Ministry Update Bangy - March-Mid-April 2014

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News from

Vol. 3

MarchMid-April 2014

Gs People for Better or Worse

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... Haley and the other team members who taught at the womens conference


In the month of March we traveled to the village to give some teaching and training. The women put on another mulloban (valuable) conference for the women in the village. This was the same conference that they hosted in Dhaka the month before for women working with people involved in the sex trade. This time in the village the attendees were some women believers and other non-believing women invited by a female mnstry partner of ours. The men also gave some more teaching to the leading believers in that same village. Both of the trainings went well, but were accompanied with the usual problems that come with this group of believers. It seemed at times that the good accomplished by this trip was overshadowed by the problems. This is a usual feeling when we leave this village. At times it is hard to believe that the work we are doing for the people in the village is actually accomplishing anything in the lives of the believers or for the advancement of the kingdom. However, we were encouraged to see many new faces at our trainings and see a real belief in the GoodNews in them. It seemed that there were many new people hanging around the believing community. As well, we were further encouraged that on our trip a teammate and a disciple of ours was able to personally lead a person to XT . They were also able to b*ptize him immediately after his profession. This person is a relative of one of the village believers. With that and all of the other people in and around the believers community, it shows us that the L*rd is at work among these believers even if it isnt seen on the surface. It encourages us that there is a long-term effect that a group of believers, immature and wily though they are, has on the society. It seems that the believers are starting to have a public presence, and therefore their beliefs are gaining some credibility. This encourages us that G uses his people to bring the lost to himself, whether they are worthy of it are not. Nevertheless, we are working towards their maturity and joy in the faith as true disciplemakers. Additionally, we also heard report that about 10 of the women from the womens conference became believers. Pr*y for them as they grow in their small faith in Xt and that theyd join this blessed group of people who bear His name. Pr*y for us. We will be traveling back to the village soon to give further training and instruction for Gs glory revealed in his unworthy people.

News from the school

Last term Haleys class studied stories where G rescued people. This week they are discussing the culmination of the greatest rescue in history, J saving all people by dying on the cross. Easter week is a very special time at Grace where they have special Color Assemblies telling about the events leading up to the crucifixion and resurrection of Xt. Green is for Palm Sunday, Red is for the Last Supper, Black is for the crucifixion, White is for the Sabbath day of waiting before they could go to the tomb, and Yellow is for the Resurrection. Haley had the pleasure of teaching the yellow day and sharing the GoodNews that J was not dead, but alive. Please pr*y for the students at Grace to be impacted and changed as they have heard the most important story of all and also for their families as the children go home to tell their non-believing families about what they have heard about J.

My favorite thing we learned about was JESUS!

Kobor theke

Vol. 3

MarchMid-April 2014

Please Pr*y { Subheading, simple statement or quote } That wed finish our time in Bangladesh
here. For those that received thethe NT (see Type your message content Keep ithave short and to point. Use of bulleted below). Pr*y that theyd be overcome by the content useful for quick scanning and easy to grasp message.

Pr*yer Requests.\

Main title

Sample bulleted text.


Above: One of Ians disciples teaching about EV in the village

power of Gods word and turn to J. For continued chances to share the GoodNews with new contacts For our Discipleship times with our disciples. Pr*y that wed share with them things that G wants to say to them through us before we leave. That wed have the a united vision for our ministry back in the states and smooth transition into it.

Please pr*y and keep on pr*ying for us...

FOCUS Teams Pr*y for the 8 students coming. They are raising support to come. Each students need to raise upwards of 5,000 USD to come. Pr*y that their hearts would be prepared for the work that they will do here.

Injeel Distribution
This past month weve been working hard to follow up with the people who requested a free copy of the NT. As you might remember we had 1000 people request to receive one. We organized teams and they have all been busy following up with the contacts in Dhaka. Almost all 1000 of those people have received there free copy and are reading! PTL! It has been a great joy to see people eager to receive the book that speaks about J. This is a much different experience than our normal times of sharing. Most of the time, at least at first, we share with unsuspecting, uninterested people, but with these we are sharing with people who are asking us to! This has made for some very exciting conversations. Some of our contacts are even testing us and saying that they have been reading and want to know more. Providentially, many of our contacts are university students, which are our main focus. So we are encouraged due to the fact that we havent seen many students interested in spiritual things like this before. Pr*y for us that we can follow up with the people who have received the book and encourage them in their reading and to teach them more about what J can do for their life personally. We are still believing and pr*ying that they become genuine believers. We are seeing this text in action- so shall my word be that goes out from my mouth; it shall not return to me empty, but it shall accomplish that which I purpose. Isaiah 55:11
**Please do not reproduce, forward, or post any of this to the internet without our permission. Thanks!

M*ssion organization, Operation Mobilization founder George Verwer speaking in Dhaka

Thank you so much for your partnership. We could not do this without your help and your pr*yers.

The Lost

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