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Create a Class

Most teachers will create a Group for each class. You may also create professional groups. 1. In the Groups block on the left sidebar, click Create. a. Enter/select the group information make it descriptive to include your name, subject, & class period. Advanced
options allow you to set all members of the group to read only status and gives you the option to moderate all postings. You can set/change these at anytimesee Group Settingsp.11

2. When the Group is created, the system will generate a Group Code this is what you will issue to students for enrollment into your group.

a. You can always find your groups code by clicking the Group link on the left sidebar (the group code will appear on the right side of your group page). *Suggestion: Create a welcome message for the Group that includes a writing prompt students can reply to. *Suggestion: Establish the expectation that the message system will be used in a serious manner with complete sentences and proper grammar.

Reset/Lock Group Code

Once your students join your Edmodo group, you can lock the group code so that no other students can join. Select the drop down arrow next to the group code and select the lock option. Your group code can easily be unlocked if needed (Note- when you unlock a group code, it will reset from the original code). You can also reset a group code by selecting the drop down arrow next to the group code and selecting reset. A new 6digit code will immediately be generated. Group members who have already joined will not need to rejoin, but any new members will need the new code to become part of the group.

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