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Of course, we do need the f n shed s ! ", #e#, the !r$%h c end resu"t, for otherw se we cou"d not ch$r!e or $ct &$te t# 'ut t wou"d (e of no use to )ou $t $"" f )ou h$d not constructed t $"one, w thout $n) outs de he"%# *+e w "" d scuss so,e e-ce%t ons to th s ru"e n our ch$%ter on the % ctor $" ,ethod. The $(o&e/,ent oned ,ne,on c s " tt"e ,ore th$n $ re%hr$s n! of $n e-hort$t on wh ch )ou w "" he$r fre0uent") fro, 1en ,$sters23The w$) s the !o$"####4 Let us "oo5 $t $ new e-$,%"e# The sentence of des re 3THIS IS M6 +ISH TO EARN FI7E HUN8RE8 POUN8S TOMORRO+4 "e$&es us w th the fo""ow n! "etters9 T, H, I, S, M, 6, +, O, E, A, R, N, F, 7, 8, PTh s "on! " st of "etters c$n for, the !ener$" s ! "9 F !ure : S nce th s t9 s f$r too co,%" c$ted, we w "" w$nt to s ,%" f)

(ut $"so %resu%%ose $ r$ther !enerous, !ood w ""ed unconsc ous# One shou"d ne&er %ut too !re$t $ str$ n on the un &erse# 'ut th s s $ !ener$" %ro("e, n %r$ct c$" ,$! c, $nd the s ! " ,$! c $n s not the on") One co,%e""ed to t$c5"e t, $s t $"so $%%" es to the cere,on $" ,$! c $n, the sorcerer $nd the theur! st# E-%er ence shows ,onothe st God# E,$n$t on w$s re nter%reted n ter,s of cre$t on, not to ,ent on other $%%ro%r $te ,%ro&e,ents# In th s Chr st $n ;ed for,, P"$to<s thou!ht e-erc sed $n enor,ous, thou!h nd rect, nf"ue THE PROCESS OF SIGIL CONSTRUCTION ITSELF IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ITS GRAPHIC RESULT! Of course, we do need the f n shed s ! ", #e#, the !r$%h c end resu"t, for otherw se we cou"d not ch$r!e or $ct &$te t# 'ut t wou"d (e of no use to )ou $t $"" f )ou h$d not constructed t $"one, w thout $n) outs de he"%# *+e w "" d scuss so,e e-ce%t ons to th s ru"e n our ch$%ter on the % ctor $" ,ethod. The $(o&e/,ent oned ,ne,on c s " tt"e ,ore th$n $ re%hr$s n! of $n e-hort$t on wh ch )ou w "" he$r fre0uent") fro, 1en ,$sters23The w$) s the !o$"####4

Let us "oo5 $t $ new e-$,%"e# The sentence of des re 3THIS IS M6 +ISH TO EARN FI7E HUN8RE8 POUN8S TOMORRO+4 "e$&es us w th the fo""ow n! "etters9 T, H, I, S, M, 6, +, O, E, A, R, N, F, 7, 8, PTh s "on! " st of "etters c$n for, the !ener$" s ! "9 F !ure : S nce th s t9 s f$r too co,%" c$ted, we w "" w$nt to s ,%" f)

THE PROCESS OF SIGIL CONSTRUCTION ITSELF IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ITS GRAPHIC RESULT! htt%9==www#!etr$% dsh$re# t=d"=N ne&eh#Sh$dr$ch#He$" n!#Lo&e#Pros%er t)#%df Of course, we do need the f n shed s ! ", #e#, the !r$%h c end resu"t, for otherw se we cou"d not ch$r!e or $ct &$te t# 'ut t wou"d (e of no use to )ou $t $"" f )ou h$d not constructed t $"one, w thout $n) outs de he"%# *+e w "" d scuss so,e e-ce%t ons to th s ru"e n our ch$%ter on the % ctor $" ,ethod. The $(o&e/,ent oned ,ne,on c s " tt"e ,ore th$n $ re%hr$s n! of $n e-hort$t on wh ch )ou w "" he$r fre0uent") fro, 1en ,$sters23The w$) s the !o$"####4 Let us "oo5 $t $ new e-$,%"e# The sentence of des re 3THIS IS M6 +ISH TO EARN FI7E HUN8RE8 POUN8S TOMORRO+4 "e$&es us w th the fo""ow n! "etters9 T, H, I, S, M, 6, +, O, E, A, R, N, F, 7, 8, PTh s "on! " st of "etters c$n for, the !ener$" s ! "9 F !ure : S nce th s s f$r too co,%" c$ted, we w "" w$nt to s ,%" f) t9 htt%>$ccess $""ow "oc$"Net htt%>$ccess den) ,$n$!er -- n- -ohto& & ccot- ,?- -utto"fot n& Lnntnn;n"n@- coo& n"f &,o tAButu-, 7,o f?h?%eo e?so- n"f (n?"&n?"- n -n&&s?h e?co ?" nhh tfn"ho C?&, Sn?-,"nsn &o"o&-,

