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What is it?

Lean more aboul lhe
lhree main ealing
disorders: Anorexia
Nervosa, uIimia
Nervosa, and inge
Ialing Disorder.
Eating Disorders
HeaIlh Iromolion NevsIeller

Is binge ealing a leII-
laIe sign of suicidaI
suicide risk
Ialing disorders are reaI,
lrealabIe medicaI
iIInesses. They frequenlIy
coexisl vilh olher
iIInesses such as
deression, subslance
Ialing Disorders
Do you have
an eating
10 common signs lhal
mighl suggesl you
have an ealing
Two genes
linked to
increased risk
for eating
4 3
Iebruary 2014

Issue -: |Dalej DoIor Sil Amel
What is an eating disorder?

An ealing disorder is an iIIness lhal causes
serious dislurbances lo your everyday
diel, such as ealing exlremeIy smaII
amounls of food or severeIy overealing. A
erson vilh an ealing disorder may have
slarled oul |usl ealing smaIIer or Iarger
amounls of food, bul al some oinl, lhe
urge lo eal Iess or more siraIed oul of
conlroI. Severe dislress or concern aboul
body veighl or shae may aIso signaI an
ealing disorder. Common ealing disorders
incIude anorexia nervosa, buIimia nervosa,
and binge-ealing disorder.
Tyes of Ialing Disorders
Wilh lhe focus on aearance in Weslern
cuIlure, il is nol uncommon for many girIs and
vomen lo have ealing behavior robIems. The
mosl frequenlIy occurring robIem ealing
behaviors are binge ealing, or ealing Iarge
amounls of food in a shorl eriod of lime and
feeIing oul of conlroI vhiIe ealing. This
behavior Ieads lo shame, embarrassmenl,
dislress and an alleml lo conceaI il.
There are lhree ma|or disorders: anorexia
nervosa, buIimia, and binge ealing.
! Anorexia nervosa is a serious,
olenliaIIy Iife-lhrealening ealing
disorder characlerized by seIf-
slarvalion and excessive veighl Ioss.
! uIimia nervosa is a serious, olenliaIIy
Iife-lhrealening ealing disorder
characlerized by a cycIe of bingeing
and comensalory behaviors such as
seIf-induced vomiling designed lo
undo or comensale for lhe effecls of
binge ealing.
! inge Ialing Disorder (ID) is a lye
of ealing disorder lhal is characlerized
by recurrenl binge ealing vilhoul lhe
reguIar use of comensalory measures
lo counler lhe binge ealing.
Researchers are sludying queslions aboul
behavior, genelics, and brain funclion lo beller
undersland risk faclors, idenlify bioIogicaI
markers, and deveIo secific sycholheraies
and medicalions lhal can largel areas in lhe
brain lhal conlroI ealing behavior.
Neuroimaging and genelic sludies may
rovide cIues for hov each erson may
resond lo secific lrealmenls for lhese
medicaI iIInesses.
OnIy 1 in 10 men and vomen vilh ealing disorders receive
lrealmenl. OnIy 35% of eoIe lhal receive lrealmenl for ealing
disorders gel lrealmenl al a seciaIized faciIily for ealing
Issue -1 }anuary 26

Issue -: |Dalej DoIor Sil Amel
10 signs you
may have an
eating disorder

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Who is at risk?
Ialing disorders frequenlIy
aear during lhe leen years or
young aduIlhood bul may aIso
deveIo during chiIdhood or
Ialer in Iife.
Is binge ealing a leII-laIe sign of suicidaI lhoughls` According
lo a nev sludy of African American girIs, by Dr. RasheIIe
Musci and coIIeagues from lhe Ioomberg SchooI of IubIic
HeaIlh, }ohns Hokins Universily in lhe US, lhose vho
exerience deressive and anxious symloms are oflen
dissalisfied vilh lheir bodies and more IikeIy lo disIay
binge-ealing behaviors. These behaviors ul lhem al higher
risk for lurning lheir emolions invard, in olher vords,
disIaying inlernaIizing symloms such as suicide
The reIalionshis found in lhis sludy offer revenlion
scienlisls a unique oorlunily lo largel individuaIs al high
risk of sychialric robIems by inlervening in lhe case of
binge ealing robIems. Our resuIls aIso suorl lhe
imorlance of deveIoing revenlion rograms lhal are
cuIluraIIy reIevanl lo individuaIs.
Eating disorders:
Increased sucide risk
|Web addressj

Issue -: |Dalej DoIor Sil Amel

Scienlisls from lhe Universily of Iova and
Universily of Texas Soulhveslern MedicaI
Cenler have discovered -- by sludying lhe
genelics of lvo famiIies severeIy affecled by
ealing disorders -- lvo gene mulalions, one
in each famiIy, lhal are associaled vilh
increased risk of deveIoing ealing
Moreover, lhe nev sludy shovs lhal lhe
lvo genes inleracl in lhe same signaIing
alhvay in lhe brain, and lhal lhe lvo
mulalions roduce lhe same bioIogicaI
effecl. The findings suggesl lhal lhis
alhvay mighl reresenl a nev largel for
underslanding and olenliaIIy lrealing
ealing disorders.
Increased risk
Ann DoIIing
Weber Slale Universily
Dearlmenl of HeaIlh Iromolion
1234 Iasl River Slreel
Ogden, Ulah 84404
(801) 643-6465
Sringer. (2013, }uIy 22). Teen ealing disorders
increase suicide risk. ScienceDaiIy. Relrieved
Iebruary 25, 2014 from
Universily of Iova. (2013, Oclober 8). Tvo
genes Iinked lo increased risk for ealing
disorders. ScienceDaiIy. Relrieved Iebruary 25,
2014 from

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