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No t e b o o k: Cre at e d : URL: Forensics 2/13/2014 9:49 AM file:/// Up d at e d : 2/13/2014 10:42 AM

Introduction Some general talk on the topic, why the question is importnt Nowadays as world population goes up exponentially and public educational systems are being questioned all around the world, the question whether caring for the home and children should be paid is becoming more and more urgent Present the team and state our position Our team believes that housework should be paid. Define the words 'housewives' - for the purpose of this debate we assume that 'housewives' contains and represents both females and males that care daily for their own home and children 'work' - all activities directly or indirectly connected with the maintanence of the home, supporting the family (cook food, wash dishes, do the laundry) and educating kids Restate the topic using our definitions We believe that men and women that work for the maintenance of their home, family and educating their kids should be paid. Argument 1 - it is work and you would pay somebody else to do it work around your home is work and often harder and longer hours than office workers help fight unemployment parent could be payed less than if worked because expenses are less (no commuting, expenses for childcare and cleaning services) Argument 2 - better for children development parents not work - care for children in the same time have money financed by government; money they pay schools negative (ex. BG), parents too busy, will solve demographic problems also care for elderly Argument 3 Sum up Present the topic and the problem again Sum up all the arguments, may mention some major examples Restate our position Say thank you ;)

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