7,o-o &,too -ohto&- tosone &,o nd- eu&o n"f toen&?so -&n&uc Lnntnn;n"nD Et?D n"f G?sn&(nF M?- Gn5n&$Ntn"n&sn /Pt?(nt; Hnu-o c Hton&? "GF M?Nuf,Ntn&snD do?"5 &,o -u%% t&ot c &,o >"?sot-oF Pntn(n&(n@- C"ot-,?% c G?sn&(nF >"?&; ?" 8?( fne?&;D Et?@?"-o%ntnd?e?&; ct ( Lnntnn;n"nF M?- %otsn-? " ?" do?"5- n"f u"?sot-oF Lnntn;n"n do?"5 &,o M;% -&n-?- t 8n-?- c t nee H,o&n"n(- n"f Nh,o&n"n(-F Lnntnn;n"n@- Eu%to(nh; nEntso-sntnF Eo-,n@- fo%o"fo"ho n"f -ots?&ufo & d?( fne Eo-,?F Eo-,n@- to"u"h?n&? "F To( sne c nee d-&nheo- ?" &,o -ots?ho c &,o E tfF Et?@(of?n&? " " do,nec c H,o&n"n(-F M?- Coo& n- &,o 'on"- />%n;n(G& n&&n?" &,o E tfF N&(n En(nt%n"n( /fof?hn&? " c -oecG d; &,o G?sn&(n & Pntn(nn&(n nPtn%n""n"F -?(%eo (on"- & n&&n?" M?( C?&, u& &,o "oof c t hu(dot- (o 1 5n- /Entsn F,nt(n"GF c t5?so"o-- c -?"-F OHheu-?so -utto"fot & Lnntnn;n"n "e; n%toh "f?&? " & Lnntnn;n"n@- BtnhoF SN&-ne;n( d; &,o E tfF Pntn(n&(n"@- coo& n- &,o Id!oh& n"f B ne c Ptn%n&&? n"f Eutto"fotF To( sne c nee ?(%of?(o"&- & ' $-nF 7 &ne Eutto"fot n- &,o 5untn"& t c toe?oc ct ( 5t?oc, C t ( to E)e(rows / th n5 n! Th c5ness / th n5 n! 0u$" t)INTRO8UCTION ters on one fund$,ent$" %o nt# P"$to ,$ nt$ ned th$t the one s su%er or to or (e)ond (e n!# Ar stot"e he"d th$t the one $nd (e n! were re$"") the s$,e th n! n f$ct, $nd d ffered on") n our ,ent$" conce%t or def n t on# P co fo""ows the Neo%"$ton c nter%ret$t on of P"$to, $ccord n! to wh ch (e n!s de%end on $n neff$("e one (e)ond the ,$n), def n te for,$" essences# THE PROCESS OF SIGIL CONSTRUCTION ITSELF IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN ITS GRAPHIC RESULT! Of course, we do need the f n shed s ! ", #e#, the

!r$%h c end resu"t, for otherw se we cou"d not ch$r!e or $ct &$te t# 'ut t wou"d (e of no use to )ou $t $"" f )ou h$d not constructed t $"one, w thout $n) outs de he"%# *+e w "" d scuss so,e e-ce%t ons to th s ru"e n our ch$%ter on the % ctor $" ,ethod. The $(o&e/,ent oned ,ne,on c s " tt"e ,ore th$n $ re%hr$s n! of $n e-hort$t on wh ch )ou w "" he$r fre0uent") fro, 1en ,$sters23The w$) s the !o$"####4 'e n!, or the re$", of for,s, s $ second "e&e" of re$" t) der &ed fro, the one# Th s re! on of for,$" essence s $"so dent f ed w th , nd or nte""ect *&ou##.# Sou" *#I&-J. s $ th rd "e&e" der &ed fro, the secondI t s , nd te,%or$r ") %resent n ,$tter# F / n$""), the wor"d of %h)s c$" n$ture s const tuted () sou" ,o& n! $nd wor5 n! n ,$tter# Th s nter%ret$t on of P"$to w$s w de") he"d unt " &er) recent t ,es# There s so,e e& dence th$t such $ %h "oso%h), n wh ch the one r$ther th$n (e n! s the f rst %r nc %"e, c$n (e found n P"$to<s own wr t n!s# The Neo%"$ton sts const$nt") 0uote cer/ t$ n f$&or te te-ts n su%%ort of the r nter%ret$t on of P"$ton c %h "oso%h) $s $ h er$rch) of e,$n$t ons fro, the one# The !ood, dent f ed () tr$d t on w th the one, s (e)ond (e n!, (ut s the source of $"" (e n! $nd nte"" ! ( " t)I the one s (e)ond $"" def n te essence, (e n!, def n t on, or descr %t onI truth $(out the h !hest %r nc %"e s neff$("e, (e)ond the d st nct ons of re$son#K The Chr st $n theo"o! $n Pseudo/8 on)s us the Areo/ %$! te dent f ed the P"$ton c or Neo%"$ton c one w th the ,onothe st God# E,$n$t on w$s re nter%reted n ter,s of cre$t on, not to ,ent on other $%%ro%r $te ,%ro&e,ents# In th s Chr st $n ;ed for,, P"$to<s thou!ht e-erc sed $n enor,ous, thou!h nd rect, nf"uence throu!hout the M dd"e A!es# I Introduct u"$t n! unseen *occu"t. forces# Here, I w "" refer to such $ct & t es $s L,$! cM $nd NNNNBe)(o$rd, Mouse, In%ut ONN ON/PK/OPFQ FR9FR9FFA sentence of des re oE)e(rows / th n5 n!Let us "oo5 $t $ new e-$,%"e# The sentence of des re 3THIS IS M6

