Human Computer Interaction (CS408) Assignment # 1

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Human computer Interaction (CS408) Assignment # 1

Total marks = 10 Dea line! "#$11$"01%

Please carefully read the following instructions before attempting the assignment.

1) You should concern recommended books to clarify your concepts as handouts are not sufficient. 2) You are supposed to submit your assignment in &ppt 'ormat& Any other formats like scan images, PD , !ip, rar, bmp, doc" etc will not be accepted #) $his assignment file comprises of T(o (") pages.

Important )ote! %b&ecti'es $he ob&ecti'e of this assignment is( $o assess your o'erall understanding of )uman *omputer +nteraction concepts. $o increase your le'el of understanding about )*+ basics. Assignment submission format is ,power point slides- .ppt format. *or an+ ,uer+ please contact! CS408-.u&e u&pk

a) +n lecture 2, you studied nature of )uman and *omputer. You are re.uired to highlight general characteristics, strengths and weaknesses in tabular form. /se graphics where'er re.uired. b) You are re.uired to show the ,+nternal- and ,e"ternal- working of software graphically for complete understanding the concept of +nternal and 0"ternal layout of software1application. 23ecture 2) c) +n lecture 4, you studied ,cognition- and its related approaches. You are re.uired to study any other approach that is not discussed in lecture o'er internet and pro'ide one slide o'er'iew of that approach if e"ist.

d) +n lecture 5 you studied )uman +nformation Processing 6odel. Pro'ide one slide graphic representation of model with appropriate labeling. )ote! 7efore attempting the assignment, go through the mentioned lectures.

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