Curse Tablet Text

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Latin II

Indirect Command Practice

Circuses and Curses
The words below are taken from a lead curse tablet found in the circus at Hadrumetum,
a Roman town in North Africa in the 2
century C.E. In it, a charioteer curses his
rivals, and asks for their destruction, along with their horses.

Adiur t, daemon, quicunque es, et demand tibi ex anc or ex anc di ex
c moment, ut equs Prasin et Alb crucis, occids. Demand tibi ut
agitators Clarum et Felicem et Primulum et Romanum occids, collids,
nque spiritum ills lerinqus. Adiur t, deum pelagicum, per eum qu t
resolvit. Ioe Iooooe ooie oqio. Noctivagus, Tiberis, Oceanus

adiuro, adiurre to entreat, urge
daemon, daemonis m. spirit
quicunque = quicumque
demando, demandre to charge (that)
hora, horae f. hour
dies, die f. - day
momentum, moment n. moment
equus, equ m. horse
Prasinus, m. the Green Club
Albus, m. the White Club
crucio, crucire to torment
occido, occidere, occidi, occisus to kill
agitator, agitatoris m. the driver, charioteer
Clarus, m. a mans name, Famous
Felix, Felicis m. another name, Lucky
Primulus, m. a name, First
Romanus, m. a name, the Roman
collido, collidere, collisi, collisus to strike together
spiritus, us m. breath
relinquo, relinquere, reliqui, relictus to leave behind
pelagicus, a, um of the sea
resolve, resolvere, resolvi, resolutus to weaken
Noctivagus, m. a name, Night-wanderer
Tiberis, is m. a name, Tiber
Oceanus, m. a name, Ocean

Latin II
Indirect Command Practice
1. Adiuro te, daemon, quicunque es
Complete the kernel chart for this sentence



Put brackets of the right sort around the subordinate CL -
TNS, VC, and MD of adiuro
TNS, VC, and MD of es
Case of daemon -

2. et demando tibi ex anc ora ex anc die ex oc momento, ut equos Prasini et
Albi crucies, occidas
Complete the kernel chart for this sentence -




Put brackets of the right sort around the subordinate CLs -
TNS, VC, and MD of demando
TNS, VC, and MD of crucies
TNS, VC, and MD of occidas
Sequence and Action
Describe the role of tibi
Writing ex anc ora ex anc die is actually wrong. Why?
Latin II
Indirect Command Practice
3. Demando tibi ut agitatores Clarum et Felicem et Primulum et Romanum
occidas, collidas
Complete the kernel chart for this sentence




Put brackets of the right sort around the subordinate CLs -
TNS, VC, and MD of demando
TNS, VC, and MD of occidas
TNS, VC, and MD of collidas
Sequence and Action
Describe the role of tibi

4. (Demando tibi) neque spiritum illis lerinquas.
Complete the kernel chart for this sentence



Put brackets of the right sort around the subordinate CL -
TNS, VC, and MD of demando
TNS, VC, and MD of lerinquas
Sequence and Action
Describe the role of illis

Latin II
Indirect Command Practice
5. Adiuro te, deum pelagicum, per eum qui te resolvit.
Complete the kernel chart for this sentence


Put brackets of the right sort around the subordinate CL -
TNS, VC, and MD of demando
TNS, VC, and MD of resolvit
Who is the deus pelagicus in Roman religion?
What does he have to do with horses? Google would help you


6. Ioe Iooooe ooie oqio. Noctivagus, Tiberis, Oceanus
Use a phone to look up the Greek alphabet. Provide a transcription of the Greek
incantation below:

Give the case of the Latin words:

Do you think these are the names of people or of horses? Why or why not?

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