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Preposition (to, of, in) I want to plays/play/playing/played. (to + basic verb) I am sick of play/plays/playing/played. (of + v-ing) I am interested in play/plays/playing/played.

(in + v-ing) Logical connector/introd ctory word !"ample# t$erefore, for t$at reason, moreover, in addition, $owever etc. - I love yo . - I marry yo . %. I love yo , for t$at reason& I will marry yo . (% sentence) '. I love yo . (or t$at reason, I will marry yo . (' sentences)

)od l a "iliaries !"ample# s$o ld, can, co ld, may, mig$t, o g$t to, s$all, will, wo ld etc. *afid bisa mengambil benda di atas.

*afid can take/takes/taking/taked an ob+ect on top. (mod l + basic verb) *ani akan menonton ,-,. *ani will watc$ ,-,. (mod l + basic verb)

*as/$ave .ni (t nggal) $as/$ave a car (ob+ect). (*as# possession) /$ey (+amak) $as / $ave a car. /$ey $ave played (verb) football. ($ave# a "iliary) 0emarin +ati tela$ main game 1esterday 2ati $as play/plays/played/playing game. ($as/$ave-a "iliary + -3) 4rite (-%) wrote (-') written (-3) 5ead (v%) read (v') read (v3) P t (v%) p t (v') p t (v3) 6 y (v%) bo g$t (v') bo g$t (v3)... 0iss (v%) kissed (v') kissed (v3) 7ee (v%) saw (v') seen (v3)

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