+ISH TO EARN FI7E HUN8RE8 POUN8S TOMORRO+4 "e$&es us w th the fo""ow n! "etters9 T, H, I, S, M, 6, +, O, E, A, R, N, F, 7, 8, P htt%>$ccess $""ow "oc$"Net htt%>$ccess den) ,$n$!er -- n- -ohto& & ccot- ,?- -utto"fot n& Lnntnn;n"n@coo& n"f &,o tAButu-, 7,o f?h?%eo e?so- n"f (n?"&n?"n -n&&s?h e?co ?" nhh tfn"ho C?&, Sn?-,"nsn &o"o&-, 7,o-o &,too -ohto&- tosone &,o nd- eu&o n"f toen&?so -&n&u- c Lnntnn;n"nD Et?D n"f G?sn&(nF M?- Gn5n&$Ntn"n&sn /Pt?(nt; Hnu-o c Hton&? "GF M?- Nuf,Ntn&snD do?"5 &,o -u%% t&ot c &,o >"?sot-oF Pntn(n&(n@- C"ot-,?% c G?sn&(nF >"?&; ?" 8?( fne?&;D Et?@?"-o%ntnd?e?&; ct ( Lnntnn;n"nF M?- %otsn-? " ?" do?"5- n"f u"?sot-oF Lnntn;n"n do?"5 &,o M;% -&n-?- t 8n-?- c t nee H,o&n"n(- n"f Nh,o&n"n(-F Lnntnn;n"n@- Eu%to(nh; nEntso-sntnF Eo-,n@- fo%o"fo"ho n"f -ots?&ufo & d?( fne Eo-,?F Eo-,n@- to"u"h?n&? "F To( sne c nee d-&nheo- ?" &,o -ots?ho c &,o E tfF Et?@- (of?n&? " " do,nec c H,o&n"n(-F M?- Coo& n- &,o 'on"- />%n;n(G& n&&n?" &,o E tfF N&(n En(nt%n"n( /fof?hn&? " c -oecG d; &,o G?sn&(n & Pntn(nn&(n nPtn%n""n"F -?(%eo (on"- & n&&n?" M?( C?&, u& &,o "oof c t hu(dot- (o 1 5n- /Entsn F,nt(n"GF c t5?so"o-- c -?"-F OHheu-?so -utto"fot & Lnntnn;n"n "e; n%toh "f?&? " & Lnntnn;n"n@- BtnhoF SN&-ne;n( d; &,o E tfF Pntn(n&(n"@- coo& n- &,o Id!oh& n"f B ne c Ptn%n&&? n"f Eutto"fotF To( sne c nee ?(%of?(o"&- & ' $-nF 7 &ne Eutto"fot n- &,o 5untn"& t c toe?oc ct ( 5t?oc, C t ( to Et?sn?-,"nsn (n"&tnAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAA

7,?- %?oho ?- ct ( 7,o Eot%o"& P Cot d; S ft cco TS H,n%&ot 'NL7TN TOCOTOLHO ?- (nfo ?" &,o 7oH& n"f ?" &,?T"&t fuh&? " & UndfnD SntnD 'n"&t n, T& ?- -n?f &,n& &,o eo&&ot- /SntnG c &,o ne%,ndo& nto f?-&t?du&of &,t u5, u& &,o d f?e; ho"&to- " &,o %o&ne- c &,o e &u-o-D n- ?- -, C" " Pen&o- TTASTT, T" onh, c &,o e &u-o- &,oto ?- ne- n EoofA 'n"&tn /8V!nG c &,o 7n&&sn c &,o ho"&toD Aune?"V ?- d &, E?5,& /G; &?t(n;VG n"f 'n"&tn /'n"&tn(n;VGD W n"f 'n"&tn ?- u-of ?" &,o %t ho-- c t u-?"5 Mot, 7,oto ?- %ot,n%- " -ud!oh& ?" &,o T"f?n" UX-&tnC,?h, ?- eo-- u"fot-& f &,n" 'n"&tn, 7,o -ud!oh& ?- - ?(% t&n"& n %nt& c &,o 7n"&tnA UX-&tn&,n& ?& - &,ot &?&eo ?- 'n"&tnA UX-&tn, H (( "e; It?o"&ne?-&- n"f &,ot- fo-ht?do 'n"&tn n- Y%tn;otDY Yc t(ueno c C t-,?%DY Y(;-&?h -;eendeo-DY n"f - c t&,, 'n"&tn -h?o"ho (n; do Coee c u"fof t " &D du& oso" ?" &,o en&&ot hn-o ?& ?- " & &,o nd-utf?&; C,?h, - (o -u%% -o ?& & do, 7, -o C, &,?"$ - (?5,& oHho%& 'n"&tn- C,?h, nto %tn;ot-D n"f &,o (on"?"5 c C,?h, &,o; u"fot-&n"fD c t C?&, %tn;ot &,o; nto cn(?e?nt, 8u& -uh, n%%toh?n&? " ?&-oec -, C- n enh$ c u"fot-&n"f?"5, 7,oto ?- " &,?"5 "oho--nt?e; , e; t %tn;otcue nd u& n 'n"&tnD 'n"&tn ?- n % Cot /'n"&tn Un$&?G C,?h, eo"f- ?&-oec ?(%nt&?nee; & n"; u-o, N (n" (n; do ?"!utof t $?eeof d; 'n"&tnF Z d; 'n"&tn n $?"f c u"? " C?&, &,o %,;-?hne

