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Michelle Lee

Elementary Inclusive Preservice Program Lesson Plan

Lesson title: A healthy heart pt.1 Grade/age level: 1st Date (intended teaching date): Thursday 04/10/14

Learning Objective(s)
What do you want students to know, understand, or be able to do as a result of this lesson?

Students will understand the importance of daily physical activity for a healthy heart and learn some basic info about the heart as a vital muscle in our body and how it is affected by exercise.

Evidence for assessment

Where will you look (product, performance, documentation you create, etc.) for signs of student learning? What will you look for? What are your criteria? (examples of statements or actions that would show the particular kinds of understandings, learnings, &/or skills you are after?)

I will look for students to notice what sort of exercises affect heart rate and notice/observe the affects it has on our body (i.e. sweating, body heart). Students will be able to determine effective versus ineffective exercises. I will look for participation and active engagement. This is an activity that requires everyone to participate and to experience the effect.

Why are you teaching this lesson? What connections does it have to standards? Does it connect to students interests, strengths, and needs?

I am teaching this lesson as a health/physical education initiative. Students should develop basic knowledge of the benefits of physical activity and promote lifelong participation in exercise. It connects to students needs because they did not get a lot of outdoor time due to the weather this winter, and it seems to be a need based on the snack choices Ive noticed

Prerequisite Knowledge They may not know the terms for it or be able to formulate their experience in
What prior knowledge are words, but students definitely all have prior experience with how physical activity you counting on? Will this be has affected their body. We can tap into these experiences as a jumping point for a problem for any of your students and if so, what will the lesson and to make it more relatable. Then, I will introduce specific terms and you do?

scientific information so that students can make the connection.

Learning Experience
In each section below, specify the sequence of instructional activities. Consider how you will manage materials, bodies, and time. Use small boxes to indicate time.

Starting It

How will you invite students experiment into the learning experience?

Boys and girls, last week we explored our skin and did an on how germs can affect us if we didnt have our skins to protect us. Today I want to introduce to you all another special body part that most of you probably know very well. First, I would like you all to try a little test with me. Take one arm, hope it up at an angle, and clench your fists (demo). Take your other hand and feel your arm. What you are feeling is a muscle. We have another muscle in our body that we cannot see. Can anyone guess what it is? (Hint: it starts with an h) Our heart is also a muscle and its job is to pump blood and oxygen through our bodies. Remember, oxygen is what we need to breathe. The heart helps give us energy to think, move and play. The heart pumps by contracting and relaxing. Lets use our hands to demonstrate how the heart pumps. (Demo). Close your fist tightly. This is what the heart does when it is contracting. Now open your palms/fingers out. This is what the heart does when it is relaxing. (Do 2x). Lets make some predictions (Students are familiar with this word and the procedure because we have been doing an apple experiment). Why do you think physical activity is good for the heart? (Student share) Muscles like our heart become stronger and bigger when they are used, so its important to make our hearts work everyday through exercise. The ones that are really good for our heart are the ones that make our hearts beat faster and make us sweat. Put your hand over your heart. I want you to sit in silence for a moment and just breathe and feel your heart pumping. Is it beating slow or fast? What type of activity do you think would help make our hearts beat faster/would work out our hearts? (Ex: jumping jacks, basketball, running, jogging) Lets practice some of these exercises as a class. I would like us to all spread out just enough so that we are not in anyones space (Maybe get in a circle??) (Remind students that they can go at their own pace and if they ever feel really tired, they can take a short break and rejoin) Once students find a space spot for exercise, we will do a

10 mins

Doing It

Outline your sequence of instructional moves including participation structures, materials, intellectual resources, and time allotted. Is there a product or performance you will be expecting students to create?

warm up of walking in place for about 2 minutes. Then, we will do 20 jumping jacks and about 30 jump ropes in place. Finally, we will count to 40 while running in place.
5 mins

Students will put their hand over their heart and feel their heartbeat. Students will turn and share with their partners what they feel. I will listen in on student shares. After shares, I will present some noticings that I saw and overheard during the shares. I will make a list of these on a chart (Ex: sweating, breathing changes, faster heart beat, feel tired) I will explain that these are all signs that our heart is getting a workout to become healthier. Boys and girls, it is recommended that we engage in around one hour of physical activity each day! Now this doesnt mean we have to do a whole hour all at one. We can split it up into smaller times, like the 15 minutes during lunch. Exercising keeps our heart healthy and has other benefits too. (Depending on time, students may share other possible benefits weight loss, to feel good, train for a sport, etc). I could have done more background research and provided suggestions for age-appropriate and body-appropriate exercises for first graders. This would have provided more guidance for when students set personal exercise goals. Transition to heart craft activity see separate LP

Finishing It
How will you bring students to closure with this learning experience and connect it to future learning?

2 mins


The rug space is a little tight for activities involving a lot of movement. Perhaps I

What accessibility and can rearrange the tables so that we have more room off the rug. Or depending on participation challenges have you taken into account and the attendance of students, I may have them form a circle. I will make certain to how have you addressed note that if they every feel fatigued or short of breath during activity, they are them? (material and human allowed to stop. Brainstorm some ways to include everyone in the activity or to resources, sequence of keep students motivated throughout the activity. There were a few students who instruction)

stood to the back or who stopped in the middle.

Materials Needed

Chart paper, timer

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