Standard Test Procedures Effect of Immersion in Liquid

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Standard Test Procedures Effect Of Immersion In Liquid - Rubber Hardness This test procedure measures the ability of rubber

to withstand the effect of liquids. It is designed for testing specimens of elastomeric vulcanizates which are from standard sheets (D31 !". #lair $ubber can supply these for the lining specified. In view of the wide variations often present in service conditions% this test may not give direct correlation with service performance unless the actual vessel considered for lining is utilized. &owever% this test method yields data on which to base 'udgment as to e(pected service quality. Referenced Documents ASTM Standards: D)*1 Test +ethods for $ubber ,roperty -ffect of .iquids D!!)/ Test +ethod for $ubber ,roperty Durometer &ardness D31 ! ,ractice for $ubber 0 +aterials% -quipment% and ,rocedures for +i(ing 1tandard 2ompounds and ,reparing 1tandard 3ulcanized 1heets

Description of Test This test procedure provides a method for e(posing test specimens to the influence of liquids under definite conditions of temperature and time. The resulting deterioration is determined by noting the changes of volume% weight and hardness before and after immersion in the test liquid. Test onditions

Temperature 0 4nless otherwise specified the test temperature shall be one of the following% depending upon the anticipated service temperature5 Temperature ! 0!6 7 ! 01/ 7 ! /7! !3 7 ! 6/ 7 ! */ 7 ! 67!

1// 7 ! 1!6 7 ! 16/ 7 ! 1*6 7 !

8hen the temperature of the testing room is other than the standard !3 7 !92 the temperature of test shall be reported. Immersion ,eriods 0 The following immersion periods are recommended5 !) h 1: h :*! h

.ight 0 Immersion tests shall be made in the absence of direct light. Standard Test Liquids ;or purpose of test% it is desirable to use the liquid with which the vulcanizate will come in contact in service. 3isit our site to eboo< download free hardness

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