Lesson 3 Bamboo and Panda

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Chinese Brush Painting

Lesson 3: The Four Gentlemen - Bamboo Bamboo Stalks, Joint Rings & Branches Bamboo Leaf Formations Giant Panda Art History Wu Zuoren

Bamboo Stalks, Joints and Branches


Fish Tail

Fish Tail Birds Claw

Birds Claw

Young bamboo stalks

Young Bamboo

Side of the brush and flying white

Side of the brush with flying white

Bamboo Leaves

Bamboo Practise Wheel

Multiple Fish Tails Fish Tail

Swallow Tail

Flying Swallow

Landing Goose

Giant Panda
1. Using pale ink paint 4 dot strokes for the ears and eyes. 2. Bleed black ink into the pale ink so it smears. 3. Add details for the mouth and head in pale ink

4. Using the same technique as 1 & 2 add the arms and legs

5. Claws are done with a dry brush. 6. Hair on belly can be shown by using pale ink or dark ink using the dry brush.

Chinese Art History Wu Zuoren (1908-1997)

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