Acceptable Use Policies For Students

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Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for Students 1. I will use the technology for academic purposes only. 2.

I will use the technology during appropriate and designated times. 3. I will evaluate the resources I am using to make sure it is the best use of research. 4. I will use trusted sites and sources. 5. I will be an outstanding citizen of the digital community by respecting and protecting myself, others, and property. 6. I will handle all devices with the utmost care and use the equipment as instructed. 7. I will check my work before printing. 8. I understand that using the technology is a privilege that can be revoked if I abuse my opportunities with the technology.

I, __(PRINT STUDENT NAME)____________, acknowledge, understand, and agree to uphold the Acceptable Use Policy stated. Student signature: _______________________________ Faculty signature: _______________________________ Date:_____________________ Date:_____________________

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