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Popular Sovereignty


The power to govern is sourced back from the people. A form of government where power is divided among the central authority, and other political areas. A form of government where power is seperated into branches so no branch is more powerful than the other.
Limitations on all branches of the government by giving the braches power to void each other.


Separation of Powers

Checks and Balances

Judicial Review Limited Government Bill of Attainder

The Supreme Court looks over if the act is constitutional or unconstitutional. Government is limited and can not get involved in personal liberties. An act that proves a person guilty without trial. Congress may make any law that is "necessary and proper". U.S. Constitution is the supreme law of the country. When charged with a crime, government must tell you why they are charging you with a crime. "From after the action" you can not be charged with a crime, after-the-fact or after a law is written. There must be fair trial/treatment through the normal judicial system. Powers given to the President, Congress, or the Supreme court that are explicitly written into the constitution. Assumed Powers that the president, congress, or the supreme court has, but are not explicitly stated in the constitution.

Elastic Clause

Supremacy Clause

Writ of Habeas Corpus

Ex Post Facto

Due Process Expressed Powers

Implied Powers

Full Faith and Credit Privileges and Immunities


States must respect and accept other states'. "Comity Clause" no citizen in the U.S. is given privileges or immunities. All U.S. citizens are treated equally to one another. The giving of a criminal from one country to another. "representative democracy", the U.S. is not a, by definition, real, true Democracy or a direct democracy.


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