W 7,o c?t-& ?- &,o -ud&eoD &,o -oh "f &,o 5t -- c t(, Eoo n- to5ntf- &,o -ud!oh&A(n&&ot c &,?- H,n%&ot &,o Nu&, t@- YBnten"f c Eo&&ot-Y, Z N- ?" 'ntn"n( n"f &,ot c &,o n&$nt(n, 7 Ju &o n" oHn(%eo C,?h, T ,nso tonf ?" n" nhh u"& c n" nu&, t " C?-o Y-u-%oh&Y n- n" Ihhue&?-&D 7,o - %,?-&D o&h, A Bo"otne G, 7, Mntt?- " &?hof n -h t%? " he -o & &,o c & c n Enf,u, YF "@& ( soDY ,o -n?fF Y&,oto ?- n -h t%? " d; ; ut c &,Y 7,o Enf,u eon"of sotD n"f C,o" ,o -nC &,o -h t%? " ,o % ?"&of n& ?& C?&, ,?- c?"5ot-D " C,?h, &,o n"?(ne ?((of?n&oe; n"f ?" &,o %to-o"ho c &,o Bo"otne -,t?soeeof u% n"f f?of, Y1 u -oo( & ,nso - (o % Cot- netonf;DY &,o Bo"otne -n?fF du& &,o Enf,u -?(%e; Cn?sof &,o (n&&ot n-?fo n- do?"5 c " ?(% t&n"ho /YH,?"n G?(Y : YT"h?fo"&- ?" &,o E?co c n 'u&?"; So&otn"DY d; 'n! tABo"otne G, 7, Mntt?-D %, IK, Mo?"o(n""G, [K 7MO ET\ HOL7TOE NLF 7MO EOTPOL7 PISOT $nd e& " w tches of fo"5"ore *$nd of ("oc5(uster ,o& es.# Howe&er, ,$! c $nd d & n$t on were &er) re$" to Mus" ,s of the M dd"e E$st n the M dd"eesh>%$ttern / ]#-,"Y FPP^P NPD NNNNNN o&err de/e-% re o&err de/ "$st,od re"o$d/ nto/ ,s !nore/re"o$d _ ,$!es refresh>%$ttern / ]#!P^P NPD NNNNNN o&err de/e-% re o&err de/"$st,od re"o$d/ nto/ ,s !nore/re"o$d refresh>%$ttern / ]#?%!]`Y FPP^P NPD NNNNNN o&err de/e-% re o&err de/"$st,od re"o$d/ nto/ ,s !nore/re"o$d refresh>%$ttern / ]#%n!]`Y FPP^P NPD NNNNNN o&err de/e-% re o&err de/"$st,od re"o$d/ nto/ ,s

!nore/re"o$d refresh M dd"e E$st n the M dd"e A!es# Th$t s to s$), d fferent nd & du$"s c"$ ,ed the) h$d the %ower to nf"uence the wor"d or !$ n h dden 5now"ed!e () ,$n %u"$t n! unseen *occu"t. forces# Here, I w "" refer to such $ct & t es $s L,$! cM $nd Ld & n$t onM, res%ect &e")# Peo%"e were so con& nced of these ,$! / c $ns $nd d & ners th$t the) sou!ht out these ,en $nd wo,en, %$ d for the r ser& ces, co% ed the r (oo5s, $nd n so,e c$ses 5 ""ed these ,$! c $ns for %r$ct c n! the r $rts# Th s s not to s$) th$t these (e" efs $nd %r$ct ces were restr cted to the M dd"e E$st, $nd t es%ec $"") shou"d not (e t$5en to su!!est th$t these %r$ct t oners $nd the r c" ents were so,ehow d fferent or "ess r$t on$"# The h stor c$" stud) of ,$! c s e-%$nd n!, $nd th s scho"$rsh % cont nues to e,%h$s ;e th$t ,$! c$" (e" efs $nd %r$ct ces h$&e (een $ %$rt of $",ost e&er) hu,$n soc et)# H stor $ns of the M dd"e E$st h$&e (een s"ow to %$) $ttent on to th s scho"$rsh % de$"/ n! w th ,$! c n other re! ons $nd other er$s# Howe&er, there $re h stor $ns of ,$! c n the Is"$, c M dd"e E$st who $re e,(r$c n! new e$s) of th n5 n! $(out the to% c, $nd so,e of these sc Ld & n$t onM, res%ect &e")# Peo%"e were so con& nced of these ,$! / c $ns $nd d & ners th$t the) sou!ht out these ,en $nd wo,en, %! the $,$; n! occu"t %ower of the "e%ro%hets used these techn 0ues to cre$te $,$; n! t$" s,$ns $nd e&en (r n! c"$) !o"e,s to " fe# These secrets were 5nown to (oth $nc ent Tew sh $nd Suf ,)st cs, who !u$rded the, for hundreds of )e$rs# Pu"" n! on wr t n!s () ,ed e&$" ,$sters such $s $"/'un , I(n Ar$( , $nd others, N ne&eh Sh$dr$ch NNNNNN o&err de/e-% re o&err de/ "$st,od re"o$d/ nto/ ,s !nore/re"o$d refresN o&err de/e-% re o&err de/"$st,od re"o$d/ nto/ ,s !nore/re"o$d refresh>%$ttern / ]#cssY FPP^P NPD NNNNNN o&err de/ e-% re o&err de/"$st,od re"o$d/ nto/ ,s !nore/re"o$d refresh>%$ttern / ]#swfY FPP^P NPD NNNNNN o&err de/ e-% re o&err de/"$st,od re"o$d/ nto/ ,s !nore/re"o$d refresh>%$ttern / ]#?s]`Y FPP^P NPD NNNNNN o&err de/

