Resume For Portfolio

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Jacob McClellan

April 16, 2014 I am currently an employee at BYU custodial or!in" at a speci#ic buildin"$ I%&e pro&ided my resume #or you to peruse and 'ope#ully consider me as an employee at your company$ Alt'ou"' I am currently or!in" as a custodian at BYU, I am pursuin" a career in #ood science$ I%&e been able to or! se&eral di##erent (obs in t'e #ood industry and 'a&e en(oyed t'em$ )re&ious to my decision to "o into #ood science, I as or!in" on becomin" a Biomedical en"ineer$ I 'ad my 'eart set on it but t'in"s did not "o as planned$ *'ile ta!in" a #e en"ineerin" class, I too! +,-. 1/1, Careers in -ood .cience$ 0'is class really 'elped me to see 'at #ood scientists do and t'e incredible impact t'at t'ey 'a&e on society and t'e li#e t'at e lead$ I ant to be a part o# t'at$ )lease contact me i# you 'a&e any 1uestions$ My e2mail is 333333343333333 and p'one number is 333233323333 .incerely, Jacob McClellan

Jacob McClellan
Bri"'am Youn" Uni&ersity 5Au"ust 200/2May 20106 Bri"'am Youn" Uni&ersity, )ro&o, U0 74602 Ma(or8 -ood .cience Minor8 Media Arts and C'emistry Uta' 9alley Uni&ersity 5Au"ust 20062May 200/6 700 * Uni&ersity )ar! ay, :rem, U0 740;7 <raduated it' Associates o# Arts )ro&o =i"' .c'ool 5Au"ust 200;2May 200/6 112; + Uni&ersity A&e, )ro&o, U0 74604 >mp'asis8 Uni&ersity )rep Core Courses

BYU Custodial 5January 20142)resent6 )'one8 57016 4222??00 ??0 >ast Uni&ersity )ar! ay )ro&o, Uta' 74602 Pay Rate: 7$00 Position: Custodial *or!er Duties: )art o# a team t'at sets up tables and c'airs #or e&ents@ >&ents ran"ed #rom ; to 240@ A#ter e&ents ere complete, t'e team came in, cleaned, and set up #or anot'er e&ent .ea"ull Boo! 5.eptember 201A2January 20146 )'one8 57016 A?A20?/7 ;00 . 1?/; * .uite B1, .prin"&ille, U0 7466A Pay Rate: ?$2; Position: .ales Associate Duties: Becei&e merc'andise a#ter it as deli&ered to t'e store@ =elp customers #ind 'at t'ey are loo!in" #or@ Use cas' re"ister to ma!e a sale@ .ell ot'er products to customers BYU Caterin" 5.eptember 20072.eptember 20106 )'one8 57016 4222;001 ;;62 *.C Bri"'am Youn" Uni&ersity, )ro&o, U0 74602 Pay Rate: ?$2; Position: Cre Cead 5.ept 0/2.ept 106@ Caterin" *or!er 5.ept 072.ept 0/6 Duties: (Crew Lead) Cead a team o# caterin" or!ers to clean up a#ter e&ents t'at ran"e #rom 10 to 2000 people@ =elp team to load truc!s, dri&e t'e truc! and t'en unload at t'e doc! (Caterin Wor!er) )art o# a team t'at ould set up, ser&e and clean a#ter e&ents 'ic' ould ran"e #rom 10 to 2000 people BYU Cannon Center 5,ecember 200?2.eptember 20076 )'one8 57016 422240A1 170 .A.B, Bri"'am Youn" Uni&ersity, )ro&o, U0 74602 Pay Rate: ?$20 Position: Ca#eteria *or!er Duties: )art o# a team t'at ser&ed 'undreds o# students e&ery day@ Coo!ed a &ariety o# #ood mainly in t'e "rill area@ =elped ser&e #ood on a line and also stoc! &arious bars@ A#ter eac' s'i#t, 'elped to clean and !eep t'in"s tidy


.er&ed a t o year proselytin" ser&ice mission #or c'urc' As a missionary, ser&ed in se&eral leaders'ip positions o&er ot'er missionaries Becei&ed Associate o# Arts #rom Uta' 9alley Uni&ersity 'ile in 'i"' sc'ool Ac'ie&ed >a"le ran! as a Boy .cout Becei&ed ,uty to <od #or Youn" Men in C,. c'urc'

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