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Creating a Resource Sheet

Resources are the backbone of a project. Without resources to complete assigned tasks, those tasks would not be completed. Essentially, the cost of a project is a reflection of the sum of all project resources costs needed to complete each task within the project. t has three types of resources! work, material, and cost. Work resources are resources that are not consumed at the completion of their assigned task and are a"ailable to be assigned to future tasks. #he ultimate e$ample of a work resource is people. %aterial resources, on the other hand, are consumed or used up as a task progresses. nk, gasoline, concrete, and camera film are e$amples of material resources. Cost resources represent additional costs incurred on a task that used to be hard to track prior to the addition of the Cost resource type in &roject. #he most common e$ample of a cost resource is tra"el e$penses. Some resources that you add to a resource list represent indi"idual people or assets. ' resource name could be a persons name, for e$ample. 'lso, you can name a single piece of e(uipment, a facility, or a raw material as a resource. f you contract out a task to a "endor who is totally responsible for the task, you could simply name the "endor as a resource, e"en though there might be many indi"iduals on the "endors team who actually work on the task. #he ma$ units for the resource should be set to the total number of resources a"ailable as part of the set.

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