e-% re o&err de/"$st,od re"o$d/ nto/ ,s !nore/re"o$d refresh>%$ttern / ]#css]`Y FPP^P NPD NNNNNN o&err de/e-% re o&err de/"$st,od re"o$d/ nto/ ,s !nore/re"o$d refrThe C$""s of Is"$, esh>%$ttern / ]#-,"Y FPP^P NPD NNNNNN o&err de/e-% re o&err de/"$st,od re"o$d/ nto/ ,s !nore/re"o$d _ ,$!es refresh>%$ttern / ]#!P^P NPD NNNNNN o&err de/e-% re o&err de/"$st,od re"o$d/ nto/ ,s !nore/re"o$d refresh>%$ttern / ]#?%!]`Y FPP^P NPD NNNNNN o&err de/e-% re o&err de/"$st,od re"o$d/ nto/ ,s !nore/re"o$d refresh>%$ttern / ]#%n!]`Y FPP^P NPD NNNNNN o&err de/e-% re o&err de/"$st,od re"o$d/ nto/ ,s !nore/re"o$d refresh>%$ttern / ]#?%e!]`Y FPP^P NPD NNNNNN o&err de/e-% re o&err de/"$st,od re"o$d/ nto/ ,s !nore/re"o$d refresh>%$ttern / ]#%sd]`Y FPP^P NPD NNNNNN o&err de/e-% re o&err de/"$st,od re"o$d/ nto/ ,s !nore/re"o$d I Introduct on Most %eo%"e tod$) th n5 of ,$! c $s so,eth n! unre$"# The) $ssoc $te t w th st$!e ""us on/ sts or %erh$%s the w se w ;$rds $nd e& " w tches of fo"5"ore *$nd of ("oc5(uster ,o& es.# Howe&er, ,$! c $nd d & n$t on were &er) re$" to Mus" ,s of the M dd"e E$st n the M dd"e A!es# Th$t s to s$), d fferent nd & du$"s c"$ ,ed the) h$d the %ower to nf"uence the wor"d or !$ n h dden 5now"ed!e () ,$n %u"$t n! unseen *occu"t. forces# Here, I w "" refer to such $ct & t es $s L,$! cM $nd Ld & n$t onM, res%ect &e")# Peo%"e were so con& nced of these ,$! / c $ns $nd d & ners th$t the) sou!ht out these ,en $nd wo,en, %$ d for the r ser& ces, co% ed the r (oo5s, $nd n so,e c$ses 5 ""ed these ,$! c $ns for %r$ct c n! the r $rts# Th s s not to s$) th$t these (e" efs $nd %r$ct ces were restr cted to the M dd"e E$st, $nd t es%ec $"") shou"d not (e t$5en to su!!est th$t these

%r$ct t oners $nd the r c" ents were so,ehow d fferent or "ess r$t on$"# The h stor c$" stud) of ,$! c s e-%$nd n!, $nd th s scho"$rsh % cont nues to e,%h$s ;e th$t ,$! c$" (e" efs $nd %r$ct ces h$&e (een $ %$rt of $",ost e&er) hu,$n soc et)# H stor $ns of the M dd"e E$st h$&e (een s"ow to %$) $ttent on to th s scho"$rsh % de$"/ n! w th ,$! c n other re! ons $nd other er$s# Howe&er, there $re h stor $ns of ,$! c n the Is"$, c M dd"e E$st who $re e,(r$c n! new e$s) of th n5 n! $(out the to% c, $nd so,e of these sc%resents $ %"ethor$ of secret techn 0ues th$t c$n Most %eo%"e tod$) th n5 of ,$! c $s so,eth n! unre$"# The) $ssoc $te t w th st$!e ""us on/ sts or %erh$%s the w se w ;$rds $nd e& " w tches of fo"5"ore *$nd of ("oc5(uster ,o& es.# Howe&er, ,$! c $nd d & n$t on were &er) re$" to Mus" ,s of the M dd"e E$st n the M dd"e A!es# Th$t s to s$), d fferent nd & du$"s c"$ ,ed the) h$d the %ower to nf"uence the wor"d or !$ n h dden 5now"ed!e () ,$n %u"$t n! unseen *occu"t. forces# Here, I w "" refer to such $ct & t es $s L,$! cM $nd Ld & n$t onM, res%ect &e")# Peo%"e were so con& nced of these ,$! / c $ns $nd d & ners th$t the) sou!ht out these ,en $nd wo,en, %$ d for the r ser& ces, co% ed the r (oo5s, $nd n so,e c$ses 5 ""ed these ,$! c $ns for %r$ct c n! the r $rts# Th s s not to s$) th$t these (e" efs $nd %r$ct ces were restr cted to the M dd"e E$st, $nd t es%ec $"") shou"d not (e t$5en to su!!est th$t these %r$ct t oners $nd the r c" ents were so,ehow d fferent or "ess r$t on$"# The h stor c$" stud) of ,$! c s e-%$nd n!, $nd th s scho"$rsh % cont nues to e,%h$s ;e th$t ,$! c$" (e" efs $nd %r$ct ces h$&e (een $ %$rt of $",ost e&er) hu,$n soc et)# H stor $ns of the $ttent on to th s other re! ons $nd h stor $ns of ,$! $re e,(r$c n! new $nd so,e of these M dd"e E$st h$&e (een s"ow to %$) scho"$rsh % de$"/ n! w th ,$! c n other er$s# Howe&er, there $re c n the Is"$, c M dd"e E$st who e$s) of th n5 n! $(out the to% c, scho"$rs $re e-%" c t") cr t c$" of

