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Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre Metcalfe House, Delhi-110054 Walk in Intervie for !

""rentices for the #ear $01$-1% Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre (DESIDOC) under the aegis of Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO), Ministr of Defence !ill hold !al"#in intervie! for recruitment of apprentices for one ear training in the follo!ing disciplines$ &ssential 'ualifications (o) of *acancies Date of Intervie (a)Degree in %i&rar & Information Science '( ') *ugust +',+ (&)Diploma in %i&rar Science (-!o .ears) ') '/ *ugust +',+ (c)Degree in Computer Science (0$-ech onl ) ') '( *ugust +',+ -he stipend rates for Degree holder Rs$12)'3# (fi4ed) per month and for Diploma holders (+31 ears) Rs$+21'3#(fi4ed) per month !ill &e paid as per latest 5ovt$ Rules$ -he !al" in Intervie! !ill &e held at 6$''*M at DESIDOC$ -he Candidates !ho have o&tained less than )'7 mar"s in their final e4ams and passed out &efore the ear +',' !ill not &e considered for apprenticeship$ -he candidates should &ring their 0io#Data giving complete personal details, 8ualification and e4perience etc$ and t!o passport si9e photographs$-he candidates are re8uired to &ring all original documents along !ith attested photocopies of all the certificates for verification$ It shall not &e o&ligator on the part of the DRDO3%a&3Estt, !here training is imparted to offer an emplo ment to an apprentice after completing the period of his apprenticeship training$ :lease also note that candidates !ho have alread got apprenticeship training in an other institute are not eligi&le$ ;o -*3D* !ill &e paid for intervie! and mo&ile phone is not allo!ed in the premises$ <or details, log on to What is ne at !!!$drdo$gov$in

(*DMI; O<<ICER) for Director

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