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"#$%"& (&)**
"##$ %& '()*+,-./+ 0(&1 23(& 0 ! 4*(5,-)1 02 6"789
:;)*+< =898> ?@?A""#? ! BAC5-D< +E3,+FF-)*&;+5(;+,G/H5-D&I)H
C5F(+, )O 'I-+*I+ -* 0)DD+/+ 0)N*F+D-*/ 5*. '(N.+*( P+Q+D)3H+*( BE3+I(+. C5R 9S"#
Azusa Pacific 0niveisity ! Azusa, CA ! uPA 4.u
T5I;+D), )O 'I-+*I+ -* :FRI;)D)/R (Bepaitmental Bonois) U5*N5,R 9SS7
0niveisity of La veine ! La veine, CA ! uPA S.87
'(N.+*( 2OO5-,F BE3+,-+*I+
L,5.N5(+ 2FF-F(5*( O), UN.-I-5D 2OO5-,F1 P+5* )O '(N.+*(F 4OO-I+ '+3(+HV+, 9S"?AC5R 9S"#
:)H)*5 0)DD+/+1 0D5,+H)*(1 02
8esponslble for Lhe overall coordlnaLlon, and recordlngs of Lhe !udlclal 8oard and Sexual MlsconducL 8oard.
arLlclpaLed ln meeLlngs of Lhe 1lLle lx coordlnaLors ClaremonL College ConsorLlum of 7 colleges.
Chalred Lhe commlLLee Lo edlL and revlse language and procedures ln Lhe omona College SLudenL Code.
AsslsLed ln Lhe presenLaLlon of proposed code changes Lo Lhe SAC governlng board for Lhelr approval.
arLlclpaLed ln Lhe weekly meeLlngs of Lhe on-call dean roLaLlon for Lhe uean of SLudenLs Cfflce.
CreaLed a handbook of pollcles and sLep-by-sLep procedures for Lhe chalr of a Sexual MlsconducL 8oard.
ueveloped a comprehenslve bookleL of pollcles, procedures and resources on sexual harassmenL and vlolence.
AsslsLed wlLh fall and sprlng semesLer Lralnlngs for Lhe panellsLs of Lhe sLudenL-run !udlclal 8oard.

K5DD P-,+I(),1 K)NF-*/ 5*. W+F-.+*I+ X-O+ C5R 9S"?A2N/NF( 9S"?
Y*-Q+,F-(R )O %+F( ZD),-.51 :+*F5I)D51 ZX
8esponslble for Lhe managemenL of a resldence hall servlng over 630 guesLs for summer conferences.
ulrecLly supervlsed Len 8esldenL AsslsLanLs, lncludlng weekly sLaff meeLlngs and one on ones.
8esponslble for conducL meeLlngs and assumlng Lhe admlnlsLerlng of dlsclpllne for sLudenL sLaff.
Assumed on-call responslblllLles for Lhe campus on a roLaLlng basls wlLh professlonal sLaff.
CollaboraLed wlLh Lhe AsslsLanL ulrecLor Lo bulld an assessmenL of Lhe Pouslng and 8esldence Llfe sLaff.
arLlclpaLed ln Lhe campus-wlde plannlng commlLLee for Lhe Argo Arrlval" welcome monLh evenLs.
AsslsLed wlLh plannlng of a 2-week long graduaLe asslsLanL Lralnlng uLlllzlng a $3000 budgeL.
Crganlzed a day of communlLy servlce for new graduaLe asslsLanLs durlng Lralnlng week.

L,5.N5(+ 2FF-F(5*(1 2I5.+H-I 2.Q-F-*/ [ W+(+*(-)* 2N/NF( 9S"9AC5R 9S"?
2\NF5 :5I-O-I Y*-Q+,F-(R1 2\NF51 02

Naintaineu Eaily Aleit ietention piogiam by connecting at-iisk stuuents to on-campus iesouices.
Bevelopeu anu facilitateu a time management woikshop foi fiist geneiation College Stuuents.
Counseleu stuuents on time management stiategies when iefeiieu by piofessois foi unueipeifoimance.
Cieateu, pioposeu anu implementeu a buuget foi inteiioi uesign of the new office builuing.
!"#$%"& (&)**
"##$ %& '()*+,-./+ 0(&1 23(& 0 ! 4*(5,-)1 02 6"789
:;)*+< =898> ?@?A""#? ! BAC5-D< +E3,+FF-)*&;+5(;+,G/H5-D&I)H
Reseaicheu anu piesenteu finuings on campus safety at Azusa Pacific compaieu to othei Califoinia schools.
Assisteu piofessional auvisois with gioup acauemic auvising meetings foi the athlete's on piobation.