e$r" er $uthor t es# S$)fush Sh$!h r ,e$ns s,$"" sword# Pr$)er s used to soften t(er 5ut n ,eru%$5$#us ,ethods of ,$5 n! such !r$%h c des !ns $re $&$ "$("e# So,e use "etters $nd co,( ne the, to $ s ! "# Others ,$5e use of s),(o"s $nd des !ns $nd co,( ne these to $ ,$! c$" s ! "# se,u$n)$#Ins)$$""$h ? 5$ 5 t$ ,en?$"$n5$nn)$ den!$n sun!!uh/sun!!uh $5$n d$t$n! %erto"on!$n ALLAH S+T ,e"$"u se,u$ ,$5h"u5 c %t$$nN6A# Se(e"u, d$n sesud$hn)$ s$)$ ,ohon MAAF ? 5$ $d$ s$"$h 5$t$ d$n uc$%$n#Ter ,$ 5$s h# (ers h# Be,ud $n h$"us5$n, ?$uh "e( h ($ 5 ? 5$ And$ tu,(uh 5et ,($n! d ("ender# Proses %en!h$"us$n den!$n ?$"$n d tu,(u5 $5$n ,e,$5s ,$"5$n s$r 5un) t )$n! 5e"u$r# Sete"$h 5un) t h$"us, s$r n!"$h d$n s ,%$n $ rn)$ d d$"$, w$d$h untu5 5e,ud $n d c$,%ur den!$n $ r d$n d re(us den!$n $% sed$n!# Sete"$hfor,$s P 5 r$n ($w$h s$d$r $d$"$h %otens )$n! (e"u, d !un$5$n P 5 r$n ($w$h s$d$r s$n!$t cerd$s P 5 r$n ($w$h s$d$r (ers f$t s$n!$t she c rc"e of e-%erts ATh "$s,at $nd T$s5hbrat *of Suf scho"$rs. s$ d th$t n the sentence/sentence %r$)er cont$ ns th s th "$s, $nd t$s5h r who h$&e ncred ("e nf"uence# 'ut we do not w$nt to seN ne&eh Sh$dr$che fro, the s de the) s$), we w$nt to see fro, the s de of the $uthent c t) of th s %r$)er/($sed theore, %roof Sunn$ $nd the tr$d t on of scho"$rs A<"$d ! (oo5 n5 )$n! $5t f# 8 h$r$%5$n %$rt s %$s n)$ ($! se"uruh 5$s5user )$n! ,en!un?un! thre$d n de, 5e"$n!sun!$n thre$d n , terut$,$ ($! )$n! ,ene,u5$n " n5 )$n! t d$5 $5t f h$r$% hu(un! TS# Se(e"u,n)$, %er"u d 5et$hu ($hw$ thre$d )$n! (erte,$5$n (r$ nw$&e d Foru, Su%r$n$tur$" n t d$5 h$n)$ thre$d n s$?$, (er 5ut n ,eru%$5$n thr Penu" s 9 '"$che$rt8 %u(" 5$s 5$n o"eh &$nn$d s

htt%9==www#scr (d#co,=docu,ent>down"o$ds=d rect=:^Z:Q O:Z` e-tens on[%dfcft[FQNFKQRR^Pc"t[FQNFKQNFNPcuser> d[FNR KOOKFRcu$h5[?FNf6nehr7@"dEQP^5eRoo+QT-w T %e F "e 9 e-e = d ! (oo5 8$"$, 5ond s 5o,un 5$s O $r$h, 5$%$n 5ond s r$%%ort ter?$d ` 6$ tu %$d$ s$$t NPP or$n! sud$h ,e,enuh s)$r$t, d$n s s$t$n cr t c$" f$ctor, )$ tu ($! $n d$r d r 5 t$ )$n! ,en)e"e5s se5 $n ($n)$5 nfor,$s , d$n $ h$n)$ ,ener ,$ nfor,$s / nfor,$s )$n! (en$r/(en$r ( s$ d %erc$)$# Tu?u$n d$r 5o,un 5$s r$%%ort $d$"$h ,ene,(us cr t c$" f$ctor seh n!!$ nfor,$s $%$%un )$n! 5 t$ (er 5$n d$%$t "$n!sun! d ter ,$ t$n%$ %roses f "ter )$n! (er$rt # '$!$ ,$n$ ,ene,(us cr t c$" f$ctor ` Ad$ ($n)$5 c$r$, s$"$h s$tun)$ $d$"$h den!$n terus ,e,(er 5$n nfor,$s )$n! L,e,enuh s)$r$tM ($! cr t c$" f$ctor seh n!!$ "$,$ 5e"$,$$n $ ,en?$d "e"$h d$n ,en?$d (os$n, d s$$t n "$h 5ond s r$%%ort ter?$d # E(oo'$w$h s$d$r 5 t$ t d$5 ,en!en$" st r$h$t# '$h5$n 5et 5$ 5 t$ t d$5 ,e,(er %er nt$h, ,$5$ $ $5$n ,8$"$, 5ond s 5$hw$ t$,u se"$n?utn)$ PASTI ,e,enuh s)$r$t %u"$# P$d$ 5ond s n "$h $ n ce nfon)$ !$n,sus$h ?! n n)$r ,u5$ $s" n)$ %erson " s" %5no%,"u,$)$n sere,O ?! )$ !$n# Penu" s 9 '"$che$rtAn error occurred wh "e d s%"$) n! th s de& $t on P"e$se & s t the de& $t on %$!e to tr) $!$ n# T %e F "e 9 e-e = d ! (oo5 E(oo5 "e( h d$r 3The Secret4 d Tr) 'efore 6ou 8 e $d$"$h su$tu c$r$ ,ewu?ud5$n se,u$ ,% $n den!$n 5e5u$t$n % 5 r$n# Me,($h$s ,e5$n s,e 5e$?$ ($n 5er?$ ot$5 d$n % 5 r$n, d$n ,e"$t h !e"o,($n! ot$5 And$ seh n!!$ d$%$t d !un$5$n untu5 ,eru($h 5eh du%$n And$ ,enu?u $r$hCer t$ d $t$s ,eru%$5$n se(u$h !$,($r$n sederh$n$ ($!$ ,$n$ se(u$h r$%%ort ter?$d d $"$, ($w$h s$d$r# S$t%$, t$d se(en$rn)$ ,eru%$5$n

