Gcfab Lcmab: Name: Surname: Date: 08.03.2013

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Date: 08.03.2013

1) When the digits of a two digit number are reversed, the reversed number is three times the sum of its
digits. Find the original number. (10 points)

2) A six digit number 41a !b is divisible b" both and #. Find the sum of the maximum
possible values of a and b. (1 points)

3) A six digit number $%!a4b is divisible b" &. What is the greatest possible value of a'b( (1 points)
2 2 2 5. 4) A and ) are two natural numbers su*h that GCF ( A, B ) = 2 3 and LCM ( A, B ) = 2 3

Find the produ*t of A). (10 points) 2 23 3 1 =? 8 5) +valuate the expression 1 + 3 4 1 5

(1 points)

y x 2 + y 2 xy = 4 6) ,iven , find the value of (10 points) x 3 xy

7) 2 x = 3 y = 4 z and

1 1 1 + + = 1 are given. Find x . (1 points) x y z 2 = 1 6

($0 points)

1 m 5+ m 8 8) Find the value of whi*h satisfies 1 + 3 5 1+ 1 3 2+

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