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Policy & Internet Safety Handout

This form is for you and your child who is a student in my Kindergarten classroom. It is to inform you that we want your child to be on the Internet and be allowed to be on SAFE and RESPONSIBLE websites while on my blog. The Internet, as you know, is filled with a lot of things. As a Parent, I know you want your child, when on here, to be practicing safe Internet activity. Here is a Handout that list all of the things that are expected when your child is on my blog.

-This website is strictly for Educational reasons -When your child is on my website, I expect for a parent/guardian to be present -I would like you to only allow the student to click on the links I, as the teacher and the maker of this website, have presented -When on Tumblr, you may need to make a username and password. As your teacher I will provide that, so the parent or guardian has accesses as well -Talk to your parents before you open an email attachment or download software. Attachments sometimes contain viruses. Never open an attachment from someone you dont know. -Dont send or respond to mean or insulting messages. Tell your parents if you receive one. If something happens online that makes you feel uncomfortable, talk to your parents or to a teacher at school. -Any grades should not be copied or talked about from the blog. *These are just some of the Internet safety procedures that I accept you to follow. If anything happened on this blog that is not appropriate from the students/parentsit will result in meetings with a school supervisor. THIS WEBSITE IS STRICTLY FOR YOUR BENEFIT. (Educational web links, homework assignments, and to keep track with your childs grade.)

Please Print off this handout and send it in your childs folder: Sign & Date Student: _____________________________________________ Date: _____________________________

Parent/ Guardian: _________________________________________ Date: __________________________

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