2.H-*-F(,5(-Q+ 2FF-F(5*( ]]1 L,5.N5(+ 2I5.+H-I '+,Q-I+F UNDR 9SS7A4I()V+, 9SS$
Y*-Q+,F-(R )O X5 ^+,*+1 X5 ^+,*+1 02

Suppoiteu the Assistant Bean with fiont-line counseling foi giauuate stuuents on piogiam iequiiements.
Assisteu the ie-aumission committee with the uecision piocess foi stuuents uismisseu fiom the univeisity.
Piocesseu giauuate stuuent applications anu infoimeu stuuents of theii acceptance to the univeisity.
Naintaineu anu upuateu giauuate stuuent infoimation anu files within the Bannei uatabase.
Piocesseu auvancement to canuiuacy papeiwoik, payments anu assisteu with final giauuation checks.
W+D5(+. BE3+,-+*I+
4OO-I+ C5*5/+, Z+V,N5,R 9S""A23,-D 9S"9
TX' 0)*F(,NI(-)*1 ]*I&1 :5DH P+F+,(1 02
Facilitateu anu cooiuinateu all coiiesponuence with an active client base of ovei 2uu.
Neuiateu ielationships with sub-contiactois, inteiioi uesigneis anu mateiials manufactuies.
Establisheu anu systematizeu all piocesses foi the auministiative ie-stait of the company.
Computeu anu balanceu client pioposals, contiacts, anu monthly piofit anu loss iepoits.
:+,F)**+D 0)),.-*5(), UNDR "66?AUNDR 9SS8
2DV+,(F)*F1 ]*I&1 :5F5.+*51 02

Auministeieu all inteiviews foi new hiies anu exit inteiviews foi uismissals of employees.
Nonitoieu the completion anu accuiacy of tiaining foi all new employees.
Investigateu, tiackeu, anu iepoiteu woik injuiies anu equipment neeuing iepaii.
Responsible foi piesenting monthly safety meetings foi all uepaitment manageis.
Piocesseu anu maintaineu the electionic anu papei BR files foi cuiient anu foimei employees.
Balanceu anu iecoiueu sales, piofit, bank ueposits, anu cash on a uaily basis.
0)HHN*-(R '+,Q-I+
B-/;(; L,5.+ C5_),F Z5-, ^)DN*(++,` 2\NF5 :5I-O-I Y*-Q+,F-(R1 2\NF51 02 9S"?
Assisteu the 0ffice of Seivice-Leaining anu Reseaich in implementing an euucational faii foi thiee local
miuule schools with the goal of intiouucing vaiious euucational paths anu co-cuiiiculai activities in college.
]*(+,*1 K+5. '(5,( :,)/,5H` 0-(R )O 0D5,+H)*(1 0D5,+H)*(1 02 9SS8
Reseaicheu wellness topics peitinent to low-income families anu aiiangeu piogiamming accoiuingly.
Cooiuinateu anu scheuuleu weekly speakeis baseu on ieseaich foi the "Coffee Bieak" paients meetings.
Naintaineu piogiamming buuget foi supplies anu iefieshments foi the paients meetings.
!"#$%"& (&)**
"##$ %& '()*+,-./+ 0(&1 23(& 0 ! 4*(5,-)1 02 6"789
:;)*+< =898> ?@?A""#? ! BAC5-D< +E3,+FF-)*&;+5(;+,G/H5-D&I)H
Catalogeu the existence of health insuiance foi elementaiy school stuuents in the school uistiict.
Counseleu anu pioviueu community iesouices to paients of low-income chiluien in the school uistiict.
:,)O+FF-)*5D 'a-DDF1 b,5-*-*/ 5*. 0)HH-((++
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NASPA Westein Regional Caieeis in Stuuent Affaiis Bay
o Cal Poly Pomona~Pomona, CA 0ctobei 2u12
NACABA Region 9 Confeience
o 0niveisity of Southein Califoinia~Los Angeles, CA Naich 2u12
Floiiua Stuuent Activities anu Association of FiateinitySoioiity Auvisois Confeience
o 0niveisity of West Floiiua~Pensacola, FL Nay 2u1S
AC0B0-I uiauuate Piofessional Summit Biive-In Confeience
o 0niveisity of Cential Floiiua~0ilanuo, FL }une 2u1S
NASPA Stuuent Affaiis Law anu Policy Confeience
o Botel viking~Newpoit, RI 0ctobei 2u1S
NASPA Alcohol, 0thei Biug, anu violence Pievention Confeience
o Lowes Coionauo Bay~San Biego, CA }anuaiy 2u14
NASPA Annual Confeience
o Baltimoie Convention Centei~Baltimoie, NB Naich 2u14
:,)O+FF-)*5D C+HV+,F;-3F
National Association of Stuuent Peisonnel Auministiatois (NASPA)
College Stuuent Euucatois Inteinational (ACPA)
Association of College anu 0niveisity Bousing 0fficeis Inteinational (AC0B0-I)
Association of Title IX Auministiatois (ATIXA)
Niciosoft 0ffice Nontclaii Bigh School 1994
FERPA 0niveisity of La veine 2uu7
Bannei Batabase System Tiaining 0niveisity of La veine 2uu7
PeopleSoft Applications Batabase Tiaining Azusa Pacific 0niveisity 2u12
LuBTQ Safe Zone Tiaining Cal Poly Pomona 2u12
RNS Bousing Softwaie Tiaining 0niveisity of West Floiiua 2u1S
Naxient Stuuent Conuuct Softwaie Tiaining 0niveisity of West Floiiua 2u1S
Conuucting Effective Campus Investigations Pomona College 2u1S
uieen Bot Bystanuei Inteivention Committee Pomona College 2u14

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