Gov Essay Liberal Vs Conservative

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Jenina Santoni Mr. Hawkins Gov. Period 1 January 28, 2014 Liberal vs.

Conservative In American politics today, the terms conservative and liberal are used to distinguish what each and every person believes in. The rights, the wrongs, the whose, the whats, the whens and the hows. Both sides fight for their individualistic ideologies as a whole. Each side represents what they think would form a better union. The question of the matter is, whose side am I onis there a side at all; why do I believe what I believe? Traditional American values once defined America. Stemming from biblical teachings, conservatives, also known as republicans believe in personal responsibility, limited government, fiscal issues, individual liberty and a strong worldly defense. According to Chanpreet Singh, in his article titled Liberal vs. Conservative, what do they have in common, it states Conservatives felt that the role of government was to provide the freedom necessary to peruse their own goals. Conservative policies generally emphasize authorization of each person to solve its own problems. Historians, such as Gregory Schneider, and many other distinguished individuals had a conservative outlook on life. The Americans had one universal idea on how they wanted the United States to be ruled. But since then, human rights and equality for all has become more important than the true American way of living.

The ultimate liberal ideology is the government should aid us wherever we see fit. Liberals, (democrats) feel as though the government should help solve everyones problems other than them helping themselves. Liberalism is all about constant change. They keep the freedoms of expression before anything else. When comparing conservative and liberal, the conservative makes it each persons responsibility for themselves, unlike the liberals wishing for equality. Through the years, it became more about the individual than America as a whole. In the Constitution, it states each person has the right to the pursuit of happiness, but since when did it go from you have the right to find your own happiness to the expectation of the government handing it to you on a silver platter. Everybodys upbringing shapes their personal development, which then has an effect on their moral views; ultimately constructing their political outlook on life. While growing up, my parents never talked about politics. They only shared what The Bible taught and how they were related. Other than hearing about what views my parents had, I was left on my own to make my decision. Because of being raised a Christian, I already had some morals finalized. I was able to define my interpretation of what is right and what is wrong all leading up to my survey results consisting of, 75% conservative view and 25% liberal view. From these results, I have realized that there is and never will be a definitive side of the argument. Times have changed and so have traditions. Theres a lot more choices and free-thinking, thus we create our own ideas on how the government should be ran, but not everyone can be pleased, hence why voting was created. Like myself, most people are somewhere in the middle of republican views and democratic views. In the end, it is all subjective. Whether youre white, black, a boy or girl, Christian or Atheist and even conservative or liberal, we all want the same thing. Although we are never going to stop being compared, we can

push aside the labels we give ourselves and live our own lives how we want to. Opposing views should not separate America as a whole, so why let it?

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