

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