Be Wary of Hairy Fairy Full Press Release 19

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A Derby choir director rejected Hairy Fairy on the grounds that, Quite a lot of the words are offensive & I would not wish to be associated with the or as! our choristers to learn the " #erha$s they would be ore suitable in a %ugby club" &ur choristers and audiences tend to be drawn fro the ore conservative $art of the co unity 'original letter available for ins$ection( )wo wee!s later a *ottingha choir $erfor ed the song at a church concert to an elderly audience" )hey laughed and a$$lauded" )here were no letters of co $laint to the $arish aga+ine" #arents and staff at *ottingha ,irls High -chool reacted a$$rovingly when the school choir sang the song at a $ri+e giving cere ony" Hairy Fairy is the result of a hu orous lyric su$eri $osed on Dance &f )he -ugar #lu Fairy" )he final word of the lyric is A... *ot too any classical songs contain such a word"

)he identity of the singer on the record is a secret All you need to !now is that it $ur$orts to be the fa ous %ussian ballerina, *atasha Fallenover /*at to her friends" &0 so she1s a bass2baritone" *obody1s $erfect"" 3hat they say44" Christopher Bruce, %oyal 5allet director6 I very uch loo! forward to hearing what you have been doing to the $oor old sugar $lu fairy Contender Entertainment Group It is clearly a very original idea with lots of co edy ele ents" I do thin! there is lots of $ro ise here" Tobar td! )his is a very entertaining conce$t "atthe# Bourne, ballet director6 )he rendition of Hairy Fairy brought a use ent" The "usic $o%ution td" 3e thought it e7tre ely funny and very $rofessional"
Russell Thompson London Coordinator Apples and Snakes


Thanks for getting in touch. Im just listening to your Hairy Fairy on outu!e. "ery good. #o you perform li$e %that !eing our &S'() NOT LIKELY ! DR Hear the song performed by Natasha Google Natasha Fallenover and read her 17 blogs recounting her daily doings Created by on !ead West Bridgford Nottingham " #$%%$&N '(&'%( )$*$+ , -,%%(+ '(!F&!#,NC( ,NN.,%%/. +H(!( $* +H( C #,!0(+.

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