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0btain a piofessional inteinship at the Walt Bisney Company in which I can maximize the use of my
management, maiketing anu communications skills.
Web Des|gn & Market|ng Intern, 1own of Surfs|de 8each September 2009-resent
Responsible foi uaily maintenance of the town website anu social meuia accounts, ueveloping anu publishing
flyeis foi town events, composing a quaiteily newslettei anu assists the Recieation Biiectoi piepaie foi town
sponsoieu events.
Vo|unteer, Ioster|ng nope Iune 200S-resent
Assist in oiganizing inventoiy at the stoiefiont anu helps with the set up anu opeiation of special events.
Student 8ody res|dent, St. Iames n|gh Schoo| Iune 2009-Iune 2010
Responsible foi ueveloping anu planning school-wiue events, speaking at school events, leauing anu
managing membeis of stuuent council, anu attenueu school uevelopment meetings with community & school
nostess]Server, La V|||a Ita||an kestaurant Iune 2008-November 2009
Responsible foi seating pations, assisting in seiving anu making guests feel welcome anu comfoitable.
8anquets Server, Sheraton Myrt|e 8each Convent|on Center note| Iune 2007-August 2007
Assisteu with the piopei anu timely set-up anu execution of banquet events. Seive uuiing the banquet events,
while inteiacting anu seiving guests in a fiienuly anu efficient mannei.
Coasta| Caro||na Un|vers|ty, Conway, SC August 2010-May 2014
Bacheloi of Science in Business Auministiation in Nanagement. Nay 2u14
Bacheloi of Science in Business Auministiation in Naiketing, Nay 2u14
! Coastal Scholai Awaiu, 2u1u-2u14
! SC LIFE Scholaiship iecipient, 2u1u-2u14
! NcBonalu's Leaueiship Scholaiship Recipient, 2u1u
! Bean's List, 2u1u
! Baughteis of the Ameiican Revolution Awaiu foi uoou Citizenship, 2u1u
! Woouman of the Woilu Awaiu foi "0utstanuing Pioficiency in Ameiican Bistoiy", 2uu9
0ffice Skills: Copy, Scan, File, Fax, Phone
Computei: Niciosoft Excel, Niciosoft 0utlook, Niciosoft PoweiPoint, Niciosoft Publishei, Niciosoft
Woiu, uoogle Analytics, Bieamweavei CS4 anu CS6, Bootsuite
0thei: Event PlanningNanagement, Naiketing Communications, Social Neuia Nanagement,
Newslettei Bevelopment



1. Nis. Nicki Fellnei
Town Auministiatoi
Town of Suifsiue Beach
11S BWY 17 Noith
Suifsiue Beach, SC 29S7S
(84S) 91S-6111

2. Ni. Alan Stein
Boaiu Piesiuent
Fosteiing Bope
41u Cheiiy Biive
Suifsiue Beach, SC 29S7S
(84S) 687-S274

S. Bi. Ailise NcKinney
Assistant Piofessoi of Nanagement
Coastal Caiolina 0niveisity
Conway, SC 29S28
(84S) S49-2S9u

4. Ni. }oe Bowling
Retiieu Piincipal
Boiiy County Schools
S17 Bay Biive Ext.
Nuiiells inlet, SC 29S76
(84S) S47-8u74

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