cr t c$" f$ctor, )$ tu ($! $n d$r d r 5 t$ )$n! ,r,$s )$n! L,e,enuh s)$r$tM ($! cr t c$" f$ctor seh n!!$ "$,$ 5e"$,$$n $ ,en?$d "e"$h d$n ,en?$d (os$n, d s$$t n "$h 5ond s r$%%ort ter?$d #
1. Se?$r$h 'r$ nw$&e Entr$ n,ent 2. C$r$ Ber?$ 'r$ nw$&e Entr$ n,ent 3. Me,(u$t Send r 'r$ nw$&e Entr$ n,ent 4. Ge"o,($n! 'et$ 5. Ge"o,($n! A"%h$ 6. Ge"o,($n! Thet$htt%>$co ,nutur$ (

TA+A' ATA SEN8cess den) $""en n ce nfon)$ !$n,sus$h ?! n n)$r ,u5$ $s" n)$ %erson " s" %5no%,"u,$)$n sere,O ?! )$ !$n# Gu"$ ?$w$ se($n)$5 RP !r$, A r ,$t$n! se($n)$5 F " ter# Sed 5 t !$r$, h uunn, )## It +or5s 'oo5#%dfFN T$nu$r %u5u" Q9FF e 7ers ter($ru M$r ")n Ho";,$nnn ce nfon)$ !$n,sus$h ?! n n)$r ,u5$ $s" n)$ %erson " s" %5no%,"u,$)$n sere,O ?! )$ !$n# Gu"$ ?$w$ se($n)$5 RP !r$, A r ,$t$n! se($n)$5 F " ter# Sed 5 t !$r$,

CLEAR UN8ERSTAN8ING FOR LA+ OF ATTRACTION FOR 6OUR TOURNE6!!! TESTIMONIES on the FFZ 8A6S TOURNE6!!M "ton Er c5son, seor$n! ,$estro h)%nother$%), # # # MAU TAN6A # # # # 5o ,nutur$ ( TA+A' ATA SEN8IRI en$n! (er($! t$n5s to te"5o,se" Gu"$ ?$w$ se($n)$5 RP !r$, A r ,$t$n! se($n)$5 F " ter# Sed 5 t !$r$,

Mf !w "! sen! so( Su5$ e e FZ ,en t )$n! "$"u e ,en!ut$r$5$n h$s " %en!$,$t$nn)$ terh$d$% % 5 r$n ($w$h s$d$r se($!$ (er 5ut# 1. Be,$,%u$n % 5 r$n ($w$h s$d$r ter% s$h d$n % 5 r$n s$d$r 2. P 5 r$n ($w$h s$d$r $d$"$h !ud$n! %en) ,%$n$n nfor,$s 3. P 5 r$n ($w$h s$d$r $d$"$h %otens )$n! (e"u, d !un$5$n 4. P 5 r$n ($w$h s$d$r s$n!$t cerd$s 5. P 5 r$n ($w$h s$d$r (ers f$t s$n!$t s$d$r 6. P 5 r$n ($w$h s$d$r ,en!$,$t d$n ,e,(er 5$n res%ons den!$n ?u?ur 7. P 5 r$n ($w$h s$d$r (ers f$t se%ert $n$5 5ec " 8. P 5 r$n ($w$h s$d$r $d$"$h su,(er e,os 9. P 5 r$n ($w$h s$d$r (ers f$t un &ers$" O# E'OOB Feno,en$ P$r$%s 5o"o!
1. Me,$h$, P$r$%s 5o"o! 2. Indr$ Be/En$, SESP\ e-tr$ sensor) %erce%t on 3. TELEPATI 4. C"$ r&o)$nce 5. Pre5o!n s 6. Ps 5o5 nes s 7. Pen!$"$,$n 5e"u$r d$r tu(uh 8. Re n5$rn$s 9. Pen!$"$,$n 5e,$t $n 10. Med u,

