LBJ Structured Overview A-1

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1.Who is y B. Lyndon Johnson?

Lyndon Baines Johnson & the Great Society

2. Lyndon Johnsons

7. Vietnam: Johnsons Downfall

6. Space Race

Society 3.Johnsons 5.The Pros and Cons of 4. Johnson Fights for Human the Great Society

and the
Expansion Government Fight on Poverty, and Reforms to

Lyndon B. Johnson, LBJs Military & Political

Vietnam, Guns & Butter, LBJ refuses to run for re-

Education and

Career, Barry
Goldwater, & the Election of 1964. Economic Opportunity Act, Medicare and Medicaid, The Great Society, Head Start, VISTA, Job Corps, The Department of Housing and Urban Development, Department of Transportation, Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, Public Broadcasting System,


Details LBJs Great Society Programs

Gemini Program, Ed White, Apollo Program, Earl Warren and Describe the 25th Amendment. Reapportionment. Brown v. Board of Education, Mapp v. Ohio, Gideon v. Wainwright, Reynolds v. Sims, Miranda v. Arizona, &

Fight on Poverty,
Education Reform, Health Reform, Environment Program, Civil Rights, Immigration Reform,

Civil Rights Act of 1964, Immigration Act of 1965, Voting Rights Act of 1965, and Civil Rights Act of

and Culture Reform.

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