English (Esl) Test

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Task 1 1. Seventeen 2. Heart 3. Flowers 4. Three bottles 5.


Task 2 1. My sister likes to dance. 2. I see three birds in the sky. 3. Mother went to b y so!e e""s. 4. The baby #retends to read news#a#ers. 5. The cat is lookin" $or $ood in the bo%.

Task 3 Today is T esday and To! is on his way to school. He is new in Israel and this his $irst day o$ school. He is ha##y and e%cited. & t he is a little nervo s. He doesn't s#eak Hebrew. His $irst lesson is (n"lish lesson. He !eets )!ir. )!ir learns (n"lish at school. They start to s#eak to each other. They like the sa!e thin"s * )!ir likes basketball and To! likes it too. To! likes to read books and )!ir also likes it. They are ha##y+ they are $riends.

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