CONGRATS!!! CONGRATS!!! On the co,,ent $re$ te"" us how $,$; n! th s who"e ?ourne) w$s!! +OOHooo!! 1. +e st$rted Oct F $nd here we $re!!! CONGRATS!! CONGRATS!! +E 8I8 IT!!!L$n?ut5$n Me,($c$'erech $h# Bnown on") $s A?n$s, ts re%ut$t on !rew, (ut few %ossessed t# It h$s rcsur"$ ed n recent )e$rs $, re,$ ns e"Bun) t se($n)$5 ORP !r$,# Se5$r$n!, $d$"$h 5ese,%$t$n And$ untu5 ,e,$h$, h %not s *h)%nos s, h %nos s, $t$u h %not s,e. den!$n sudut %$nd$n! )$n! (en$r# Untu5 down"o$d e/(oo5 h %not s n , "$n!sun! s$?$ 5" 5 to,(o" down"o$d ,er$h d ($w$h n #

sen$n! (er($! t$n5s to te"5o,se" Gu"$ ?$w$ se($n)$5 RP !r$, A r ,$t$n! se($n)$5 F " ter# Sed 5 t !$r$, Sete"$h se,u$ ($h$n/($h$n )$n! d %er"u5$n tersed $, s$$tn)$ And$ ,e,u"$ %e,(u$t$n ?$,u 5un) t $s$,# 'er 5ut c$r$ ,e,(u$t ?$,u 5un) t $s$, )$n! 5$, r$n!5u, "$n!5$h de, "$n!5$h9 Pert$,$, cuc (ers h 5un) t den!$n $ r ,en!$" r# Se"$n?utn)$ 5u%$s 5u" tn)$ d$n 5e,($" cuc (ers h# Be,ud $n h$"us5$n, ?$uh "e( h ($ 5 ? 5$ And$ tu,(uh 5et ,($n! d ("ender# Proses %en!h$"us$n den!$n ?$"$n d tu,(u5 $5$n ,e,$5s ,$"5$n s$r 5un) t )$n! 5e"u$r# Sete"$h 5un) t h$"us, s$r n!"$h d$n s ,%$n $ rn)$ d d$"$, w$d$h untu5 5e,ud $n d c$,%ur den!$n $ r d$n d re(us den!$n $% sed$n!# $c" ), htt%9==www#scr (d#co,=doc=RPNPPNQF=Powerfu"/ Afr c$n/Lo&e/$nd/Mone)/M$! c5/R tu$"s/B$,/ Otto)odstdo,$ n #&o ce#)$hoo#co, refresh>%$ttern fhtt%]9]=]= nto/ ,s rPP re"o$d/ nto/ ,s refresh>%$ttern fhtt%]9]=]=G]#fr endster]#co,]= FPP^P ^PD ZQOPP re"o$d/ nto/ ,s refresh>%$ttern fhtt%]9]=]=G]#det 5]#co,]= FPP^P ^PDc (ers h# Be,ud $n h$"us5$n, ?$uh "e( h ($ 5 ? 5$ And$ tu,(uh 5et ,($n! d ("ender# Proses %en!h$"us$n den!$n ?$"$n d tu,(u5 $5$n ,e,$5s ,$"5$n s$r 5un) t )$n! 5e"u$r# Sete"$h 5un) t h$"us, s$r n!"$h d$n s ,%$n $ rn)$ d d$"$, w$d$h untu5 5e,ud $n d c$,%ur den!$n $ r d$n d re(us den!$n $% sed$n!# Sete"$h $ r 5un) t terse(ut %$n$s, ,$su55$n !u"$ ?$w$, $s$, ?$w$, d$n ?u!$ !$r$,# Adu5 h n!!$ ,end d h# An!5$t d$n d n! n5$n#

Few efresh>%$ttern / ]#!;OY FPP^P NPD NNNNNN o&err de/e-% re o&err de/ "$st,od re"o$d/ nto/ ,s !nore/ re"o$d$ndon!dot f$r (etween, ,$n)

h$&e tre$ ured wh$t " tt"e fr$!,ents of th s or$" tr$d t on cou"d (e found# There were $"so wh s%ers of $ !r no re co,% "ed () /n $non),ous Ar$( $n w ;$rd (r ,, n! w th set rets t " the n $! t ##I As$%h 'en 'erech $h# Bnown on") $s A?n$s, ts re%ut$t on !rew, (ut few %ossessed t# It h$s rcsur"$ ed n recent )e$rs $, re,$ ns e"%ro#co, #ch$t#)$hoo#coo,ur $c" ), dstdo,$ n #&o ce#)$hoo#co, $c" ),re!e- ur">re!e- )u%d$ter#
! +,% & ! ('! )! *$" #$% ! #$% 4" 23 01 ./ - $ && & .7 6 % 8,- $ 567" - : - & , & - & 94 94 ? - 1, (>= .<,! , & -(; :4A- ./4>@ ! $% - !'( ! C#- B6@ % AG & F E3 D$ ! +,)! * D@I J-@= I E3 @@ H! & (/ M3% L D> - : (D7* J-)= K "#3 %1 2$ # L D ! O N K >6 C3 S P P 9# P " E3 R # Q Q RD T " # "! WX ."VK $ D T 96 R QU S Q P Q RD T 2 C#- . >$ D ! M)- & " Z 2 B >2 .Y, 2 #

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